Psychosis anyone?


Well-Known Member
Im really not sure my contry will ever make steps to legalize marijuana but they have made steps to keep it a soft drug with very low penalties plus offer some real good research -

I believe this is their bottom line on and a big no for any plans to change but quite an open stance:-)
Welp guys the diff between med and poison is the dosage.......funny because if u give certain folks meds like prednisone they can have a psychosis episode as well. I have native elders who could drink beer and be fine, but if gave them any kind of clear liquor the y blacked out INSTANTLY!
With all the nonsense going on these days in your area and'd think a good smoke would be more comforting than any drink or pharma.........but it is what it is I guess.
Whatever happened to proactive thinking laced with commen sense?
First time I've ever heard it could cause psychosis lol.

It's not for everyone. I know plenty of people who tried it and didn't like it. The same could be said about any mind altering substance, nicotine included.

Ive had psychosis from it, smoke a lot of cheese and it happens - like halucinations lucid dreams and hearing things with bad brain buzzes - i actually though i saw an alien spaceship first time and only later realized i had my first psychosis. I wake in dreams a lot since then, i know im asleep and dreaming but fully concious - that parts not fun as you cant move and its pretty panic like.

I dont think cheese is a good strain - too strong but all the kids here smoke at that developmental age :-)
Welp guys the diff between med and poison is the dosage.......funny because if u give certain folks meds like prednisone they can have a psychosis episode as well. I have native elders who could drink beer and be fine, but if gave them any kind of clear liquor the y blacked out INSTANTLY!
With all the nonsense going on these days in your area and'd think a good smoke would be more comforting than any drink or pharma.........but it is what it is I guess.
Whatever happened to proactive thinking laced with commen sense?

I agree and disagree, the study is right alot but also points out that it can also be used with no bad wffects by some if sensible :-)
Hi Guys,
Kingrow, what you experienced sounds like hypnogogic imagery. It occurs at the edge of sleep and wakefullness. That coupled with potent weed can get pretty wild. If you had had an actual psychotic episode...that would have involved a trip to the local ER most likely.

I've spent years working in Psychiatric facilities (retired RN). Psychoses and schizophrenia in particular tend to be multi-factorial. A family history of mental illness coupled with extreme stress from drug abuse is a common scenario.

Certainly cause for caution with those individuals...but not a logical rationale for making it illegal.
As someone with a family history with mental illness, depression both sides 4 generations, anxiety both sides 2 generations, insomnia fathers side 3 generations, bi polar both sides 2 generations, schizophrenia fathers side one generation.

I can happily say I'm the first to be nearly illness free. I have minute anxiety (but who doesn't) A slight tendency to get angry but I contribute both of those to my Insomnia more than their root illness. I have only been diagnosed with insomnia and frequently screened through out the years for all the mentioned above. I have been a heavy mostly alone pot user for 10 years now, I have all the risk factors but non of the mentioned outcomes from any of the mental illness and psychosis studies. Through my teenage years I smoked about 10 - 14grams a day, now I vape and eat about 5 grams a day.

I've seen my family struggle more with their issues through pharma medication than they ever would have learning to deal with life. I think a big contributor to these outcomes for people is expectation. If you roll a big one and think to yourself I'm going to get baked and have a good time, you'll likely get baked. If you think if I smoke this big one i'm going to have an anxiety attack than you're going.

The government needs to properly educate people on cannabis instead of trying to use fear to keep people away. I have witnessed through my years of smoking people who react in all sorts of manner to pot but it always seems to be about how there mindset is before they smoke up. My fiancee is a prime example, she wouldn't smoke for nearly 4 years stating it gave her anxiety and she threw up every time before. She smoked twice and got anxiety both times with me then the next time I sat her down, got her in a calm mood and then we tried and shes been smoking almost daily since with no issues.
It's amplified my underlying psychosis at times, but it doesn't cause psychosis in my opinion.

