puppet scorecard

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Well-Known Member
For the most part, I just assume that everybody misrepresents themselves online. Not a lot of honesty on da interwebz.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, just talked to him the other day...Isn't he like part of the reason Kevin got banned? Kevin sent him a bunch of gear or something, right?
Dunno what happened in the background but it was my understanding he was banned for being a whinny pathetic cunt.. seemed he had respect from few but his "doggies", as you say, racked up his post count rather rapidly, and would like every post ever posted regardless of what it was about. He was a bit of a queer one.


Well-Known Member
Dunno what happened in the background but it was my understanding he was banned for being a whinny pathetic cunt.. seemed he had respect from few but his "doggies", as you say, racked up his post count rather rapidly, and would like every post ever posted regardless of what it was about. He was a bit of a queer one.
You can say that again. Did he ever manage to pull off a sucessful grow?

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
they let you serve your time in county, right?
Ha! {Insert name of my home county} college, that is. Had to get done with school, so I could get my papers, so I can MAKE some paper! And it's time for me to get back into "The Girls' Room" with The Spouse. Poor plants are crispy like woozles this time :(


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the congrats. And NO, that is BOOTSY COLLINS. Good Lord, what do they teach you kids in school today? *mutters*
haha no Mel that was to ANC. with his evil cousin in disguise comment.
i like bootsy :eyesmoke:
class of '84 so i had George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars. no there's some funk for ya!


Well-Known Member
Haha they are alot alike now that you mention it. rainbow if you're crypt, You should go back to being crypt. :)
Most definitely not.

And he's man enough to just show his face I'm sure. To speak to whom he wishes and tell others to fuck off if they don't like it. Well, I thought so.

He's had other accounts surely, but that's not one of them. That's all I'm saying.

This screwing around has got to stop, seriously. I'm actually less paranoid about smoking outside the local station than about some of the goings on in this forum lately. Makes me not want to invest in anyone ever again. Cynicism presides over my old wolf smilies now. I'm sad.


Well-Known Member
Most definitely not.

And he's man enough to just show his face I'm sure. To speak to whom he wishes and tell others to fuck off if they don't like it. Well, I thought so.

He's had other accounts surely, but that's not one of them. That's all I'm saying.

This screwing around has got to stop, seriously. I'm actually less paranoid about smoking outside the local station than about some of the goings on in this forum lately. Makes me not want to invest in anyone ever again. Cynicism presides over my old wolf smilies now. I'm sad.
Yeah, I can't believe how many accounts I've seen lately that have joined in May2012. But I wouldn't get paranoid about ghosts on a weed forum. Rather just maintain that RIU isn't a critical part of your life, and use it for entertainment purposes primarily. That being said, I hope this shit stops soon.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't believe how many accounts I've seen lately that have joined in May2012. But I wouldn't get paranoid about ghosts on a weed forum. Rather just maintain that RIU isn't a critical part of your life, and use it for entertainment purposes primarily. That being said, I hope this shit stops soon.
I suppose so. But the relationships I've developed with people on here do mean alot to me; you're real people on the other end of the terminal, so it feels just a fucked up as if my next door neighbor confessed to fraud or something. Perhaps I should just calm the fuck down and not get worked up over people thousands of miles away.

Um, I haven't done this in a while but here's a hug by the way *wolfy hug*
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