PSP Kills Man In Berks Co., PA with Bulldozer

Excessive force/Vehicular Homicide or Nah?

  • Nah, he straight, dawg.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Way excessive.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • This is why society’s relationship with police is hostile.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Make them drink bees!

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
Your ignorance is exactly why he’s dead. If people like you were less egotistical and more educated, we’d have had the laws changed after the Shafer Report was released, and his life would never have been compromised to begin with.

Yeah, I totally got the idiot running from the cops killed. Derp derp derp
I get what you’re saying. What I’m saying is, I resent the fact that I should have to fear turning my back to someone who is supposed to be working for the safety of my community. I especially have a problem with cops forgetting they are not the authority; they draw any authority they are allowed from the will of the People they serve. Under no circumstances shoulda cop be killing people just to prevent their escape. And they legally cannot arrest you without just cause. Cannabis is no just cause for arrest, let alone prejudicial execution.
Yeah, I totally got the idiot running from the cops killed. Derp derp derp
Yes, you did. Ever heard of Adam Smith’s concept of the invisible hand? It works for the inflicting of social crises just as much as for social benefit. Stop condoning acts like this and change it, or I hope you’re next, honestly. If you support this, you deserve to experience it.
I get what you’re saying. What I’m saying is, I resent the fact that I should have to fear turning my back to someone who is supposed to be working for the safety of my community. I especially have a problem with cops forgetting they are not the authority; they draw any authority they are allowed from the will of the People they serve. Under no circumstances shoulda cop be killing people just to prevent their escape. And they legally cannot arrest you without just cause. Cannabis is no just cause for arrest, let alone prejudicial execution.
Evading arrest is probable cause to pursue...if cops can't shoot to prevent escape, Folsom prison would be empty.
Evading arrest is probable cause to pursue...if cops can't shoot to prevent escape, Folsom prison would be empty.
Not if the arrest is invalid. Our Congress is even debating the legitimacy of the Drug War, as late as they are. Once weed has been legalized, it will be looked at for what it was: An inhumane and callous act of bigotry and oppression. People need to stop getting so engrossed in concepts that they mistake them for reality, bearing real consequences for people over bad ideas.

They still should NOT have manned a bulldozer. Out of both tactical and moral concerns.
Not if the arrest is invalid. Our Congress is even debating the legitimacy of the Drug War, as late as they are. Once weed has been legalized, it will be looked at for what it was: An inhumane and callous act of bigotry and oppression.
Give your lawyer a chance to argue that in not run
let your lawyer argue that in court...
Fuck my lawyer and the court. It will exist in time immortally, and even if I suffer, people will know it was not because I deserved to. I did my time and paid it forward. Now I’m suffering and they want to kill me for choosing not to suffer? Kill me because I cannot pay $100 a gram of shatter or wax? C’mon, bro. We took an oath to defend the People and the Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic, not the Establishment. You can use all the legal loopholes you want, it doesn’t make it right. It just makes it politically justified, and I don’t play that game.
I just don’t understand how some of you guys, being growers and smokers, are at all in defense of this. Are you calling yourselves criminals in need of dispatching? Because I don’t really see any of you that way. I care about you, and if we continue to allow this to happen, it could be you, it could be me, but people will still be getting killed and locked up, and Republicans will continue to invest in their incarceration. Your incarceration.
I just don’t understand how some of you guys, being growers and smokers, are at all in defense of this. Are you calling yourselves criminals in need of dispatching? Because I don’t really see any of you that way. I care about you, and if we continue to allow this to happen, it could be you, it could be me, but people will still be getting killed, and Republicans will continue to invest in their incarcerations.
It's called hidden racism and some don't even bother to hide theirs
Fuck my lawyer and the court. It will exist in time immortally, and even if I suffer, people will know it was not because I deserved to. I did my time and paid it forward. Now I’m suffering and they want to kill me for choosing not to suffer? Kill me because I cannot pay $100 a gram of shatter or wax? C’mon, bro. We took an oath to defend the People and the Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic, not the Establishment. You can use all the legal loopholes you want, it doesn’t make it right. It just makes it politically justified, and I don’t play that game.
Running from police is Not the hill i'm ready to die on......
I just don’t understand how some of you guys, being growers and smokers, are at all in defense of this. Are you calling yourselves criminals in need of dispatching? Because I don’t really see any of you that way. I care about you, and if we continue to allow this to happen, it could be you, it could be me, but people will still be getting killed and locked up, Republicans will continue to invest in their incarceration. Your incarceration.
Growing weed isn't a capital offense and that tragedy should never have happened.

