Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

I was in a brewery in Tulsa last night when then on the tv the announcement came on that the basketball game was cancelled because 2 of the players were sick with the virus. The bartender started to panic and starte spraying the counters, chairs , everything he could with bleach . He was panicking and neurotic about getting infected by the customers. We chatted about politics and the virus. He had a full very long beard and I suggested he cut it off. Those things are breeding grounds magnets for germs and He asked me how he should do it and I told him I would do it for him if he had scissors. He jumped back and said “ I’m not letting you touch me, you could have the virus and left the room. We finished our beers and left.
at least u offered most people wont
I was in a brewery in Tulsa last night when then on the tv the announcement came on that the basketball game was cancelled because 2 of the players were sick with the virus. The bartender started to panic and starte spraying the counters, chairs , everything he could with bleach . He was panicking and neurotic about getting infected by the customers. We chatted about politics and the virus. He had a full very long beard and I suggested he cut it off. Those things are breeding grounds magnets for germs and He asked me how he should do it and I told him I would do it for him if he had scissors. He jumped back and said “ I’m not letting you touch me, you could have the virus and left the room. We finished our beers and left.

Why are you still going out in public?
Why are you still going out in public?
It was
My birthday. I am not
Sick. I am a very healthy physically fit women with no health problems . I take supplements and I believe my immune system is in excellent working condition. There are no community spread virus in my state currently either. I plan on staying healthy and taking care of myself so that I can continue to do my job and take care of others. If things get bad here the community is going to need my skills to help and I plan on being available to help.
I'm doing ok, even worked in the yard today. Got some good news from my friend, the new meds are working already and she said that she's feeling much better already.
That’s wonderful to hear! Awesome news. I plan on doing a lot of outdoors activities as well. Staying very active and lifting weights to keep build strong muscles and bones. Exellent for your immune system as well. Fresh air outdoors in nature feels so good to breath these days , with all the negative physiological effects of germs in buildings these days . Open spaces and getting away from the news and recharging in a positive way sounds like fun.
It was
My birthday. I am not
Sick. I am a very healthy physically fit women with no health problems . I take supplements and I believe my immune system is in excellent working condition. There are no community spread virus in my state currently either. I plan on staying healthy and taking care of myself so that I can continue to do my job and take care of others. If things get bad here the community is going to need my skills to help and I plan on being available to help.
Hi Amber, something that might interest you, an addition to your supplements perhaps, see the video I posted above in the thread.

Quercetin is a non prescription herbal supplement, google it to buy it or get it locally (Caution: Non FDA regulated, you may not get any real medicine in it, shop carefully) if ya wanna try it, not much down side, except cash, maybe as an addition to a zinc supplement.
Looks like Donald might do to public health and the economy what he did for his casinos and other "businesses". He will easily outdo Dubya, with 9/11 and New Orleans. Donald might easily kill a million Americans when you add in those regular hospital patients who will suffer and die at home because the hospitals are overwhelmed. Tens of millions could be unemployed and on the government dole by summer with no healthcare, except for the virus treatment. Remember 2008 and the million job a month losses? Happy election!
Want to see why you have free coronavirus testing and treatment? Thank this talented lady and excellent politician, her district should honor her for this and you should thank her too, for hammering sense into the head of a fucking Trump moron. No wonder you're fucked with this POS running the CDC, where did Donald dredge this creature up.
Porter Presses CDC Director To Confirm Coronavirus Testing Will Be Free | NBC News

Rep. Katie Porter presses Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Redfield to confirm that coronavirus testing will be free regardless of insurance.
tRUmp is the useful idiot, he's not smart enough to plan and execute what has been done to this country. It's not just incompetence, he's dismantled and compromised more than you know.
tRUmp is the useful idiot, he's not smart enough to plan and execute what has been done to this country. It's not just incompetence, he's dismantled and compromised more than you know.
I guess the"administrative state" that Bannon talked about included pandemic preparedness, the HHS and the CDC, you know the deep state.
tRUmp is the useful idiot, he's not smart enough to plan and execute what has been done to this country. It's not just incompetence, he's dismantled and compromised more than you know.
The sad part is if he STFU and stayed off twitter for a month, his poll numbers would rise magically by 10% in a month. It's important that the democrats bait him like a bear in a cage, keep him babbling and defending his ego all the way to november.
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I was in a brewery in Tulsa last night when then on the tv the announcement came on that the basketball game was cancelled because 2 of the players were sick with the virus. The bartender started to panic and starte spraying the counters, chairs , everything he could with bleach . He was panicking and neurotic about getting infected by the customers. We chatted about politics and the virus. He had a full very long beard and I suggested he cut it off. Those things are breeding grounds magnets for germs and He asked me how he should do it and I told him I would do it for him if he had scissors. He jumped back and said “ I’m not letting you touch me, you could have the virus and left the room. We finished our beers and left.

I have scissors :mrgreen:
Want to see why you have free coronavirus testing and treatment? Thank this talented lady and excellent politician, her district should honor her for this and you should thank her too, for hammering sense into the head of a fucking Trump moron. No wonder you're fucked with this POS running the CDC, where did Donald dredge this creature up.
Porter Presses CDC Director To Confirm Coronavirus Testing Will Be Free | NBC News

Rep. Katie Porter presses Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Redfield to confirm that coronavirus testing will be free regardless of insurance.

I love that woman, she makes men sweat.
The full exchange...