Putting the flower room into overdrive. 1110 Watts quantum boards + 2000 Watts HPS

Time to suck the day's dick boys. Did some reorganization in the nurseries. It's getting very tight. Merged the big ladies and merged the little ladies together separately. Day after tomorrow I will be combining 2 clones into a single 5 gallon bucket because they're so small. 2 smaller clones combined within the same bucket will essentially create 1 larger plant which I've done before many times. Tomorrow I will be prepping for the transplant to make it a smooth process. Here's some pics of the nurseries today. I cranked up the 450w Q board to full power and it's doing great. It seems like once the plants acclimate to the intensity of the light they can then take the full power light without an issue. It took about 2 weeks to acclimate them to the point I could operate the light at full power. It's no different than HID lighting in a flower room. If I toss plants under my HID lights at full power after they've spent their whole life under T5's the foliage will not respond positively due to the shock the plants experience. I always have to reduce power for the first week or so and then increase to full power without issue.

Here are some nursery pics. I'll follow up with flower room pics today. I've also got to spray the venerate CG again today. Work never ends :)




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Flower room update. All is well. Buds fattening up and frosting over everywhere. Spraying venerage CG tonight @ max strength again to control the mite population. About 21 days to go until the chop. I snapped pictures about 5 minutes before lights on. 20200914_163829.jpg20200914_163839.jpg20200914_163846.jpg20200914_163851.jpg20200914_163858.jpg20200914_163912.jpg20200914_163921.jpg20200914_163928.jpg20200914_163937.jpg
I began flushing the hash plant ladies today with plain water. Chopping them all next monday. It's a fast finishing strain at 49-53 days and they're perfectly ripe. I'll snap some fresh pics tomorrow before lights on. The maui's and the 1 black widow will need 1 more week than the hash plant's. They still have lots of white hairs on top of the flowers. They are dense and rock hard. Just not ripe yet. I'll begin flushing the maui's and black widow next monday and they'll be chopped the following monday, so 2 more weeks of ripen time. It should be timed beautifully. I chopped 2 very small hash plant ladies down today. 1 was in a 3 gallon trash can and another was a very small plant in a 5 gallon bucket that was on the edge of the canopy and didn't grow very well. I was going to throw them away at the beginning of this cycle but decided to flower them. Glad I did too. It looks like I'll get a couple ounces off of them. Good dense buds too. I'll snap some shots and post pics tomorrow. With watering duties today has been a very busy and tiring day and I'm pooped.

I emailed Marrone Bio Innovations about Grandevo CG leaving residue on the leaves and I am less than satisfied with their response:

Hi ####,

I left a message earlier. Yes, if you reduce the Grandevo CG rate down to 2 tablespoons/gallon you should get good insect control and have less residue. It isn’t harmful and shouldn’t affect the quality of the flower. Most cannabis growers stop their sprays by week 5 in order to minimize any residue, etc for their finished flower harvested in week 9. So I wouldn’t advise doing anymore spraying since you are 2ish weeks away from harvest. I’ve never heard that Grandevo CG affects the burn of the flower.

If you have any more questions feel free to give me a call or email.
All the best,


It sounds like he's talking out of both sides of his mouth here giving different answers in the same response. No, it doesn't leave residue. No it doesn't affect burn quality. However, I would stop using the product since you're 2 weeks from harvest. Why would I have to stop controlling a mite infestation 2 weeks from harvest if the product doesn't leave any residue? I'm going to email him back and give him a chance to elaborate after I offer my perspective on his answer. I'll post the response. I will be picking up some azamax. I've always had great results with it and I'm not sure why I didn't buy it this time.
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California hash plant


