Putting the flower room into overdrive. 1110 Watts quantum boards + 2000 Watts HPS

2 Blue dream's and a maui waui are the big girls. The rest are the runts that just came out of the cloner the other day. All are growing for the next flower cycle. T minus 7 weeks to showtime. Bush dam you! Bush! :)

Nursery under the 2 110w quantum boards happy as can be:
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Nursery B under the COB:
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Plants look great.. How's that honeywell work being hung like that? Move the air well still?
Plants look great.. How's that honeywell work being hung like that? Move the air well still?
Thanks man. It was a lot of work setting everything up. Yes, it does a great job of moving the air. Honeywell really makes great stuff. You can't go wrong with any of their products. I will say home depot has some really great $15 no name fans they carry in the spring / summer. I was pretty shocked by the performance when I bought one on impulse last spring. I always take the housing off because it's easier to hang and point it in the direction I want. I started using these after several years of disappointment using clip on fans that just didn't last and didn't push much air.
Thanks man. It was a lot of work setting everything up. Yes, it does a great job of moving the air. Honeywell really makes great stuff. You can't go wrong with any of their products. I will say home depot has some really great $15 no name fans they carry in the spring / summer. I was pretty shocked by the performance when I bought one on impulse last spring. I always take the housing off because it's easier to hang and point it in the direction I want. I started using these after several years of disappointment using clip on fans that just didn't last and didn't push much air.
Agreed. I used one I left on the base that I zip tied to a pvc platform that worked ok but limited to where it could be but your way makes that a non-issue. Keep up the good work, your space makes me interested in trying hydro in at least one pot, hempy seems to be the easiest way down that path.
Up-diggity-date baby:
Today was a monster day for tasks in the garden. I have been very dissatisfied where I mounted my quantum boards in the flower room. They were way too close to my 1000W hoods. I tilted the boards to at a 45 degree angle in an attempt to spread the light further towards the wall, but it produced poor results and didn't resolve the issue it was meant to resolve. Today I decided to say fuck it - I'm moving the got-dam lights. In the dark with plants packed in wall to wall I had to reset 8 anchor points on the ceiling of my flower room and then move 2 quantum boards without wrecking my plants or damaging the boards. It was not fun. It was not easy. It is done. I should have more carefully inspected my placement of the lights before the plants were moved in and I did not. The result looks fantastic! The light spread is beautiful now. I increased the distance between the LED boards and the 1000W hoods by double. I'd say about 5' at this point. That heavy 660W 6 panel quantum board was a motherfucker to move. Slowly and very carefully I got 'er done. I did some extensive staking and branch support today. I'm entering week 4 of flower, and this is the point that flower set is occurring heavily and the branches begin weighing down fucking up the canopy. I staked and supported all of the branches creating a beautiful canopy that's properly supported to complete the rest of the flower cycle without issue. I extensively tied down all of my vegging clones in the nurseries, and I moved the Geyapex COB light out of my 5'x5' nursery and into my 4'x4' nursery. I installed my 8 lamp 4' T5 in nursery B to replace the Geyapex COB light. I moved all of the big plants into nursery A and all of the small plants into nursery B. It's just easier that way to maintain an even canopy and even light distribution to all the ladies.

Nursery B under the T5:

Nursery A under the two 110W quantum boards:

Maui Waui ReVEG: Little buds are starting to break apart. Should produce a monster bush over the next 5-6 weeks before entering the flower room.

Ghost Train Haze #1 x Moonshine Haze #1
Continued: Blue Dream under the Geyapex in the 4'x4' nursery

Flower room:

This big bitch encompassing the entire center and right of the following picture is Jager. Fucking monster plant. She is now drinking 1.5 gallon twice per day. I wasn't sure why I was having problems with her, and another well respected member suggested I may wind up watering twice per day due to her size. This was maybe 4 weeks ago just before I entered flower. I've been looking at leaf symptom pictures and busting my balls trying to figure this problem out. Today I figured it out. The flower room is watered every other day. This works for every plant except Jager. She's the biggest plant I've ever grown. It's all in her genetics. Not any skill I possess. I began watering her every day. That was not good enough. The problem persisted. Not as bad, but something still wasn't right. It needs water twice per day just as I was advised 4 weeks ago. The poor girl was simply starving for nutrition, hydration, and to top it all of because of the 45 degree angle I mounted the 660W board at the big fan you see in the right of the picture was blasting air off the board onto the tops causing leaf claw. Now that the board has been moved and mounted flat the wind no longer bounces off the board and onto the tops. I will water in the morning and evening daily moving forward as she works to fill out all of those many colas. I've been chasing my tail for the last 2 weeks trying to figure out the problem as conditions have worsened, and I was given the answer over 4 weeks ago. It just goes to show even when we are given sound accurate advice we humans still fucker things all to hell :) Compiments to @Renfro for steering me straight.