Do you find that it amplifies it when you're already going through something or that it brings it out. I.E could be having a perfectly calm day, smoke then boom its there?
Your sentence is straight forward but I'm a little baked today.
Think it’s a case of everything in moderation most things in life will have a negative affect if you go crazy on it and every person is like a snow flake unique and individual we are all mushrooms kept in the dark and fed bull shit
every person is like a snow flake unique and individual we are all mushrooms kept in the dark and fed bull shit

That's how they keep you unique and an individual, keep you in the dark so you never learn theres others just like you!
Do you find that it amplifies it when you're already going through something or that it brings it out. I.E could be having a perfectly calm day, smoke then boom its there?
Your sentence is straight forward but I'm a little baked today.
I'm bi-polar. THC abuse (high for too long, too strong, perhaps without enough CBD) while depressed occasionally gives me panic attacks, depression is there but I am less attached to myself.

When I'm manic, it has the opposite effect; my ADD-esque symptoms clear up immediately and I am laser focused, free of negativity and problems, attached and cognizant and feeling like a part of something.

Now add in THC and occasionally that turns in to paranoia and mania which leaves me feeling like the king of the world in a morbid way.
Actuosity...glad you have managed to avoid any mental issues. It seems if it's going to be a problem (drug use and mental illness) occurs fairly early on. So smoke on!

I forgot to post this little story that occurred 1968. I lived with a group of fellow hippies in a huge old house just south of downtown Minneapolis.

Lots of drug newbies around and it wasn't uncommon for a straight friend to stop by to try marijuana. One guy got totally ripped on some good weed...and according to him, he never came down.

Guy was in bad shape totally stressed by the situation. Wandered around for three days convinced he had gone insane and would be this way for the rest of his life.

We didn't really know what to do...but getting him stoned again was the plan we came up with. Soon as he got high again...he recognised that he hadn't actually been high previously.

My thinking is that he was sensitive to the residual THC in his body and perhaps that felt different enough to cause this problem.

Someone like that may have ended up anxious and depressed and perhaps even with more serious mental illness. But once we got him stoned again...he turned into a pothead just like us... 8)
I'm bi-polar. THC abuse (high for too long, too strong, perhaps without enough CBD) while depressed occasionally gives me panic attacks, depression is there but I am less attached to myself.

When I'm manic, it has the opposite effect; my ADD-esque symptoms clear up immediately and I am laser focused, free of negativity and problems, attached and cognizant and feeling like a part of something.

Now add in THC and occasionally that turns in to paranoia and mania which leaves me feeling like the king of the world in a morbid way.

Ahh okay, so essentially its just pulling out and increasing how you're already feeling but not actually causing it.

I'm sorry to hear of the journey you have to go through but in a way it sounds interesting.

Have you tried sticking to similar pots when they make you feel a certain way? I know for me I don't normally have any paranoia but there's something in most lemon haze that just makes me feel like everything fucked. Where as I find most white widows just bring me to complete peace and allow me to sleep. I know each pheno is different and strains won't always be exactly the same but I've smoked dozens of different WW batches and they all put me right to sleep and stop any thoughts. My insomnia is primarily caused by thinking and wanting to learn, so Ill get on a topic then I cant put it away from my head when I try to lay down. Its like when everything's dark and the world goes away its time to figure out all the shit I want to do.
Ahh okay, so essentially its just pulling out and increasing how you're already feeling but not actually causing it.

I'm sorry to hear of the journey you have to go through but in a way it sounds interesting.