Maui waui

California hash plant under the LED Q board


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I apologize for my lack of updates. The wife and I have began harvesting the hash plant ladies last Sunday. Between her and I both it takes about 10 hours to top shelf trim 2 plants. We basically start around 8-9 AM and trim until 5 or 6 PM with lunch and bathroom breaks. The wife does all the fine detail trimming. I strip the plants of all fan leaves and get the branches as naked as I can with scissors before I clip the branch off. Basically by the time the branch is clipped you're not clipping entire leaves off anymore from the center vein. It's just a haircut from the outside closing in on the flower. Once the branches are removed the wife finishes them off and places finished buds on a large 32 gallon trash can lid. Once it fills I move the buds to one of 2 Hydrofarm STACKIT! drying nets. Sometimes if there's a backup of trimming to do I will hop on and manicure trim with the wife. We've watched fear thy neighbor from season 1 episode 1 all the way through the final episode of the final season. It's entertaining and keeps the mind off the mundane back breaking work of trimming for 10 hours straight. All but 1 of the hash plant ladies have been chopped down, trimmed, and I no longer want to know any of my neighbors :) I'll report the final number when I have it next week. 7 plants left to take down. 5 gigantic maui waui's, 1 black widow, and 1 hash plant that needed a little more ripening time are what remains. This time of year with humidity taking a nose dive the buds are drying in about 4 days. 5 at most. This is the 3rd time I have run hash plant and this is the best it has ever turned out. The plant directly under the 660W LED absolutely performed as well as plants of the same strain under the 1000W HID lamps. The flowers were all rock hard and as dense as I've observed on hash plant out of all 3 flower cycles running it. Quantum LED boards are definitely on the level. I will be removing the 450W spider farmer unit from Nursery B and installing it into the flower room directly next to the 660W 'baba Q board. The Grandevo CG and Venerate CG caused absolutely no problems with flavor or burn quality. Out of 3 total attempts this is the best hash plant has ever turned out. The density and potency has improved noticeably. It was a nice final farewell performance for a strain I have grown to despise :)
Here are some pictures I've taken over the last week from the nurseries and flower room:


Trim drying


Cleared all of the first net already. It dried in about 4 days. Just trim on the bottom. Lots of fucking trim :) Including the trim tier all but 3 tiers were filled on both nets from the hash plant ladies that were harvested.



That big bitch on the front right is Jager. I'm chomping at the bit to empty the flower room, bleach it out, lay out my new 16 MIL 12'x16' tarp, add the 450w Q board you see in the photo below, and move these big bitches in there as soon as I can. I will veg the plants for another 2 weeks to let them bush out a bit more. I will clip clones for the following cycle before the 12/12 flip.

T5 nursery:


25# of calcium nitrate just arrived! The only additional fertilizer I use that is not pictured is Epsom salt. Nothing more other than treating my water with Southern Ag's BFF for sterility.

Blue Dream babies: Transplanting them into hempie buckets next watering.



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Man nice set up
I finally finished all of the electrical work in my flower room, painted the walls, and installed proper light proofing material between the joists. Installed a new door, because I trashed the last one and it would no longer close properly. Revamped my HVAC and cleaned everything up nicely. Lined the floor with 6 MIL plastic sheeting. I would opt for a heavy duty tarp next time. The plastic sheeting tears easier than I thought and was a poor choice as a floor covering. I've never torn a hole in my grow room tarps before, so back to tarps. They are twice the cost, but clearly worth it.

I moved 19 or 20 plants into the flower room under a 660w quantum boad I got from Alibaba with LM301b chips and Mean Well drivers and a 450w quantum board (spider farmer brand). They'll start the 12/12 flower cycle tomorrow and I will then fire up my two 1000W HPS hortilux lamps for a combined total power of 3110 Watts. This is my first time flowering with an LED light. So far I am impressed with the vegetative growth. The nodes are much tighter than what I'm use to seeing in vegetative growth under my T5.

Here are the pics of the 2 lights up and running. The Alibaba unit is significantly more intense than the spider farmer. I plan to add a co2 burner with PPM controller after the next harvest. I estimate that upgrade will cost about $500, but I hear you can increase production by 40%. Hopefully that's true.

