Proof of Where GOD Came From

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
No one believes you CWE. And we all are laughing and pointing out flaws in your ridiculous claims (that people have been claiming for centuries, it's not just you) because you are either being deceived, or you are deceiving yourself.
The flaws you pointed out had an answer for them, and Pad agreed with that answer. He would of came to the same conclusion without using simple number or card tests. Im pretty sure those are the only flaws. All you can say is that Im lying or me and everyone I know is being fooled, and I am completely fine with that, I dont care if you believe man lol.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you don't have this ability... I truly believe anything can happen... just not in an infinite number of ways.... example... i think it is possible to throw an orange through a humans face and come out of the back of the head as a well gin and tonic with a top shelf floater, in a hello kitty mug. For real.
BUT, it requires a certain set of events to occur... maybe there is multiple ways, or maybe just one. The reason I believe it is possible is because I thought of it. Perhaps it would take all of the effort and resources of man kind, but it could be done. Just like anything we can think of. The pyramids of Giza included.

My point is, I'm not the "skeptic" sort of guy. I believe proving telepathy in a controlled scientific environment is 100% possible. For sure.

If you have the ability why not do the Randi challenge? 1 million dollars. How could you turn that down? How could your friend turn that down? It's like someone handing you a winning lotto ticket and you say your pockets are full, i can't.

That 1 million would just be the beginning... you could easily get 1 million per interview. You would easily be a multi millionaire in 6 months. Why pass it up?
I can only see bad things happening from that though. He would get global recognition and people would want to know how he is able to do this. He will tell them that we all have the tools to do it and it has to do with spirituality. Most likely everyone would believe him. Unless you are stubbornly holding onto your beliefs and claim that he doesnt know how he is able to do it or that hes lying to us and hes really an atheist with ESP... So people will think he knows the secrets of reality, and probably just as many people will see him as the anti-christ or the devil. People would accept his explanations of everything and those explanations would be threatening to those that are in power, wars can be caused over that shit. The last thing that those who are in power want is for truth to be heard. Even if there wasnt any bad consequences like that, the money and fame would only corrupt his soul. Surely he wasnt sent here to prove ESP and get a million dollars and have a bunch of bling and a pool full of hoe's. Thats stupid. This is a crucial time in Earths history and hes going to play a role in it. Im not expecting you to believe me. How can you? This is quite the fucking story and even if I provide my friends information it still wouldnt be convincing... You guys are asking and I am telling, and thats pretty much all I can do unless you want to take a trip over here and get a dose reality. Believe what you want.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth I doubt Chiefs friend would be eligible for the test.

"Since April 1, 2007 only those with an already existing media profile and the backing of a reputable academic are allowed to apply for the challenge. The resources freed up by not having to test obscure and possibly mentally ill claimants will then be used to challenge high-profile alleged psychics and mediums such as Sylvia Browne and John Edward with a campaign in the media."

"On March 8, 2011, the JREF announced that qualifications were being altered to open the Challenge to more applicants. Whereas applicants were previously required to submit press clippings and a letter from an academic institution to qualify, the new rules now require applicants to present either press clippings, a letter from an academic institution, or a public video demonstrating their ability."

As for believing Chief, I have no problem believing that a gullible half-wit was fooled into thinking another has psychic powers. We see the sort of observational and thinking skills the Chief applies, and much smarter and much more educated people than him get fooled everyday, often by cheap carnie tricks.

However this last post convinces me he is lying by the sheer stupidity of his words. lets have a look...

