quistion about cops watching me?

Phahah that's so funny!!! I just shit my pants O- WANT I THINK THE COP'S ARE HERE? I Bet half of the lower life ass holes in here making fun of a question are aloud to grow and dont have a damn thing to lose like the ppl that have job's and grow dope to support there family. The plants are savtia not indica. Those are 5,1/2 ft plants in a 8 ft , flowering for almost 16 WEEKS! U spend 26 week's on your plants!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
If I spent 26 weeks on those things I would not be happy @ all.

I see one nice cola in that pic although it is rather unfocused and hard to see. Either way they look less than impressive to me.

Sorry if the truth hurts.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Those plants look fucked up if i grew that i would call the cops on myself! Since u apparently have everything to lose u shuld do things right. And that starts with your temps how fucken hot does it get in their 100 degrees. O and by the way your big ass plants are not gunna yield to much you may not even get back the money u used on energy. O and also if its all about money grow indica sativas take a shitload of time and with your grow room conditions I'd say less time is better...good luck with your tree hope it heals fast!


Well-Known Member
repaint your walls, spend more time taking care of your plants. they look really droopy. use a better light blocker than a sheet on the window. cardboard works great and panda film.

as far as the coppers. if they are investigating you, they would NOT want you to wise of their activities. and activities of cutting down a branch that you would clearly notice is something the would NOT do. they you would be tipped off, and they wouldn't have a case against you as you would get rid of all illegal activities going on inside your house.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. Wow. I honestly feel sorry for some people.

Fwiw, I hate seeing threads where everyone is jumping on someone who obviously is having problems. There are better ways to get someone's attention without making them feel 2 inches tall.

Now, having said that, OP- you definitely are having problems. Firstly, everyone is being an asshole about it, but you are definitely being paranoid. I'm sure whoever cut it down did it intentionally, as it sounds like it was a big branch, close to the house, that was blocking a lot. But unless you have a glass front door and your plants right in front of it, that wouldn't do them any good. Are you selling out of your house? How many grows do you have under your belt?

Which leads me to my next point...and again, people are kind of being rough with this one, and I understand you getting passed BC plants are a point of pride. When someone says they look good, it feels good. When they say that they look like shit, it hurts. But sometimes its better to hear someone elses point of view, and try and see how you can benefit from it.

Bottom line, there are a lot of things you can be doing to help those plants. ESPECIALLY if you are doing this to support a family-you need to try and think of anything and everything that you can be doing to maximize yield, and maximize profit. I understand that those plants are sativas, but 4 months of flowering is just crazy. If you're a connoisseur, growing a full-blooded haze, then sure. But as a businessman, trying to make some cheddar--not a good idea. You could be running some indicas, and have twice the yield in half the time.

I see you have some LST going on (no one laugh. Okay, that was mean I shouldn't have said that). Seriously tho, that string on the wall? I can tell its there to help support the weight of the plants, and sativas are tall and lanky, but there are other things you can do to lake the branches strong, and the plant less lanky.

How high do you keep your light? You might also be better off next time by starting in a smaller space, where you can get the light close to them and get some nice, tight internodal growth. Keeping the plants from stretching will keep you from having a plant with buds on only the top half of it, and just 3 feet of stalks underneath.

I'm certainly not a pro, and I'be only begun to scratch the surface for things you could do to help your grow. If you are trying to make some money, then be smart about it. (That's the reason you're growing, right? Work smart instead of work hard). Do some research--its all out there. With the lights you have available, and the space (looks like a whole room) you should be pulling 4 pounds off of each harvest no problem. Its all just a matter of getting that grow dialed in.

And lastly--dude, if you're gonna be paranoid about growing, then don't waste your time with a mediocre grow. Its easy being paranoid when you're growing (and especially when you're smoking), and so if you are going to get paranoid, make sure that whatever it is your are paranoid over is worth it.

Good luck bro, I know with a family it can be hard finding the time to put in the work ton get it done right. But do yourself a favor, and take some time out of every few days to just READ. Use Google, buy a grow book, scour the internet--whatever is easiest. But learning about what you are doing is going to help you more than anything.

