Psychosis anyone?

Bullshit, don't spread that manure to all us that suffer from insomnia and ocd. Lucid dreams don't come via sleep position. Trust me I F-n know. Only with a definitive sense in your subconscious. Now wingak, got shit right. Certain psilocybin can have extremely bennificial after effects. I also harvest and consume Libs a couple times a year for my mind only..But just like any drug everyone's body and mind reacts differently.

Im not spreading bs, after years of lucid dreams and waking halucinations i now cannot seperate them from reality.

I awwke in my dream unable to move but i could always force myself to awake, now i simply awake into another dream but this time i think im awake and the panic sets in. I now realise this and go through many lucid dreams awaking my self each time till i can finally move from my paralysis signifying i have finally made the leap home to reality.

Does touching nirvana open your mind or leave you fucked uo - certainly there is bliss in it :-)
Im really not sure my contry will ever make steps to legalize marijuana but they have made steps to keep it a soft drug with very low penalties plus offer some real good research -

I believe this is their bottom line on and a big no for any plans to change but quite an open stance:-)
Ive gotten temporary psychosis from meth, and alcohol... marijuana has always made me a nicer less criminal minded person compared sober.
Marijuana is a mild psychedelic, the most mild one IMO.
Upper sativa downer indica is BS.
It being a mild psychedelic people who arnt use to true long term use or have no tolerance cld feel they was tripping or going crazy but true psychosis is a different game, its me on meth tbinking I actually fell in love with some crazy lil whore in one night, or me and a buddy standing back to back pissing all over our other friends clothes in his closet, beating people over flip flops... etc. Marijuana and other truly natural things are the only way.. if they aint for you stay 100% sober bc I wont even take a tylenol. Lol
Ive had psychosis from it, smoke a lot of cheese and it happens - like halucinations lucid dreams and hearing things with bad brain buzzes - i actually though i saw an alien spaceship first time and only later realized i had my first psychosis. I wake in dreams a lot since then, i know im asleep and dreaming but fully concious - that parts not fun as you cant move and its pretty panic like.

I dont think cheese is a good strain - too strong but all the kids here smoke at that developmental age :-)
Thats not psychosis bro, ive had real psychosis u was tripping lol
Ive gotten temporary psychosis from meth, and alcohol... marijuana has always made me a nicer less criminal minded person compared sober.
Marijuana is a mild psychedelic, the most mild one IMO.
Upper sativa downer indica is BS.
It being a mild psychedelic people who arnt use to true long term use or have no tolerance cld feel they was tripping or going crazy but true psychosis is a different game, its me on meth tbinking I actually fell in love with some crazy lil whore in one night, or me and a buddy standing back to back pissing all over our other friends clothes in his closet, beating people over flip flops... etc. Marijuana and other truly natural things are the only way.. if they aint for you stay 100% sober bc I wont even take a tylenol. Lol

Growing lots of weed dosent help :-)
Thats not psychosis bro, ive had real psychosis u was tripping lol

No the moods the waking halucinations thinking doorbelks going etc etc. Lucid dreams just a side effectcthe real horrible part is the brain buzzes - hard to explain but like someone just connected your head to a lot of voltage and buzzed ya.

Yer psychosis and if i didnt stop i could see how damage would occur.

Heavy abuse over months banging cheese after years of abuse set it off and it comes back if i abuse reasonably easy.

Obvious brain chemistry changes and not halucinations like other drugs rather reality blurring as i know halucinations but these were more deep seqted mental type problem stuff.

If i could go back id have used less its a simple equation now - quite often i become blank forgetting who i am where i qm etc, worried about old age and the effects but ive got a strong head good mind :-)
It helps a ton, if your like me and are disabled and have true understanding of drugs. And whats dangerous and what isnt. Majority of people are.douped into.thinking drinking a mt dew.isnt taking a drug for example lol

I have scoliosis and a life of pain - weed always clicked with me and its effects on my pain easily led to daily smoking which led to abuse. I hate all meds as no cure weed just dulls it to managable. Actually back in the gym a lot after a bad relapse and month of violent spasms. I get zero disability because i can walk fine :-)
No the moods the waking halucinations thinking doorbelks going etc etc. Lucid dreams just a side effectcthe real horrible part is the brain buzzes - hard to explain but like someone just connected your head to a lot of voltage and buzzed ya.

Yer psychosis and if i didnt stop i could see how damage would occur.

Heavy abuse over months banging cheese after years of abuse set it off and it comes back if i abuse reasonably easy.

Obvious brain chemistry changes and not halucinations like other drugs rather reality blurring as i know halucinations but these were more deep seqted mental type problem stuff.

