PSP Kills Man In Berks Co., PA with Bulldozer

Excessive force/Vehicular Homicide or Nah?

  • Nah, he straight, dawg.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Way excessive.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • This is why society’s relationship with police is hostile.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Make them drink bees!

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
do you want police to take on this guy while armed with only a pistol?...count the shell casings and magazines in this picture.
Honestly? Fully automatic is useless as a rifleman; rather, you don’t really use it. You need a tax stamp for anything fully automatic in the US and that does take time. Like, a year or more. Meanwhile, bad guys are still acquiring off the books or stolen automatic firearms, laws or no laws.

But, yeah. You don’t usually use the fully automatic option in combat unless you’re a SAW gunner or 240 gunner. There’s nothing different between a semiautomatic AR and a semi-automatic hunting rifle, as long as they both have picatinny rails and detachable box mags, neither of which should be regulated.
About 20 years ago or maybe longer, a couple of men dressed in combat style armor with high power weapons robbed a bank in the middle of the day and got into a shoot out with the LAPD cops who were at the time carrying standard police issue rifles and hand guns with inadequate armor. They were totally outgunned. Quite rationally, the LAPD upped it's weapons and defensive capabilities. They consider it an arms race.

I can guarantee you that whatever you have, the police either have better or they will. I am in agreement with you that today's police are in some areas truly awful in terms of attitude and treatment of people in the general public. On the other hand, the answer to keeping peace in the streets of the US isn't every house holding an armory capable of taking down those two bad guys who showed up at that bank in LA one afternoon.

Think of the kind of society you are advocating. My home is wide open. Maybe a few land mines in the back corner, a 10 foot high, 4 foot thick wall and some extra housing for the clan to move into so we can man the walls 7-24.
About 20 years ago or maybe longer, a couple of men dressed in combat style armor with high power weapons robbed a bank in the middle of the day and got into a shoot out with the LAPD cops who were at the time carrying standard police issue rifles and hand guns with inadequate armor. They were totally outgunned. Quite rationally, the LAPD upped it's weapons and defensive capabilities. They consider it an arms race.

I can guarantee you that whatever you have, the police either have better or they will. I am in agreement with you that today's police are in some areas truly awful in terms of attitude and treatment of people in the general public. On the other hand, the answer to keeping peace in the streets of the US isn't every house holding an armory capable of taking down those two bad guys who showed up at that bank in LA one afternoon.

Think of the kind of society you are advocating. My home is wide open. Maybe a few land mines in the back corner, a 10 foot high, 4 foot thick wall and some extra housing for the clan to move into so we can man the walls 7-24.
those guys still lost. but it was fucking like some GTAV shit
About 20 years ago or maybe longer, a couple of men dressed in combat style armor with high power weapons robbed a bank in the middle of the day and got into a shoot out with the LAPD cops who were at the time carrying standard police issue rifles and hand guns with inadequate armor. They were totally outgunned. Quite rationally, the LAPD upped it's weapons and defensive capabilities. They consider it an arms race.

I can guarantee you that whatever you have, the police either have better or they will. I am in agreement with you that today's police are in some areas truly awful in terms of attitude and treatment of people in the general public. On the other hand, the answer to keeping peace in the streets of the US isn't every house holding an armory capable of taking down those two bad guys who showed up at that bank in LA one afternoon.

Think of the kind of society you are advocating. My home is wide open. Maybe a few land mines in the back corner, a 10 foot high, 4 foot thick wall and some extra housing for the clan to move into so we can man the walls 7-24.
Where are you, Canada? I dunno of anywhere in the US, besides maybe in the boonies, where your home’s unsecure and no one troubles you. I envy that, though, truly. I’m sick of always feeling like I have to watch my back, like something’s eventually going to happen. I’ve tried everything from drugs to meditation, I don’t think my hypervigilance is going away. It’d be nice, though.
How I feel from the bottom of my heart. This isn’t an empty-headed, uneducated, scattershot smear job on the police. I just want actual accountability, and for them to know it’s not right for them to hunt us down like wild game anymore. I have a daughter. I don’t need bullets flying around her, too, let alone a bulldozer running over her. I thought I was done with all that shit ten years ago. They can’t justify themselves by being exponentially more savage than us.