And BTW, you were kind of asking to get harassed on this one. You did title it "trolls only" lol.


Well-Known Member
First thing I would do is build a Alu. mesh cage around your smart meter

When you notice the meter reader rips it off every other month you know you have it right


New Member
First thing I would do is build a Alu. mesh cage around your smart meter

When you notice the meter reader rips it off every other month you know you have it right
Haha I heard they just basically do a drive-by and zap everyone's meter now with these new meters. Makes sense for them, probably saves a ton of man hours.

Maybe the power company hacked the limb so they could zap your meter from their car ... They notified the landlord a month ago (or 6), who didn't really care and consented without much thought ... So now a month or six later you ask if he hacked the tree ... He forgets all about the letter from the power company and says it wasn't him. Plausible?


Active Member
I feel you on the guys in here jumping on you are probably legal users with a "medical" condition. They don't know what the paranoia is all about. I have got rid of many a grow at the drop of a hat in fits of un reasonable paranoia. I am slowly learning, as each time passes and I don't get raided, ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Don't sweat it man ,if you have kept your lips sealed and you can't smell it outside your house your golden. Power companies are providing for hundreds of thousands of people, your bill will not register. Maybe a huge ass factory grow might. The tree thing is a non issue, it really shows how much the paranoia has got to you. Just sit tight and you will be fine. My best advice to you is to grow a fast strain. You could go with northern lights for a 50-55 day flowering and it will grow great weed in adverse conditions fast, and if your set on sativa , Cinderella 99 finishes in the same time frame and is one of the top sats. You really don't need to be messin with 16 weekers in your situation.


Well-Known Member
These are some of the lights if u can see them shining on my savtia
You ever hear of a hood or a reflective bat wing ud get more light on ur plants lol...I run a 1000 watter for 18 hours a day and a 400hps for 20 hours plus fans and shit im at about 1600 for my room in an apartment...plus my ac is on almost constantly...got my electric bill today it is 104$ I used 1928 kwh but my electric is only 5.11 cents...I live across the street from a polive station bro...but im legal so stop trippin


Well-Known Member
i think the police have way more sophisticated ways of monitoring you than cutting off tree branches. relax. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I feel you on the guys in here jumping on you are probably legal users with a "medical" condition. They don't know what the paranoia is all about. I have got rid of many a grow at the drop of a hat in fits of un reasonable paranoia. I am slowly learning, as each time passes and I don't get raided, ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Don't sweat it man ,if you have kept your lips sealed and you can't smell it outside your house your golden. Power companies are providing for hundreds of thousands of people, your bill will not register. Maybe a huge ass factory grow might. The tree thing is a non issue, it really shows how much the paranoia has got to you. Just sit tight and you will be fine. My best advice to you is to grow a fast strain. You could go with northern lights for a 50-55 day flowering and it will grow great weed in adverse conditions fast, and if your set on sativa , Cinderella 99 finishes in the same time frame and is one of the top sats. You really don't need to be messin with 16 weekers in your situation.

I agree with everything you said except about the power company , Those smart meters realy suck - SEROUSLY if you have one read up on them at the very least

A little parnoia is a healthy thing if your doing something you can be sent to prison for

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Did anymore limbs get hacked off??? This is a 5 star thread very entertaining!! Did the tree pull threw??will their be bomb ass peaches next year? This fucken thread has me at the edge of my seat!

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
Its not the police, If they wanted to, they would perform a knock and talk. It is what it sounds like, "hey how are you , can we come in and see if your up to any illegal activities ? They would not cut tree limbs down to view an address on your house , trust me they have your address already. The whole permission from a landlord for a utilitie company sounds way more plasuable , or the some one could have wanted a clone. There are a million things that could have happened to your tree branch, The law enforcement taking it down theroy


Well-Known Member
If the cops were suspecting you of growing, cutting a branch wouldn't be what they would do. I understand paranoia and I suspect that's what's going on.

One theory.......Fire departments often go around and make house numbers more visible to aid them in case of an emergency.


Well-Known Member
If you that freaked out about anything, it's time to stop growing.

If you have your shit under control there's nothing to fret about.