Some safety tips for LSD and other Psychotropics- for beginners

There is a saying, "You will never fry like the first time." If a first timer slowly ramps up 25ug at a time they miss that opportunity. Most of the interviews I have read with celebrities from the 60's that took it when it was legal got dosed pretty hard the first time. At a NAC meeting they don't start you off with a single button and say come back next time and we will give you two. First timers should be dosed hard and supervised.

2C-E takes at least 15mg to even feel and 20mg for a trip that would fool someone into thinking it was acid. I have my doubts that anyone could ever pass it off as acid on blotter. I don't think it would fit. Most of the time it is 25-x Nbome which is passed off as LSD blotter. Either chemical series has a very strong taste. I have some 25i-Nbome blotter somewhere with greatful dead bears on it. Probably intended by the dipper to be passed off as acid.

LSZ/LSD choice depends on what I'm doing. I have a preference for the LSZ if I'm going to be dealing with people clubs etc. the LSD comes in a very close second.