Property privacy !!

Now that the mamas are stinking and its about to be open season for deer in a month
I was wondering if anyone had tips to protecting your property from trespassing
Open season is a turn key for any trespasser to just go look for the deer they shot anyone have experience or insight to this ? Keep in mind a am 100% legal but I don't want to be he talk of the town or get ripped , I have ideas but I was wondering if this is somthing anyone annually prepares for
we have a wire fence property line clearly marked,on my side of the line on the two trails through the heavy bush I've been known to leave a booby trap or two, a few sheets of weathered plywood with hundreds of nails & screws poking upwards,covered with a dusting of dirt & leaves & some dog shit to keep deer off the path works like a charm.

there is 16.5 acres behind the house & I can hear the squeels inside my home when they get stuck,I've been known to fire 60 round mags into the ground with slide stock rifles to scare the fuck out of whoever is doing the squeeling 2,000 feet away in the bush,its amazing how fast they " unstick " themselves from the nail board & forget about the inviso 12 point they were sure ran onto my land to die .

I don't buy the wounded deer shit anymore,I've been dealing with rippers for over 20 years now,its the smell that draws them in & not once have I ever heard a shot fired before the squeeling starts .
See that's what I'm saying man that's a great idea ! Do you just set them out on your trails that are easiest to move through I have 80acres

beyond the side of my property is power company land,bordering the rear is hectares of state land,the power company side has 10ft high fencing & cameras for some little relay station on the property so that sorta pushes them to my land,luckily we have about 1,500 lft of thistle & thorn which leaves roughly 600lft on either side of the thorns,the thistle drives them to the semi open areas,over the years I clear cut 2 12ft paths through each side of the property for firewood & so we had good lanes for the kids quads to get through to the state trails easily with a gate at each path,the footpath kept clear by the kids motorcycles is roughly 6ft wide & people tend to walk on exposed soil trails vs undergrowth trying to be extra sneaky & not snap twigs,and there is where I get em by the balls.

I take weathered plywood & drive hundreds of rusty nails of different lengths & make as well as drywall screws that break off inside the foot,ring shank nails I like a lot too because meat rips when they yank their foot off,l lay 2 pieces of 4x8 nail wood side by side to cover an 8x8 area,then camoflouge with about an inch of native soil & a few leaves,in the late 90's is when I started setting traps & haven't lost a crop to humans since.

if I were you I'd do what I could to funnel any foot traffic to where you want them to walk like I did,if you don't have thistle driving then in a sure direction get creative & leave signs out every 20 feet where you don't want traffic & use the signs along with a single boundary wire to drive them to your booby trapped paths,being able to claim " we didn't see any signs" will move them to where you want them to be in order for their wounded deer excuse to be valid in their minds .

just think like a thief when you walk your property & you'll know where to clear cut paths for the rippers to take the bait & they do every time
beyond the side of my property is power company land,bordering the rear is hectares of state land,the power company side has 10ft high fencing & cameras for some little relay station on the property so that sorta pushes them to my land,luckily we have about 1,500 lft of thistle & thorn which leaves roughly 600lft on either side of the thorns,the thistle drives them to the semi open areas,over the years I clear cut 2 12ft paths through each side of the property for firewood & so we had good lanes for the kids quads to get through to the state trails easily with a gate at each path,the footpath kept clear by the kids motorcycles is roughly 6ft wide & people tend to walk on exposed soil trails vs undergrowth trying to be extra sneaky & not snap twigs,and there is where I get em by the balls.

I take weathered plywood & drive hundreds of rusty nails of different lengths & make as well as drywall screws that break off inside the foot,ring shank nails I like a lot too because meat rips when they yank their foot off,l lay 2 pieces of 4x8 nail wood side by side to cover an 8x8 area,then camoflouge with about an inch of native soil & a few leaves,in the late 90's is when I started setting traps & haven't lost a crop to humans since.

if I were you I'd do what I could to funnel any foot traffic to where you want them to walk like I did,if you don't have thistle driving then in a sure direction get creative & leave signs out every 20 feet where you don't want traffic & use the signs along with a single boundary wire to drive them to your booby trapped paths,being able to claim " we didn't see any signs" will move them to where you want them to be in order for their wounded deer excuse to be valid in their minds .