Yes, it was overreach, stupid and excessive for the cop to fire up that bulldozer and drive it into the thicket. It was also idiotic for the guy to create the situation by running away, thereby escalating the chance of something like this happening. Not saying he got what he deserved, just saying it's a bad idea to run away from the cops. Also the use of that bulldozer was clearly beyond the boundary of necessary force.

I would hope the cop's actions are reviewed and he is punished appropriately where his actions failed to follow his department's guidelines. Also, I'd expect the department would review what happened and improve guidance to prevent this kind of accident in the future. However, what happened wasn't murder unless the cop intended to kill the man and nobody seems to be claiming he intended that.

You are picking on a situation that is fraught with human error as if a clear line can be drawn regarding right and wrong. I'm pretty sure your military training was better than those cops had before they went on the line. If I could point at one major fault that led to this tragedy is that cops are screened out if they are too smart and the training isn't nearly as rigorous or repeated as often as what you went through.
Growing weed isn't a capital offense and that tragedy should never have happened.

Yes, it was overreach, stupid and excessive for the cop to fire up that bulldozer and drive it into the thicket. It was also idiotic for the guy to create the situation by running away, thereby escalating the chance of something like this happening. Not saying he got what he deserved, just saying it's a bad idea to run away from the cops. Also the use of that bulldozer was clearly beyond the boundary of necessary force.

I would hope the cop's actions are reviewed and he is punished appropriately where his actions failed to follow his department's guidelines. Also, I'd expect the department would review what happened and improve guidance to prevent this kind of accident in the future. However, what happened wasn't murder unless the cop intended to kill the man and nobody seems to be claiming he intended that.

You are picking on a situation that is fraught with human error as if a clear line can be drawn regarding right and wrong. I'm pretty sure your military training was better than those cops had before they went on the line. If I could point at one major fault that led to this tragedy is that cops are screened out if they are too smart and the training isn't nearly as rigorous or repeated as often as what you went through.
A man is dead. He was growing a plant. That is definitely a clear wrong, and a wrong supported by policy is still a wrong. You can justify killing people, I’m fucking done doing it. It’s made me sick.
A man is dead. He was growing a plant. That is definitely a clear wrong. You can justify killing people, I’m fucking done doing it.
That's not a fair characterization of my post. I did not justifying his killing. I think it was an accident, not a deliberate killing. As in other accidents, people make bad decisions. That doesn't absolve anybody from their actions but it doesn't put this event at the same level as murder.

Let's break your statement down.

A man is dead. (True) + He was growing a plant. (True) = That is definitely a clear wrong. (False)

He didn't die because he was growing. He died because he ran and a cop overreached his authority pursuing him. Unlike firing a gun at his back, you cannot justify the claim that he intended to kill that man.
That's not a fair characterization of my post. I did not justifying his killing. I think it was an accident, not a deliberate killing. As in other accidents, people make bad decisions. That doesn't absolve anybody from their actions but it doesn't put this event at the same level as murder.

Let's break your statement down.

A man is dead. (True) + He was growing a plant. (True) = That is definitely a clear wrong. (False)

He didn't die because he was growing. He died because he ran and a cop overreached his authority pursuing him. Unlike firing a gun at his back, you cannot justify the claim that he intended to kill that man.
He died because the cops pursued him over a plant that he should be allowed to grow. Period. You can’t support someone by evidencing a law that you, yourself, disagree with. At least, I assume you do, or what the hell are you even here for? A wrongful, unconstitutional arrest is thus.
He died because the cops pursued him over a plant that he should be allowed to grow. Period.
I fail to see how the plant is necessary to explain the man's death. He created a threatening situation to himself and the cop by running away upon being caught breaking the law. It doesn't matter whether he was growing or not.

I agree that growing MJ should be as legal as growing tomatoes or basil or snapdragons. That said, by his actions, we can be certain the man knew what he was doing at the time was illegal. He escalated the situation and turned it into something altogether different when he ran away. Are you saying the man had every right to flee and the decision to run away was the right one?