Nice looking grow and room. I hope to do the same to 1/2 my basement one day when my state catches up with the times.
Interested to see how the high power hps/led combo works out together. I'd be around that wattage if I added led into my setup one day.
Thanks for dropping the cash and doing the testing.
Don't see many journals here running that many watts.
Following along.
Thanks for the kind words .Smoke. So far so good. I was hitting 3# each cycle with gorilla glue and then I dropped down to 2.25-2.5 with hash plant. Genetics are far more important than I thought. I assumed that with proper training any strain could achieve the same yield. It's just not true. It's quite the opposite actually. Some strains in spite of everything you do right will still fuck you on the scale when it's all said and done. I'm being much more selective with my strains moving forward.
This is what I'm rocking right now:
Girl scout cookies
Critical mass
Blue dream (just planted the germinated seeds today)
Jager (don't know much about this one. traded seeds with a friend)
Maui waui
Moonshine Haze #1 x Ghost train Haze #1 (this is my most prized strain and I only have 1 survivor)
I don't really have intentions of keeping all of these strains. It just turns into a harvest logistics nightmare. Some will be done while others are not, and you can't flip the room until the stragglers finish. It's not the end of the world or anything, but it's a big fucking inconvenience let me tell ya. Also, the wife is not a fan of my drying nets hanging out in her laundry room

If I had to bet the keepers will be blue dream, critical mass, GSC, and moonshine. Moonshine I don't think is going to be a heavy producer, but that strain will not be for patients. That's my personal special stash. I'm told it's the strongest strain on earth. We shall see.
Lots of work done today. Wife bitching at me half the day. What else is the wife for eh?
New 6" ducting arrived from amazon today. 1 day shipping. Love me some amazon. Installed and removed the busted former ducting.
I decided to trash the crappy LED lights I got from a friend as a trade for clones. They produce as much heat as they do light. They look like blurlples. Total junk. Instead I installed a 600W metal halide lamp on my phantom II ballast dialed down to 60% to 360 watts. The 8 lamp 4' hydrofarm T5 in my other nursery runs at 320 watts if I remember correctly, so they're pretty darn close in energy consumption. The light output looks almost identical. Never used an HID for veg. Can't really remember why I bought the MH lamps. I'm glad I did though.
600W metal halide burning at 60% power. Air cooled and vented to the outside louver. I topped the girls and tied them all down to form a bush. GSC, critical mass, moonshine, and 1 jager.
And the 2nd nursery with the 8 lamp 4' hydrofarm high output T5. You see that leggy fucking Jager? Not a fan of how much space it's taking up. I fear I may have gotten regular seeds from my friend and there may be a couple males in the mix. 1 Jager has very tight nodes and appears to be growing in a structure that looks female. The 3 others are very leggy with incredibly long branching. It's quite annoying, but as long as they're female I'm happy to have them.
Up close shots:
Critical mass:
Girl scout cookies
Moonshine haze #1 x Ghost train haze #1
I'll snap pics of Jager tomorrow. I forgot.
Almost all 24 maui clones have beautiful white roots. 5 or so clones were taken 4 days after the initial batch. Some that I had taken were very small and poorly chosen. I got tired of looking at the sad little cuttings, so I clipped nicer clones and replaced the small scraggly ones. The stragglers should be rooted in a day or so. I changed the water today and rinsed the res with soap and water. Filled with 950PPM fertilizer and a dose of southern AG biological friendly fungicide. PH to 5.8 as usual. So far BFF is working great as a replacement for 35% H202. I probably apply a bit more than I need to, but still well under the recommended rate of application. 5ML/30 Gallon res does the job just fine. It'll take me nearly a year to burn down a $26 bottle of BFF. Far cheaper than hydro guard or 35% H202. I believe the bottle recommends 1tsp/gallon which is far more than necessary to replicate the concentration of hydro guard. 2 res fills at that rate would kill the whole bottle and be a waste of product. By the way, that empty tote they are sitting in is just a holding container while I change the water in the actual res.