just think like a thief when you walk your property & you'll know where to clear cut paths for the rippers to take the bait & they do every time
With my luck I'd probably forget about the trap and be squealing myself. Good thing I recently moved into a condo. No rippers on my balcony 25 stories up.
we have a wire fence property line clearly marked,on my side of the line on the two trails through the heavy bush I've been known to leave a booby trap or two, a few sheets of weathered plywood with hundreds of nails & screws poking upwards,covered with a dusting of dirt & leaves & some dog shit to keep deer off the path works like a charm.

there is 16.5 acres behind the house & I can hear the squeels inside my home when they get stuck,I've been known to fire 60 round mags into the ground with slide stock rifles to scare the fuck out of whoever is doing the squeeling 2,000 feet away in the bush,its amazing how fast they " unstick " themselves from the nail board & forget about the inviso 12 point they were sure ran onto my land to die .

I don't buy the wounded deer shit anymore,I've been dealing with rippers for over 20 years now,its the smell that draws them in & not once have I ever heard a shot fired before the squeeling starts .
Lol even though that is tempting as all hell, I've been advised on more then one occasion that setting any types of traps can get you criminally charged. Even if someone is breaking the law by trespassing! Personally I feel we should be able to protect our property and homes.....
Lol even though that is tempting as all hell, I've been advised on more then one occasion that setting any types of traps can get you criminally charged. Even if someone is breaking the law by trespassing! Personally I feel we should be able to protect our property and homes.....

It will. In fact, you will be charged with aggravated assault at the very least. Should you actually kill someone, you'll be charged with Murder 2 in most jurisdictions, Murder 1 in others...and you will go to jail for the vast majority of the remainder of your life if not all of it.

Castle Doctrine does not apply to property. It ONLY applies to your person.
Yeah man your right about the piss lol ! I think what you said really sums it up though man it's all about location and planning I fell like I did a great job on that but hunters really know no boundries they will take the worst shot of there life wound a deer and go for miles through brush to try to find it because they feel bad I'm worried about the shitty hunters lol
gametrail cameras...........
is one thought
I tried it once got maced right in the sack !
If you got sizeable land maybe consider a pair or working class dogs as garden sentries? maybe even borrow some dogs for harvest season? deer don't fuck where dogs stench is prevalent. hunters shouldn't be "hunting" private land w/o permission..........I feel your worry.
my uncle used to fuck with outa staters at a local campground by playing loon calls over and over again at 2am lmao epic reactions
I have electric fence ... several strands and very hot! also some driveway wireless alarms sat up near my plants and then a 12 gauge shotgun right beside my bed in case the alarm goes off ,,,,,, plus 4 dogs. (they are little help).
Slap up a few deer stands and properly put up posted/trespassing signs. Most would see the stands and the signs and think the property owner is nearby somewhere. Cameras are good also sometimes. Only bad thing about cameras is of the crooks spot them they will steal them also. So of using cameras place them high and not easy access. Some barking dogs are great idea. They quickly remind someone where they are (private property) what there doing (trespassing)and the fact they could be barking because they are onto them.
Yeah il stick to my crazy naked guy chasing an invisible monster with a shovel method .....booby traps are for gorilla grows now days ...I'm not saying it's not fun to set a few high tension snairs to shit whip a ripper or two ...I'm just saying it shouldn't be done near your home or property where your grow is .....because if someone truly gets stabbed by hundreds of nails and then gun shots start going off while there being injured come the po po and last I checked guns and pot grows are a bad mix in the laws eyes confronting the people before they get to what I like to refer to as my area51 is the best method ......but assaulting them and then firing guns is defeating the purpose of trying to stay off the radar and keep things quiet and peaceful on and near your property ....GL OP
Just grow in a greenhouse. One that's strong and has a lock on the door. It solves all of your problems. Put a carbon filter over the exhaust fans and remove the smell entirely. Other than that, use deer fencing. It's cheap and it works. Just staple to the trees, no posts needed.