Have you tried sticking to similar pots when they make you feel a certain way? I know for me I don't normally have any paranoia but there's something in most lemon haze that just makes me feel like everything fucked. Where as I find most white widows just bring me to complete peace and allow me to sleep. I know each pheno is different and strains won't always be exactly the same but I've smoked dozens of different WW batches and they all put me right to sleep and stop any thoughts. My insomnia is primarily caused by thinking and wanting to learn, so Ill get on a topic then I cant put it away from my head when I try to lay down. Its like when everything's dark and the world goes away its time to figure out all the shit I want to do.
I like to ride it out, it's kind of enjoyable. The occasional depression makes the mania much more fulfilling and I appreciate feeling like more than a mere mortal when I have the opportunity.
Actuosity...glad you have managed to avoid any mental issues. It seems if it's going to be a problem (drug use and mental illness) occurs fairly early on. So smoke on!

I forgot to post this little story that occurred 1968. I lived with a group of fellow hippies in a huge old house just south of downtown Minneapolis.

Lots of drug newbies around and it wasn't uncommon for a straight friend to stop by to try marijuana. One guy got totally ripped on some good weed...and according to him, he never came down.

Guy was in bad shape totally stressed by the situation. Wandered around for three days convinced he had gone insane and would be this way for the rest of his life.

We didn't really know what to do...but getting him stoned again was the plan we came up with. Soon as he got high again...he recognised that he hadn't actually been high previously.

My thinking is that he was sensitive to the residual THC in his body and perhaps that felt different enough to cause this problem.

Someone like that may have ended up anxious and depressed and perhaps even with more serious mental illness. But once we got him stoned again...he turned into a pothead just like us... 8)

That's pretty crazy.

I still remember the first time I tried pot, my buddy brought over a cheap cork pipe and like .5g of old ditch weed. I felt so paranoid for the next day thinking my family was going to find out and that I was still high. That night I went over to my other buddies house told him i was still high, he laughed said it was all in my head and gave me my first lung. Was always an over achiever so I tried to take the whole milky 4L lung, my friend was an asshole and overmilked it so it was dark gray smoke. Spent the next 2 hours on the trampoline spins, trying not to cough and contemplating if pot was for me. After my buddies got back from the store with munchies its like it all went away and all I could think of was how delicious the mars bar and BBQ chips were. That's where my love of pot came from, it really allows you to greatly enjoy food.

In highschool there was this one girl in our friend group that we believe was acctually allergic to THC. Anytime she smoked once the burn out started to set in she would go into a hallucinogenic psychosis and was hospitalized 3 times for over a week. Needless to say she stopped smoking rather quickly.
Ahh okay, so essentially its just pulling out and increasing how you're already feeling but not actually causing it.

I'm sorry to hear of the journey you have to go through but in a way it sounds interesting.

Have you tried sticking to similar pots when they make you feel a certain way? I know for me I don't normally have any paranoia but there's something in most lemon haze that just makes me feel like everything fucked. Where as I find most white widows just bring me to complete peace and allow me to sleep. I know each pheno is different and strains won't always be exactly the same but I've smoked dozens of different WW batches and they all put me right to sleep and stop any thoughts. My insomnia is primarily caused by thinking and wanting to learn, so Ill get on a topic then I cant put it away from my head when I try to lay down. Its like when everything's dark and the world goes away its time to figure out all the shit I want to do.
That’s a sign and characteristics of hyper intelligence some of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived suffer with insomnia
I like to ride it out, it's kind of enjoyable. The occasional depression makes the mania much more fulfilling and I appreciate feeling like more than a mere mortal when I have the opportunity.
What an outlook! "Yeah lifes shit at times, but it gets better and when it its its much much better"
That’s a sign and characteristics of hyper intelligence some of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived suffer with insomnia
I've read that quite a bit, I suffer from a few other traits, lack of emotion in social situations soley objective goal based decisions, being ambidextrous, the inability to tell left from right, (Not trying to sound full of myself) and being really good at almost everything I do but not having the span to really sit down and focus on mastering something. I find a lot of things quite easy, get bored quickly and move on. This though does hurt my social situations because I lack the understanding of why people struggle at things, and really lack the ability to see that not everyone is the same and that people do struggle with things and don't quite understand that life is just a series of basic steps building on each other that apply to other situations in life.