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Update: One of my older timers jumped time and kicked a 1000w lamp on about 2 hours early for 3 days in a row before I caught it. I threw out the timer and replaced it. I'll be installing a 50 amp 8 receptacle light timer on a dedicated double pole 50 amp circuit with 6 gauge wire after I harvest and clear the room. All in it'll run me about $150-$160 for supplies and it'll be well worth it. Having all these different timers to control 1 lighting system is a little bananas. Jager is taking water twice per day now. I did a heavy leaf strip to open up some lighting to flower sites and the ladies are entering week 5 of flower. I expect the black widows and haze to go a full 10 weeks, so they won't be chopped until dam near after the new year. Everything else will be chopped at about 9 weeks. 63-67 days seems to be the sweet spot for most strains I've grown. Black widow definitely needed more time than I gave her last cycle, so this time I'm going to make sure she has all the time she needs. I want to see what her full potential is. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Edit: Instead of a 240v double pole 50 amp circuit I'll be doing a 120v single pole 50 amp circuit. Neither of my quantum boards will operate on 240v and I suspect one of my cheap 600w HID ballasts is 120v only also. I'll never be adding any additional lights to the room so the 50 amp single pole will be plenty of power for my needs. My lights are drawing 3200 in HID + 1110 LED for a total of 4310 watts. 4310/120=35.91 amps. No need for 240v at all. I'll get an 8 receptacle controller so I can plug in the big fan that blows over the canopy. That will leave me with 1 extra receptacle for god knows what in the future. I'm pretty stoked. This whole timer problem really upset my happy operation here. No worries. I'm on it :)
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Update: I spent literally 9 hours today and yesterday in the flower room and nurseries leaf stripping and supporting branches that are growing heavy under the weight of flower development. For the most part it's just watering for the next 4-5 weeks to harvest. Flowers are fattening up daily and the room is producing a pungent aroma. Pineapple express is proving to be a surprising front runner. I really didn't expect a good performance from it considering how slowly it grew in veg, but the flower development is fantastic. The flowers are filling out the whole stem top to bottom. Only certain strains do that. Beautiful sight to see :)


The monster otherwise known as Jager:

Fucker got so big I had to bend this branch down under the fan. Ridiculous plant it is.
Maui Waui reveg. Flower sites are starting to break apart and dissipate.

Nursery B:

Nursery A: Blue Dream 3 or 4 days after heavy leaf strip and topping.
Maui Waui after heavy leaf strip and topping 3-4 days ago:
Blue Dream after heavy leaf strip and topping 3-4 days ago:
The room seems to be in full ass-kicking gear. I'm pretty interested about the Jager. Would like to get some smoke report haha :D
Nursery A & B updates:

Maui waui re-VEG: Finally spitting out new foliage. Evened the canopy today. Did some staking and tie down.

That sexy bitch in the rear right is my maui waui that I have topped and extensively defoliated. I'll do one more topping and defoliation before she enters flower.
Blue dream after extensive topping and defoliation. Recovery is underway and tons of flower sites are being produced.
Blue dream after extensive topping and defoliation. Recovery underway. Lush and beautiful.
Maui re-VEG. This plant was too much of a little bitch to finish flowering with the other big girls. I had her in the flower room for 2 weeks and yanked it out when I determined it was going to produce a lackluster yield. I decided it would be far more productive to re-VEG it then flower it on the next cycle. Typically re-VEG plants are very heavy producers. I'm psyched.
The whole tamale Nursery A:
I spent about 7 hours in the flower room yesterday staking Jager and performing some heavy garden maintenance. Week 5 of flower and Jager is taking me to task. It is the most unholy cocksucker of a plant I have ever grown. The only saving grace is it should yield at least 1# all by itself. I'll snap pictures tonight. The 2 black widow's are the only plants that required no staking. I think I'm going to fill 1/2 the room with black widow next clone cycle. It's a magnificent strain. Huge thick colas. Pungent sour aromas with layers of complexity that satisfy the nose with utter confusion. Ghost train is a front runner also. It so far reminds me of gg#4. Rock hard dense flowers with a sour pungent skunky aroma. Exactly what I've come to expect of a solid sativa dominant strain. Definitely a keeper.

