Well-Known Member
Bullshit, don't spread that manure to all us that suffer from insomnia and ocd. Lucid dreams don't come via sleep position. Trust me I F-n know. Only with a definitive sense in your subconscious. Now wingak, got shit right. Certain psilocybin can have extremely bennificial after effects. I also harvest and consume Libs a couple times a year for my mind only..But just like any drug everyone's body and mind reacts differently.
Im not spreading bs, after years of lucid dreams and waking halucinations i now cannot seperate them from reality.
I awwke in my dream unable to move but i could always force myself to awake, now i simply awake into another dream but this time i think im awake and the panic sets in. I now realise this and go through many lucid dreams awaking my self each time till i can finally move from my paralysis signifying i have finally made the leap home to reality.
Does touching nirvana open your mind or leave you fucked uo - certainly there is bliss in it