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What remains of the flower room before it's bleach, cleaned, and sanitized for the next round beginning Thursday. 1 of the 600W HPS's is powered off. Running on 2600W HPS and 660W LED. I've got some HVAC parts on the way to recycle the hot air from cooling the lights into my basement for the winter. No reason to send nice warm air outside in a freezing cold winter. It will provide a fairly substantial amount of heat in the coldest part of the day at night when the lights run from 5p-5a. I ordered a $50 tarp off of Amazon that's 16MIL thick. I'm using it to cover the floor of the flower room. Spills happen all the time and I bought some 6MIL plastic sheeting that worked terribly. Holes everywhere and spills then leak under the sheeting. 16MIL won't tear under the conditions I'm using it, and should work nicely to blanket the entire floor and 4' up on each wall for thorough protection from water. I busted the curtain rod that holds my black out thick polyester curtain I use to block light between my basement and the entry door to the flower room. You really have no idea how big a fucking pain in the ass it has been. I decided I don't want to deal with this again and went for overkill. $33 1" pole off Amazon ordered. I move in and out of my flower room during lights off with 32 gallon reservoirs, buckets, and whatever else I'm tending to. This curtain will be mounted 2' from the entry door which allows me plenty of wiggle room to move my reservoir into the 2' corridor then close the flower room door comfortably. Presently I have about a 1' corridor which is what caused me to break my current rod. I also have a thick tarp inside of the flower room past the entry door, so there are basically 3 doors that separate my flower room from the basement.

I've got a 6" flange from ACINFINITY on the way from ebay for $15 to hookup the 6" flexible ducting from my air cooled hoods to the 6" hole I'm going to drill in my wall that goes from the flower room to the basement living room. Dope ain't it? On the basement living room side of the flange I'm installing this 6" high flow metal mesh louver. Clean, cheap, and efficient. In the spring when it gets warm again I'll switch it back and dump the heat outside. $652 for the last electric bill. Yowie wowie! :)



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Final day of trimming. Knocking out the last maui waui, hash plant, and the black widow today. Bleaching the room out tomorrow. Laying down the 16MIL thick tarp. Adding a 450W Q board to the flower room to veg the ladies for an additional 2 weeks. I will then keep the 450W board in the flower room to finish the flower cycle @ approximately 4450 watts for the next cycle. My room is now maxed out for lighting. The only final upgrades I will make in the next 6 months are installing the mini split AC unit in preparation for next summer and installing a co2 burner to completely seal the room.

The next flower cycle is going to be really exciting. I've got the following going in:
1 pineapple express
1 critical mass
1 jager
lots of maui waui
1 moonshine haze #1 x ghost train haze #1
1 black widow
3 girl scout cookies

I'll take cuts from all of them before the 12/12 flip. I will determine which of these strains is the best, and then I will run only those strains to maximize output. Blue dream is in the veg chamber about 1' tall now. She will be going into the following flower cycle. Lots of great genetics :)

Last night the few stragglers that remained.

Today cleaning out the room. Finishing tomorrow with 10% bleach wipe down on every single surface to eliminate any mite eggs.

Black widow trimming today:

And the final maui waui:


And the room is naked preparing for the next cycle



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Finally got the tarp laid today. The Jager was too big to fit through the door, so I had to improvise. Hooked S hooks onto the bucket and strung it up to the ceiling with a couple ratchet straps. It worked :) Installing the 450W Q board tomorrow next to the 660W unit. The 2 Q boards will cover the entire rear end of the canopy, and nicely. All in my total wattage for the next flower cycle is:
2x1000W HPS (2000)
2x600W HPS (3200)
1x660W LED (3860)
1x450W LED (4010)

With super lumen setting on HID's +15% output adds 480W for a total of 4490W of flower power.
Electric bill is about $650/month presently. I will be upgrading to 240W in the spring which should reduce my electric bill by $200-$300/month.

$50 on Amazon. And laying it out was a straight up and down bitch. Dam near 3 hours start to finish, but it looks plush and it's thick. The plant saucers slide nice and easy on the floor.