Blue dream bushing out

Maui waui:

Maui waui re-VEG

The whole gang:
I know the pictures look terrible under the orange HPS. I'll snap some dark pictures 5 minutes before lights on tonight.



3 weeks to go on the 9 week strains. 4 weeks to go on the 10 week strains. The bud shot is pineapple express. Lovely plant. Large colas.
I didn't get a chance to take photos just before lights on today, but I raised the camera above the hoods to reduce the orange. I'll snap some pics tomorrow before lights on.


After tying branches and turning myself into a sticky mess of terribleness I laid down on the floor of the flower room and looked up. Thought it would make a pretty cool picture. This is under Jager. As you can tell there isn't hardly a stitch of light passing through her branches. She's an absolute monster of a plant. Tentacles everywhere.

Under the HID's beneath ghost train and maui: Much more sparse than Jager as you can see.

More fucking Jager. I bitch a lot about this plant, but she's going to be an incredible yielding lady.
Update: Hash making day today!
I've had about 10 ounces of trim from my last harvest sitting around for a month and a half now, and I thought today would be a good day to process it all in preparation for making my 200 proof alcohol tincture in my new magic butter machine. I use the 220 micron work bag to work the material in within my 30 gallon trash can. Then I drain the water through 2 tap valves at the base of the trash can via hoses into my 5 gallon sieve bucket with 3 sieve bags. 160, 120, and 73. All others are not needed for filtration. The 220 bag has been used for working the material, but the mesh is only on one small portion of the bag. I still pulled almost 90 grams after pressing the moisture out. I suspect it'll dry up to around 40 or so grams. That should make a very high octane tincture :) I'm ordering a 220 micron work bag with mesh on all sides to extract more hash out of each wash. I meant to do it on the last extraction and I forgot. It should make a considerable difference. While I was working the material I had my gallon of 200 proof alcohol on the table. It shook off the table and busted the cap. I didn't notice it until I was done making the hash. The little foil piece held the liquid in the container. I saw that and just said to myself, "un-fucking-believable." It's confidence inspiring to know my 2% milk container is more secure than a gallon of 200 proof highly flammable grain alcohol. I'm re-bottling it into a washed and cleaned milk jug. Operator error on my part, but a giant what the fuck to the manufacturer. The other vendor was almost $40 more for a gallon. Something tells me their packaging is more secure.


Ready for high octane tincture making. Just gotta wait a couple days to dry the hash. I'll decarb it then run an 8 hour tincture batch in the magic butter machine. I plan to use all of the hash for tincture.
My heart almost fell through my asshole when I saw this.


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Interesting that you first process to hash then to alcohol. I just let the material (keep in mind I did h2o2 wash before hanging to dry) soak in alcohol in the freezer in half liter jars for two weeks after decarbing 40min at 225f. I don't heat it at all and it works great (I pour alcohol to the top of the material and add frozen peppermint from the garden for the drink portion) then after two weeks either dilute it with another spirit to make into drink or double boil until the alcohol has evaporated.

I can see the benefits of your system being that it is waaaaaaaaaaay less stinky to decarb than a shitload of plant material and also you are having taste from only the trichomes and not getting any plant taste. Does this mean it comes out more clear or does it turn dark green for you? Also is your butter machine converting more because I figure I'm converting around 80% or less depending on the strength of spirit. How are you decarboxylating the hash? Just into the process in the butter machine?
Oh I gotchya. Yes. I used this foam paneling called Foamular at home depot. 4'x8'x1/2" thick for $12.97 each panel. I drive a compact car. Had to buy a $10 husky insulation knife. I laid it out in front of the store and cut it up into more managable pieces. I got more than a few chuckles from the fellas walking by me who clearly knew the problem I was facing as they all hopped into their pickup trucks. I can't say enough good things about this material. Thick, cheap, and oh so easy to work witg. I'm lining my whole grow room floor with these panels before wenter when my next flower cycle ends. It will very nicely insulate the floor and for under $50 to cover the whole room. Love this foamular.
I used foam 3/4" exercise tiles for my floor, they piece together like puzzles..I originally got them to help soundproof a studio room. Prolly would have been slightly cheaper to do foamular.
Interesting that you first process to hash then to alcohol. I just let the material (keep in mind I did h2o2 wash before hanging to dry) soak in alcohol in the freezer in half liter jars for two weeks after decarbing 40min at 225f. I don't heat it at all and it works great (I pour alcohol to the top of the material and add frozen peppermint from the garden for the drink portion) then after two weeks either dilute it with another spirit to make into drink or double boil until the alcohol has evaporated.

