Prove to you There's a God?

lol the u.n. & W.H.O. dont get me started i dont wanna get off thread.Most Men and woman of science that ive been able to get a real unfiltered conversation out of we've mocked our lesser counter parts who's religon has held them back from true understading.And im here for entertainment information and misinformation.
lol the u.n. & W.H.O. dont get me started i dont wanna get off thread.Most Men and woman of science that ive been able to get a real unfiltered conversation out of we've mocked our lesser counter parts who's religon has held them back from true understading.And im here for entertainment information and misinformation.

Great. I like that you wrote that you were here for entertainment, information and misinformation. Seems inclusive.

If you think the un etc are about conspiracy theories, we're off on the wrong foot. I have my own thoughts about the upper echelon as well, but really, it was a 'blessing' to sit with people who travel into jungles etc with the intent to heal people of problems like malaria, etc. Many have had guns pointed to their heads on account of "believing" that they could heal an insurgent's child... f.e. But, by reading and understanding MANY worldviews they had enough 'who-the-hell-knows-what' to be allowed entrance and work. It's actually quite inspirational.
i would love to go on you seem like a astounding wel-informed person yet misguided but i can't continue its a pet p if mine to go off thead until the next.
i would love to go on you seem like a astounding wel-informed person yet misguided but i can't continue its a pet p if mine to go off thead until the next.

I respect that. I'd say more like 'well-experienced' over "well-informed" though. It will be a life-long pursuit to be 'informed'.

what i dont like about religious people and why i try and avoid this whole debate is because when it boils down to it most of the religious ones wont listen to what you say even if you're blue in the face from speakin logically.
i just dont get it like faith must be deeply rooted in them for a reason....there are soo many facts that discredit their god yet they still believe
what i dont like about religious people and why i try and avoid this whole debate is because when it boils down to it most of the religious ones wont listen to what you say even if you're blue in the face from speakin logically.

What we have to do is make religious people admit and understand that they have nothing to go on but faith. Faith is an okay reason to believe something as long as you are fully aware of what that means. It means, you are not allowed to debate your idea, because you can not support it. It means you are not allowed to use your ideas to influence any sort of social or public behavior, because you have no justification. You certainly are not allowed to teach your ideas in any sort of authoritative context. There are some religious people like this, they do not impose their ideas even to their children, in which case you could move onto to criticism of their inconsistencies and standards for belief, but if they are keeping to themselves then that would just be done out of spite.
In all fairness I follow an essentially materialist worldview out of faith. I do not accede to any claims that I may neither discuss nor champion my ideas. Religious people (at least adherents of the Abrahamic traditions) are under a universal mandate to evangelize. Asking them to not do so is not realistic imo. cn
Time for some comedic relief.......

Here's your proof that god exists---Leo (Chong) has met god.

What we have to do is make religious people admit and understand that they have nothing to go on but faith. Faith is an okay reason to believe something as long as you are fully aware of what that means. It means, you are not allowed to debate your idea, because you can not support it. It means you are not allowed to use your ideas to influence any sort of social or public behavior, because you have no justification. You certainly are not allowed to teach your ideas in any sort of authoritative context. There are some religious people like this, they do not impose their ideas even to their children, in which case you could move onto to criticism of their inconsistencies and standards for belief, but if they are keeping to themselves then that would just be done out of spite.

There are certain things that are ok for people to believe in that make sense, and others which the more ignorant population of our citys follow which lead to self destruction and violence towards others which do not make sense. These that do not make sense follow by people who are beginning to be enlightenend but then are received by an evil spirit(Spirituality speaking) which at first blind the person into believing they know whats best and they stop making rational desicions that allow them to use their anger for something useful other then violence and irrational planning to gain benefit from some way or an other.

Starting your paragraph you stated that we have to make people admit and understand that they have nothing to go on but faith, because then faith itself becomes something more then needs to be redifined into a new word.

I would define it as something that is extremely powerful and moving in a way that clears your mind from all negativity and allows you to think of the best and most rational reason to do things. I mean sure there are times where you have to put your shoes on and walk outside and sometimes you don't make the best choices in routes, but in the end you always come back home.
The defintion can continouously be lengthened into something that is described as not only something that clears your mind but when you allow yourself to be healed with Jesus's teaching that tell you exactly the difference betweens fools and others who have wisdom you can change all of your paths with something more then faith. So to admit that us that believe only have faith is the beginning to your wall of text that I was completely immune to which is why I was warned not to great your false doctrine.

The whole conclusion to my statements from the beginning is OP quote ftw, I know its why you hate me... And I love you all that try to help me understand from your perspective but I am helping you try to understand and to keep you from speaking against the word that you are denying that will enlighten you to the point way past where I am going to be in a couple of years.

I am not exactly sure where my paths are, I find the hardest ones to take sometimes. Going offroad is completely different from learning with the ussual paths that you end up fallings asleep from. Besides that when you go offroad you pay 100% and im sure it expands your mind wayy more then taking your normal path that you can take and walk/drive perfectly when your intoxicated more then you've ever been before...
Like I said already, I really just want you all to be enlightened...Not by me but by the book. The bible is so amazing that my eyes need rest after reading more then 10 pages.

I can almost admit to have meating something more then regular life living, it is something that releases all pnegative pressure because we are told to love one an other as a brother and sister. There should be nothing wrong with that knowing that when you hate someone or something its always somehow popping up and its the things that you remember the most, so when you love one an other and when you follow other wise teachings such as no lust, no worries, no fears, and ect... you become enlightened to the point where you can sit down and smoke a bowl and only remember that by being enlightened the only mistakes you make is be resisting temptation because like I said before you choose wrong paths sometimes.

By choosing wrong paths you learn and realize that the whole reason to forgiveness was because Jesus knew that we would take wrong paths occasionaly and thats the whole reason why we are judged in greateness, according to our works and those that deny him can not be great. Which is the whole reason why at least I want you guys tos top talking shit about God because you never know when you'll need him and if you shut your mouth you can be instantly enlightened. Because if you don't shut your mouth the spirits that blidn you from the light will be great.

When you begin to search for a greater understanding you can understand the whole reason why I am writing to you in the first place. Just remember that practice makes perfect and when you try to understand everything that I can type down to you at the pace that you can read at you will learn exactly what lies are and what can not be judged if from the beginning you know it is ment to deceive you which hould not be uncovered and should be left in the darkness. Unless you know what your doing... of course thats why there are differen't paths for everyone.

This was not copied and pasted.
I don't want to waste my time with people that do not search for understanding to begin with.

define understanding?

Understanding: bongsmilieread 1 page of the bible and try to remember it all week, or read it like a book just like ever other christian:)

If you don't wanna read the answer book then don't correct me, makes me:spew:

:peace:bongsmilie anyone?

:joint: maybe?

:blsmoke:blunt, bong hits, waffles?
so, what really made you religious (christian (since we are on that note))


cant believe it was the bible itself that inspired you with its thoughtprovoking lines...coff...
so, what really made you religious (christian (since we are on that note))


cant believe it was the bible itself that inspired you with its thoughtprovoking lines...coff...
lol, what inspired me was people sounding retarded talking about someone they can't prove doesn't exist.

I just wanted to say what was up loud enough for everyone to hear it, and then told you the truth and lowered my voice to the point where you would forget who I was.