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Personally? I would not run. I’d go with the process, as long as they don’t try to drag anyone into it that isn’t involved, which is anyone but me, because I believe my intentions are pure and that I am neither a criminal nor a threat to society in need of vanquishing or imprisonment. I don’t mind accounting for it if I truly have to. They still should not have mounted the bulldozer and chased him down without regard for his safety or that of the woods, and even themselves.
Where are you, Canada? I dunno of anywhere in the US, besides maybe in the boonies, where your home’s unsecure and no one troubles you. I envy that, though, truly. I’m sick of always feeling like I have to watch my back, like something’s eventually going to happen. I’ve tried everything from drugs to meditation, I don’t think my hypervigilance is going away. It’d be nice, though.
Oregon mid-Willamette Valley.

Not out in the boonies. Small neighborhood on a side street. We leave the house and cars unlocked day and night. I don't own a gun and don't feel the need. I grew up in suburbs of San Francisco. Same thing. Also lived in Boise Idaho. We did need to lock up there. Mostly because across from us were some rentals that had people moving in and out and we didn't always know them. I had a checkbook stolen out of my car once when I came home from a trip and spaced locking the car up. That's the worst thing that's ever happened to me in terms of crime.

Statistically speaking the US is a safer place than ever before and was so even when Trump was baying about how dangerous the country had become under Obama. I know there are hot spots where crime is high but for most, the fear is unjustified. Most gun owners are less safe when owning a gun than without and I'm not talking about suicide. I know it's not nice for me to say but I think gun owners are fearful shits who don't understand the difference between perceived risk and real risk. Because of their disability, they make me and mine less safe which pisses me off. Even so, while their poor cognitive ability raises my risk level it's much less than it is for the gun owner.

I'm not trying to jangle your chain. I am a bit angry about how gun owners have created the situation where our schools are no longer perceived as being safe. One of my kids (6 YO) had a nightmare after an active shooter drill at school so, there it is. Gun owners are affecting my kids. May their dicks fall off. I'm pretty much ready for gun sales restrictions and more expansive gun purchasing background checks as a start to head off more gun violence.

Totally disagree that the reason people feel the need for more guns is because of people like me. I don't want rational, peaceful people to lose access to purchasing and owning guns. I just want them to store the guns safely, know how to use them and keep them out of their kids hands unless they are at a shooting range.

To keep on topic, I absolutely do think that the reason police are becoming more and more militarized is because we have 350 million guns in our society, some of which are truly awful killing machines that have no other purpose. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that the man who died might still be alive if the cop hadn't been trained to think of every civilian as a gun carrying psycho.
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What a tacky room- I'd kill myself too
In response to what Doublejj said, it isn’t about that. That’s not how it works. You can never prevent these kinds of things. Good people should have the same means of protection as the bad guys. The gun isn’t the problem, the triggerman is. You should NEVER have to be required by law to rely on someone else to save your own life. There have been many recent incidents where civilians have successfully stopped assailants with personally owned AR type rifles. To say that a cop should be able to do something a civilian can’t is infringing upon one’s freedom.
I dunno about stuff like Uzis abd Tech-DC9s, though, especially that young. Let kids be kids and not worry about death and killing while they still can. Start them with a regular rifle around age 10-12, that way they respect a gun as a gun, no matter the model. Take them hunting. Bond. Teach them fieldcraft. Girls, too. Your involvement and guidance is THE. Most. Important. Fucking. Thing.
I was shooting .22LR at 8 years old, and well too. My dad was a veteran and before that grew up on a ranch. He understood that firearms are just tools- and as such they can be used correctly or misused. He trained me to respect the tools and to use them wisely.

I don't see well enough to enjoy shooting anymore but my memories are all good ones.
Alright, here’s another example for you guys. The Veteran in Aurora, CO. What the hell is this shit? Are they even training these guys in proper MOUT/room clearing? What about PID? Was this “Just an accident?” Or is it negligence on behalf of the officers? Did they even have proper intel or a sitrep on the situation before executing the mission? Do cops do OPORDs & FRAGOs? I’ll tell you what, if this were me, and it got out, and I didn’t have PID when I fired, they’d send my ass to Leavenworth.

Not saying all cops are bad, but I also believe that the current system needs more discipline within the ranks, at the least.
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they need some training on threat recognition. the woman told them the intruder was naked, and what her husband was wearing. the fact that he wasn't naked should have been enough to clue them in....
i understand "heat of the moment" but these people are supposed to be the ones that protect us. they need some kind of training so they at least have a clue who they should be shooting
I have never done phencyclidine. And I never will, willingly, because I’m afraid of the damage I might do.
I tried it once.

Didn't like it. I will say it made me feel like I could do anything. Fortunately I just sat down with my food tray in the school cafeteria and watched the world go by. That was the one and only time. For a person already trying to control "urges", I'd say yeah, stay away. It's not all that great anyway.