If i could go back id have used less its a simple equation now - quite often i become blank forgetting who i am where i qm etc, worried about old age and the effects but ive got a strong head good mind :-)
Thats prolly not from weed, i know.people whove smoked daily 50 years str8...
I wldnt think.

You've may have been taking alot of medication from dr.s for all I know as of right now, or may have demonic shit going on
Drs meds are a major.NO No in my family.
Thats prolly not from weed, i know.people whove smoked daily 50 years str8...
I wldnt think.

You've may have been taking alot of medication from dr.s for all I know as of right now, or may have demonic shit going on
Drs meds are a major.NO No in my family.

If i take the strongest cheese i can find and unlimited supply and set about chonging down as much as possible - well my life becomes eight hours smoking eight hours passed out then eigjt hours smoking then repeat. How long before i start experiencing effects like the studies suggest?

However long you say ive done that and more - I feel an idiot not proud, only hope is i gained some deeper understanding maybe :-)
Bullshit, don't spread that manure to all us that suffer from insomnia and ocd. Lucid dreams don't come via sleep position. Trust me I F-n know. Only with a definitive sense in your subconscious. Now wingak, got shit right. Certain psilocybin can have extremely bennificial after effects. I also harvest and consume Libs a couple times a year for my mind only..But just like any drug everyone's body and mind reacts differently.
Dude I suffer from insomnia, and if I try to sleep on my back I'm going to be in a lucid dream everytime. Laying on your back with your arms crossed is not a normal sleep position anyway, at least not for me. It may help that I ally there motionless for hours on my back. The only reason I end up on my back is because my back starts hurting after rolling back and forth for hours in bed everyday. I just was sharing my experience for anyone else who was curious in lucid dreaming and wanted to try.
I love lucid dreams, they really allow you to think without limitations. Need a world without physics, lucid dreaming is the place for you. Astral projection is another awesome way of self reflection and takes mass ammounts of concentration. You focus until you atart to see the world around you instead of seeing the world from your eyes.

I've never experienced astral projection, I'll have to look into that.
I've never experienced astral projection, I'll have to look into that.
Its a form of meditation where you concentrate on the world around you and mentally exit your body. Mastery of astral projection requires a lot of self care and understanding as you should be able to meditate in a room and be able to see yourself fully from an outside perspective. Meditating for astral projection is a bit dofferent as you are not supposed to close your eyes
Ive had psychosis from it, smoke a lot of cheese and it happens - like halucinations lucid dreams and hearing things with bad brain buzzes - i actually though i saw an alien spaceship first time and only later realized i had my first psychosis. I wake in dreams a lot since then, i know im asleep and dreaming but fully concious - that parts not fun as you cant move and its pretty panic like.

I dont think cheese is a good strain - too strong but all the kids here smoke at that developmental age :-)
That’s called sleep paralysis dude. Happens to me too, not so much anymore tho.
Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are not the same thing. Ive experienced sleep paralysis since I was in my teens. Has stopped completely for about 2-3 yrs now which is great cos it’s freaky af.

I’d be asleep, then my eyes would open and I’d be looking straight up (usually at the light fixture above my bed). And although I’m aware and focused on the ceiling, whatever I was dreaming is still playing at the same time too, sounds included. I’d try to move to snap out of it but realised I couldn’t no matter how hard I’d try. Completely paralysed for what was probably 2-3 minutes. And that’s when the intense fear sets in. I don’t know what makes u so scared but it’s a horrible feeling. The first few times it happened I’d call out calmly at first for someone to help me and when no one would come I’d start screaming at the top of my lungs panicking wondering why no one was waking up. But later realised I wasn’t actually calling for help because u can’t talk either.
It’s fucking freaky and there’s a few theories as to what can induce it. Exhaustion seemed to be the common link with mine. I had never smoked weed when it first started happening so I know it has nothing to do with cannabis use.

Like another member said it did happen mostly while laying on my back, but also a handful of times on my stomach. It’s weird shit that’s all I know.

Now what happened the first time I ever smoked weed.... well that’s a full on story lol and I’d be here half the night trying to recount it so I’ll just say I went absolutely bonkers!!! No exaggeration. Anyone watching would have thought I’d just taken some mad acid lol!! I didn’t smoke weed again for years after that.

I've seen folks who had no buis doing any substances (because they were mentally unstable) gaining access to substances that make them "unstable" society does not care anymore! Prove me wrong!
I love it I use a meditation app that takes me to a higher spiritual plane where the limitations are endless that’s how I met my wife through the power of dreams and thoughts was sending her messages in my dreams sounds crazy but it’s 100% true

Dude pls tell us how! You can’t say something like that and not tell us how you came to this conclusion:o:)

  1. a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.
    "they were suffering from a psychosis"
2. a condition created by answering questions on RIU and then dealing with trolls and idiots

  • :lol::lol::hump::fire:
Bravo :clap: