Psychosis anyone?

For as mentally ill as I am, I'm incredibly successful and I haven't had to hide my struggles in a long time - so acceptance is key. Mushrooms really helped me figure this out.
I've read a lot on micro dosing mushrooms for depression and bipolar control. Its also really great for getting your mind into coding helps you separate life into a more factual experience free of fears and obligations leading only to answers. I haven't had access to mushrooms in about 6 years and would love to find some again. Don't trust myself enough to harvest my own.
I've read a lot on micro dosing mushrooms for depression and bipolar control. Its also really great for getting your mind into coding helps you separate life into a more factual experience free of fears and obligations leading only to answers. I haven't had access to mushrooms in about 6 years and would love to find some again. Don't trust myself enough to harvest my own.
Grow your own. Legal AFAIK to buy/possess spores and easily found online, and obviously legal to buy the substrate (not paraphernalia). There's threads on here about growing them at home.
One of my favourite memories was me and my buds smoking some purple haze back in the 90s fuck I’m old lol
Between us we worked out the whole world no wars no famines it was truly inspirational and made perfect sense wondrous inspirational clarity of thought all of us in the same place of mind at the same time it lasted for about 5 mins then we fucking forgot it fucked me up for a few days after felt frustrated and anxious
Out of all the things I have lost I miss my mind the most !
Grow your own. Legal AFAIK to buy/possess spores and easily found online, and obviously legal to buy the substrate (not paraphernalia). There's threads on here about growing them at home.
No way man, Ill have to look into it, I didn't realise I have to look into the laws as I have kids and can't do anything questionable.
i realize everyone is different, but i've spent my entire adult life involved with marijuana..and the only psychotics i've ever encountered were either already that way before they ever touched weed, or were also doing other, harder drugs...
i've smoked weed on as close to a daily basis as i've been able to manage since 1978...and while i won't try to tell you i'm 'normal"...i don't think i'm psychotic in any way....
i think there are some people who shouldn't do any drugs, at all...because they're already fucked up enough...adding anything to the mix can't be a good thing at that point...
that doesn't mean that the psychosis had anything in the world to do with marijuana...
it's much more likely societal pressure, being bullied, being told that walter white and vincent vega are role models,
conflicting messages, confused roles....are responsible for psychosis...
Hi Guys,
Kingrow, what you experienced sounds like hypnogogic imagery. It occurs at the edge of sleep and wakefullness. That coupled with potent weed can get pretty wild. If you had had an actual psychotic episode...that would have involved a trip to the local ER most likely.

I've spent years working in Psychiatric facilities (retired RN). Psychoses and schizophrenia in particular tend to be multi-factorial. A family history of mental illness coupled with extreme stress from drug abuse is a common scenario.

Certainly cause for caution with those individuals...but not a logical rationale for making it illegal.

I have been pretty hardcore stoned most of my life - not the legal med bs just hardcore gang violence smoke weed from wake till you drop stupid stuff.

Im not in the same class as most of you when it comes to being high - I abused this shit badly, fuck why not :-)
Schizophrenic here, not too serious and you'd never know in person, but all the same. Years ago I had a long psychosis (months) partially caused by cannabis. Looking back it was obviously from smoking flower cut way too early. "The UK cut" has been popularized in the past, meaning to harvest at peak THC level before CBDs have had much chance to form. Maybe that has something to do with increased mental health effects in the country.

I currently use cannabis to treat similar mental health symptoms. I just have to be very careful about my flower. I've been very successful with treating myself, but I'm well aware that too-early cuts or improperly dried bud can have the opposite effect and trigger symptoms. I believe cannabis will be widely accepted in treatments for mental illness in the future. The issue right now is that the lack of study and consistency from strain to strain caused by a long black market and lack of legal/scientific infrastructure.
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i realize everyone is different, but i've spent my entire adult life involved with marijuana..and the only psychotics i've ever encountered were either already that way before they ever touched weed, or were also doing other, harder drugs...
i've smoked weed on as close to a daily basis as i've been able to manage since 1978...and while i won't try to tell you i'm 'normal"...i don't think i'm psychotic in any way....
i think there are some people who shouldn't do any drugs, at all...because they're already fucked up enough...adding anything to the mix can't be a good thing at that point...
that doesn't mean that the psychosis had anything in the world to do with marijuana...
it's much more likely societal pressure, being bullied, being told that walter white and vincent vega are role models,
conflicting messages, confused roles....are responsible for psychosis...

The study isby far the most impartial and eye opening yet - it looks at it not says it will cause psychosis always.

I actually agree and think they are uncovering real truths plus putting them into perspective - it states not so potent weed is very little risk with moderate smoking not constant daily.

My goverment is not trying to keep weed legal or defy society but it is trying to do things sensibly and we have far more anti pot populations here than some other countries because its abuse has given it a very bad name.

The study isby far the most impartial and eye opening yet - it looks at it not says it will cause psychosis always.

I actually agree and think they are uncovering real truths plus putting them into perspective - it states not so potent weed is very little risk with moderate smoking not constant daily.

My goverment is not trying to keep weed legal or defy society but it is trying to do things sensibly and we have far more anti pot populations here than some other countries because its abuse has given it a very bad name.