And the finished product. Moving the rest of the ladies in tomorrow. Veg for another 7-10 days then 12/12 flip. The 3 blue dreams on the right are going back in the nursery tomorrow. They're just in the flower room keeping the Jager company :)



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Big day today. Moved 5 or so plants into the flower room because the veg tents were getting too tight. I did a lot of defoliating and branch training with stakes and wax string to spread the plant out. Gigantic pain in the dick, but what can ya do? I mounted the 450W Q board next to the 660W Q board. Looks great and the light footprint with both boards up is fantastic! I only moved 5 or so plants, because I don't want to move anymore lights into the flower room. Too much labor for me. It's easier to just leave the others in the nurseries where they are until it's time to flip to the 12/12 light cycle. In about 10 days after they've all bushed out a bit more I'll move the stragglers in and fire up the HID's @ 75% power for the first 7 days then 100%.

Here are some pictures of today's results after training:

Maui Waui x 4:

3x Maui Waui and 3x Blue Dream:


Ghost Train Haze #1 x Moonshine Haze #1 on the right. Maui Waui on the left:


1x Jager, 2x Girl Scout Cookies, 1x Black widow, 1x Pineapple Express:


Critical Mass:


Pineapple Express:


Girl Scout Cookies:


2 Quantum boards lighting it up like a whore on dollar day :)



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Big day today. Moved 5 or so plants into the flower room because the veg tents were getting too tight. I did a lot of defoliating and branch training with stakes and wax string to spread the plant out. Gigantic pain in the dick, but what can ya do? I mounted the 450W Q board next to the 660W Q board. Looks great and the light footprint with both boards up is fantastic! I only moved 5 or so plants, because I don't want to move anymore lights into the flower room. Too much labor for me. It's easier to just leave the others in the nurseries where they are until it's time to flip to the 12/12 light cycle. In about 10 days after they've all bushed out a bit more I'll move the stragglers in and fire up the HID's @ 75% power for the first 7 days then 100%.

Here are some pictures of today's results after training:

Maui Waui x 4:
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3x Maui Waui and 3x Blue Dream:

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Ghost Train Haze #1 x Moonshine Haze #1 on the right. Maui Waui on the left:

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1x Jager, 2x Girl Scout Cookies, 1x Black widow, 1x Pineapple Express:

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Critical Mass:

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Pineapple Express:

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Girl Scout Cookies:

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2 Quantum boards lighting it up like a whore on dollar day :)

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I had to reduce power on both boards today to 50%. They were shriveling new flower sites due to the intensity. I always run @ 50% in veg, but I thought mounting them higher and illuminating a larger space would work without issue at full power. I was wrong. These quantum boards are no joke. Another 9 days of bushing out and then I'll move the rest of the stragglers in, turn on my HID's, and flip to a 12/12 light cycle.
Just caught up! Looks good man, you seem to be liking those s4000 from spiderfarm? I just picked one up for my 4x4 tent.
I also noticed while reading through you had some issues with a leak this summer and some heat issues back in August. Have you considered picking up some smart devices? I bought 8 smart outlets for my room, this pushes notifications to my phone if my air or water pump stops working, if the lights go out, if my exhaust fan turns off.
I also picked up a push sensor that reads temp+ humidity in my grow room, and has alerts pushed to my phone wherever I am 24/7 if either goes outside my set parameters.
In addition I picked up some leak sensors that sit right on the floor, if they sense water they will push notification alerts to my phone as well.
Definitely brings some piece of mind

I was dissatisfied with the light spread for vegetative growth having both lights mounted parallel. It's too much light for veg, and is a waste of a board in that configuration. Solution? Spread it out:


Now it's got a beautiful spread of light at 50% power. I added 5 more plants if I remember correctly. Spread out and staked the branches to increase light access to lower flower sites. A little defoliating to get light to some of the covered up flower sites. I think I'm going to have wall to wall plants man. I really think I overdid it on this cycle. I still have 6 more plants to add. I'm vegging another 8 days. What can ya do? Run that shit :)

I have to water today. I will clip clones tomorrow for the 35 site cloner tote 2.0 to begin the next veg cycle. I will spray Forbid 4F in 7 days just before the flower flip to protect the plants through the flower cycle. Forbid 4F has a 6 week half life before it metabolizes out of the plant's tissue. Never spray this product in flower. Absolutely never.

I've got the rest of the ladies chilling in the nurseries with some new found spread out space.


Ghost train haze x moonshine haze (the bigg'un) and maui waui (little lady)



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