My Month of December, Holiday Stress & Triumph!

go re-read my posts, about the 52 year old...AND the original post. you obviously missed quite a bit

trust me, i've thought about what HAPPENED. to the point where I could not sleep worth a shit from sunday the 23rd till wednesday the 26th. now i'm looking FORWARD to what's going to happen NEXT cuz i talked a LOT with my parents and grew closer to them. i'm a forward thinker and my dad's the same way- a very cut and dry, point-blank guy, you don't become chief executive officer of a fortune 500 company by remaining in a perpetual state of misery, thinking about the past and how you hurt people. cuz even my father- boss of all bosses, most disciplined man i've ever known, will tell you all about his tough times of debt and personal loss, but like obama's mantra: FORWARD

"It is what it is...cuz if it wasn't, it wouldn't be" ...repeat till it sinks in. That quote has become my own serenity prayer
go re-read my posts, about the 52 year old...AND the original post. you obviously missed quite a bit

trust me, i've thought about what HAPPENED. to the point where I could not sleep worth a shit from sunday the 23rd till wednesday the 26th. now i'm looking FORWARD to what's going to happen NEXT cuz i talked a LOT with my parents and grew closer to them. i'm a forward thinker and my dad's the same way- a very cut and dry, point-blank guy, you don't become chief executive officer of a fortune 500 company by remaining in a perpetual state of misery, thinking about the past and how you hurt people

"It is what it is...cuz if it wasn't, it wouldn't be" ...repeat till it sinks in

Nevermind. Not the point I was trying to make.

Lay off all the caps man.
if i broke out my parents kitchen window i wouldnt have to worry about self harm.. there would be some serious hard coming my way from my pops.

your parents dont like you.. if you want them to like you, you need to be a big boy. i dont for one second believe that you turned down a job because you didnt want to "leave them hangin". so you lived in a mountain town for a month and just chilled?? you snowboarded twice down a hill wtf? congrats to getting your car on fire, thats a great way to have your parents buy you a new one. what if your parents didnt have the money to help your broke ass? would you still have thrown a tantrum?

you said you make 3 gs a week on the oil rig lol. my dad hasnt made more than 4gs a month in his entire life, supported a family of 5 and never did a damn thing for himself. do you really truly believe your parents should be helping you? or do you feel like a piece of shit for it?

neither of my parents called me for the holidays. they are to busy being miserable hating eachother, trying to make ends meet.

when i think of how much easier life would of been with good parents.. i think about people like you. i could never be a freeloader and call myself a man.

happy holidays budsmoker.
one more thing...what was the triumph of this thread? getting a car that you dont earn? or having a roof, a gym membership, and all your meals paid for?
if i broke out my parents kitchen window i wouldnt have to worry about self harm.. there would be some serious hard coming my way from my pops.

your parents dont like you.. if you want them to like you, you need to be a big boy. i dont for one second believe that you turned down a job because you didnt want to "leave them hangin". so you lived in a mountain town for a month and just chilled?? you snowboarded twice down a hill wtf? congrats to getting your car on fire, thats a great way to have your parents buy you a new one. what if your parents didnt have the money to help your broke ass? would you still have thrown a tantrum?

you said you make 3 gs a week on the oil rig lol. my dad hasnt made more than 4gs a month in his entire life, supported a family of 5 and never did a damn thing for himself. do you really truly believe your parents should be helping you? or do you feel like a piece of shit for it?

neither of my parents called me for the holidays. they are to busy being miserable hating eachother, trying to make ends meet.

when i think of how much easier life would of been with good parents.. i think about people like you. i could never be a freeloader and call myself a man.

happy holidays budsmoker.

nothing you said or assumed about freeloading, or my relationship with MY parents, was accurate. not even remotely close

huge fail. look in the mirror, maybe with your pops
one more thing...what was the triumph of this thread? getting a car that you dont earn? or having a roof, a gym membership, and all your meals paid for?

nope! I'm $8,600 in debt to my dad right now, cuz he just fronted me $5,800 for a car that i just came home with... a 2.5L S60 volvo

you're damn right i'll head back to the rig, make BOMB money and have him paid back in less than a few months

damn, you sound bitter bro. Let me tell you something about life: ups & downs occur. Then again I have more life experiences than most, REGARDLESS of age

The triumphant part was getting on good terms with my parents, recreating a high level of dignity, respect and trust with them...and yes, getting the car I'll need to get back to oil country

nope! I'm $8,600 in debt to my dad right now, cuz he just fronted me $5,800 for a car that i just came home with...

The triumphant part was getting another loan with good terms from my parents, recreating a high level of disappointment...

fixed that for ya. You are 26, yes? Most people, at 18, do not have the luxury of getting an(other) $8,600 loan from the folks, and AFTER breaking their kitchen window. You have been so spoiled you do not even realize what a douchebag you are. I hope you are able to go to work, and make big money. Repay your parents, and NEVER ask of them again. Post up like an adult and do well, THAT is how you earn back their respect and trust. What you have now is more charity, to get you out of their home. You are a shitbird. Knowing is half the battle.
i agreed with your whole post, then i read "Shit bird"

really dude? the hostility necessary? it's the holidays- you're suppose to be charitable, ESPECIALLY if it's family. I'm 26 and bank 6 figures, dad will get his dough back and i'll move on to prosper in all ways. My family was THERE FOR ME during the holidays, and that's all that matters to my emotional health now

you're talking to me as if i'm not a person who experiences ALL feelings
i agreed with your whole post, then i read "Shit bird"

really dude? the hostility necessary? it's the holidays- you're suppose to be charitable, ESPECIALLY if it's family. I'm 26 and bank 6 figures, dad will get his dough back and i'll move on to prosper in all ways. My family was THERE FOR ME during the holidays, and that's all that matters to my emotional health now

you're talking to me as if i'm not a person who experiences ALL feelings

You're 26 and need coddling? THAT'S my point. You cannot go on a forum and talk about all the bitches you score, and how you would rape a woman here, how much money you make (but have nothing but debt to the folks), then cry about how your family doesn't give you everything you want, and NOT expect some ridicule.

Mom, Dad, I need someone to take care of me until I can get my shit together. If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to punch out your kitchen window, sleep in my car in your driveway, or smoke pot in your hot tub all night (after you go to sleep).

I am just trying to help. The only way you will grow as a man, and human, is if you realize you are a spoiled turd. You need some perspective. Why don't you join Peacecorp?