What has really given pot a bad name in the UK is synthetic pot or spice that was being sold as regular pot. Leading to crazy overdoses, and mental issues after use. Spice is some nasty shit and your government is just plain ignorant to leave it legal and pot illegal.
What has really given pot a bad name in the UK is synthetic pot or spice that was being sold as regular pot. Leading to crazy overdoses, and mental issues after use. Spice is some nasty shit and your government is just plain ignorant to leave it legal and pot illegal.
Spice ain’t legal in the U.K. but your right nasty shit turns people into to psycho zombies
Spice ain’t legal in the U.K. but your right nasty shit turns people into to psycho zombies
When did they make it illegal? The use of it has always been illegal but the production and sale was not as long as packaged correctly. Im talking the stuff they sell in hobby shops and shit. Watched a documentary on it last month from early 2018. Likely filmed during 2017, and shit changes. Im fine with being wrong too, that shit shouldn't ever exist, and prohibition really led to shit like that being produced.
When did they make it illegal? The use of it has always been illegal but the production and sale was not as long as packaged correctly. Im talking the stuff they sell in hobby shops and shit. Watched a documentary on it last month from early 2018. Likely filmed during 2017, and shit changes. Im fine with being wrong too, that shit shouldn't ever exist, and prohibition really led to shit like that being produced.

When they made a class of chems calked synthetic drugs so they could restrict it because legally under its chemical name it could not be banned as we live in a democracy and you cant go round banning glue because kids are sniffing it or knives because someone got stab or cars because someone got run over.

You do understand the chemistry brhind why they attained the name 'legal' high right.........

Says a country of meth heads lol :-)
When they made a class of chems calked synthetic drugs so they could restrict it because legally under its chemical name it could not be banned as we live in a democracy and you cant go round banning glue because kids are sniffing it or knives because someone got stab or cars because someone got run over.

You do understand the chemistry brhind why they attained the name 'legal' high right.........

Says a country of meth heads lol :-)
Meth is acctually one of the least used drugs in canada. We’re full of alcoholics and potheads.

Also would have loved some constructive informative feedback instead of a butthurt response to someone making an inquiry into your country. No need to be a gangster everywhere fam, We can have conversations without the need to be little one another or perform a show of alpha masculinity for the masses.
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Chemistry doesn't make anything legal or illegal, its a science it just is based on current evidence. Politics make things legal and not legal.

Ya it does, drugs are classified on their chemistry. Make one illegal to make or produce and some clever fucker adds an electron bond with an OH group and its not the same chemical and now legal.

You see why we had to make a new group to stop the endless supply of highs you make by tweaking say C12O4H6 or whatever.

Now we dont have to take the chemical nane to court we just take the fact its a drug and bingo its all illegal.

Theres an old book - PIHKAL google it and you start seeing just the tip of how many designer drugs we can make to get baked as fuck.

Loopholes always close, legal highs had their day now illegal highs are back but new tweaked versions since the war here on drugs has been hitting the old classics hard.

For as mentally ill as I am, I'm incredibly successful and I haven't had to hide my struggles in a long time - so acceptance is key. Mushrooms really helped me figure this out.
Man I literally figured out how to control or live with my mental disabilities after a heavy does of shrooms it was the most meaningful trip I’ve ever had and I think I wouldn’t even be here without that I’ve always felt and called shrooms the DR. And weed is my Psychiatrist. Weed makes it possible for me to figure out and talk to myself about shit I’m fucking up and need to fix.
I've read that quite a bit, I suffer from a few other traits, lack of emotion in social situations soley objective goal based decisions, being ambidextrous, the inability to tell left from right, (Not trying to sound full of myself) and being really good at almost everything I do but not having the span to really sit down and focus on mastering something. I find a lot of things quite easy, get bored quickly and move on. This though does hurt my social situations because I lack the understanding of why people struggle at things, and really lack the ability to see that not everyone is the same and that people do struggle with things and don't quite understand that life is just a series of basic steps building on each other that apply to other situations in life.
I’ve always wondered if there were other people out there like me I’m good at everything I do I recently started airbrushing got pretty good in a matter of weeks got board started school for welding finished started a welding business got board now I combined the two metal and art and now I’m getting board to the point I’m getting angry I have to follow through with it.
Ive had psychosis from it, smoke a lot of cheese and it happens - like halucinations lucid dreams and hearing things with bad brain buzzes - i actually though i saw an alien spaceship first time and only later realized i had my first psychosis. I wake in dreams a lot since then, i know im asleep and dreaming but fully concious - that parts not fun as you cant move and its pretty panic like.

I dont think cheese is a good strain - too strong but all the kids here smoke at that developmental age :-)

Do you sleep on your back? If so roll over on your side and you will be alot less likely to have a lucid dream.

If you want to have a lucid dream then lay on your back and cross your arms over your chest. Lay there as still as possible and in most cases when you fall asleep you will be in a lucid dream.

You can control what your doing in dreams like this with a little practice. Instead of freaking out and trying to wake yourself up, use your mind to take you to wherever and whatever you want to do. I have a decent amount of control over mine now but they will still freak me out sometimes when I'm not expecting it.