I can see the benefits of your system being that it is waaaaaaaaaaay less stinky to decarb than a shitload of plant material and also you are having taste from only the trichomes and not getting any plant taste. Does this mean it comes out more clear or does it turn dark green for you? Also is your butter machine converting more because I figure I'm converting around 80% or less depending on the strength of spirit. How are you decarboxylating the hash? Just into the process in the butter machine?
Wow I never even considered infusing the extract with something like peppermint. That's a fantastic idea! So the reason I wanted to run the alcohol extract with hash instead of flower or trim is because of the experience I had with MCT oil last week. I ran 19 grams of bud and around 20 grams of trim. The resulting oil is strong, but very green. I literally burped chlorophyll which is about as enjoyable as it sounds. Got a small tummy ache too. Basically the extract would have been the tits if not for the overwhelming amount of chlorophyll present. I figured I'd separate the psychoactive material from the plant matter completely omitting the chlorophyll from the equation while ensuring the extract is very potent. This will be my first time making the alcohol extract. It'll also be my first time using hash to make any type of extract. I'm pretty excited, because the potency of the oil turned out amazing. I take 1 oz every day and greatly enjoy the effects. I just don't like the chlorophyll. The hash won't be fully dry until Friday, so I'll decarb it then and run the extract on Saturday. I should be able to report back results in the evening. I'm going to do some reading on reddit to see what other people have done. There's a lot of great information sharing on the platform regarding extract preparation. I will decarb the hash in the oven in a pyrex container with a double seal of aluminum foil baked @ 250 for 45 minutes. I expect the hash alcohol tincture to turn out very clear with a tinge of amber. No green at all. The hash I'm using is all high quality blonde goodness. I don't mind the cannabis taste in my extracts. I just don't like tummy aches :)
I used foam 3/4" exercise tiles for my floor, they piece together like puzzles..I originally got them to help soundproof a studio room. Prolly would have been slightly cheaper to do foamular.
I have a feeling the exercise tiles interlocking together was a better route for flooring. A bit more expensive, but more stable with less shifting. Trying to get the floor tight with the foamular might get a little tricky buttoning up the edge for a "tight" fit. I'd curse my way through that one for sure. Did you have to trim the tiles much to fit?
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I feel you. With my tinctures, if I add it to a cola for instance, it changes it to a cloudy amber color but this is both cured and decarbed. You can infuse all sorts of things but this drink tastes like a minty Jäger.
Wow I never even considered infusing the extract with something like peppermint. That's a fantastic idea! So the reason I wanted to run the alcohol extract with hash instead of flower or trim is because of the experience I had with MCT oil last week. I ran 19 grams of bud and around 20 grams of trim. The resulting oil is strong, but very green. I literally burped chlorophyll which is about as enjoyable as it sounds. Got a small tummy ache too. Basically the extract would have been the tits if not for the overwhelming amount of chlorophyll present. I figured I'd separate the psychoactive material from the plant matter completely omitting the chlorophyll from the equation while ensuring the extract is very potent. This will be my first time making the alcohol extract. It'll also be my first time using hash to make any type of extract. I'm pretty excited, because the potency of the oil turned out amazing. I take 1 oz every day and greatly enjoy the effects. I just don't like the chlorophyll. The hash won't be fully dry until Friday, so I'll decarb it then and run the extract on Saturday. I should be able to report back results in the evening. I'm going to do some reading on reddit to see what other people have done. There's a lot of great information sharing on the platform regarding extract preparation. I will decarb the hash in the oven in a pyrex container with a double seal of aluminum foil baked @ 250 for 45 minutes. I expect the hash alcohol tincture to turn out very clear with a tinge of amber. No green at all. The hash I'm using is all high quality blonde goodness. I don't mind the cannabis taste in my extracts. I just don't like tummy aches :)