I can only see bad things happening from that though. He would get global recognition and people would want to know how he is able to do this. He will tell them that we all have the tools to do it and it has to do with spirituality. Most likely everyone would believe him. Unless you are stubbornly holding onto your beliefs and claim that he doesnt know how he is able to do it or that hes lying to us and hes really an atheist with ESP... So people will think he knows the secrets of reality, and probably just as many people will see him as the anti-christ or the devil. People would accept his explanations of everything and those explanations would be threatening to those that are in power, wars can be caused over that shit. The last thing that those who are in power want is for truth to be heard.
Millions of people believe thoroughly in Sylvia Browne and John Edwards, who indeed tell people that spirituality gives them the tools to talk to dead people and gain truth. Dozens of these believers are in government, yet no one is going to war over them being the Anti-Christ. The reason is that no psychic has ever revealed any truth or secrets the government finds threatening. I would also hate to think that someone who knows 'the secrets of reality' would have trouble out maneuvering the government. It seems these powers are more of a handicap than an advantage.

For every person in power who does not want 'the truth to be heard', there is another person in power and would love for the truth to be heard. You don't think China or Iran would love to expose some truths about the US? You don't think G.W would have liked to find Bin Laden? You are now not only asking us to believe some dude has powers, you want us to believe there is a global conspiracy to squash these powers. World cooperation where none exists otherwise.

Even if there wasnt any bad consequences like that, the money and fame would only corrupt his soul. Surely he wasnt sent here to prove ESP and get a million dollars and have a bunch of bling and a pool full of hoe's. Thats stupid. This is a crucial time in Earths history and hes going to play a role in it. Im not expecting you to believe me. How can you? This is quite the fucking story and even if I provide my friends information it still wouldnt be convincing... You guys are asking and I am telling, and thats pretty much all I can do unless you want to take a trip over here and get a dose reality. Believe what you want.
So this friend who has figured out the secrets of reality would be corrupted by money and fame? Hes such an old soul yet would be tempted by bling and hoes? How spiritual can he be if he has not learned to forgo earthly possessions? If all it would take to derail this crucial player in earth history is a measly million dollars, then why wouldn't governments simply pay him off rather than start wars? What is stopping your friend from donating the money to a worthy charity, thus strengthening his character instead of corrupting it? A million dollars would feed a lot of starving children, seems rather selfish of your friend to deny them food. For all the spiritual insight and secrets your friend knows, you describe him as a rather shallow and fragile soul. You don't have much faith in him apparently.

It seems you thought about these statements only long enough to perceive that they back you up, but not long enough to tell if they make sense. Typical of your standards. Virtually everything you say is a contradiction. Your words are riddled with inconsistencies. We find contradiction and inconsistency when people are lying.

This is what the Cheif always brings us, half baked fantasies of a kid who wants to feel special but is unable to think clearly and honestly. He falls for his own bullshit. He spends time nearly every day posting here, yet he claims it is a 'shit show', apparently one he enjoys. He has been telling us about his friend for months and is even willing to hook us up on Facebook yet he doesn't care at all if you believe him or not.

I am becoming more convinced that the Chief is either incredibly stupid or mentally ill. Either way exchanges with him are beginning to feel like poking a caged retard with a stick - not fair. Too bad the discovery institute is not offering a million dollars to disprove creationism. Chief is all the evidence we would need to falsify intelligent design.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
For what it's worth I doubt Chiefs friend would be eligible for the test.

"Since April 1, 2007 only those with an already existing media profile and the backing of a reputable academic are allowed to apply for the challenge. The resources freed up by not having to test obscure and possibly mentally ill claimants will then be used to challenge high-profile alleged psychics and mediums such as Sylvia Browne and John Edward with a campaign in the media."

"On March 8, 2011, the JREF announced that qualifications were being altered to open the Challenge to more applicants. Whereas applicants were previously required to submit press clippings and a letter from an academic institution to qualify, the new rules now require applicants to present either press clippings, a letter from an academic institution, or a public video demonstrating their ability."

As for believing Chief, I have no problem believing that a gullible half-wit was fooled into thinking another has psychic powers. We see the sort of observational and thinking skills the Chief applies, and much smarter and much more educated people than him get fooled everyday, often by cheap carnie tricks.

However this last post convinces me he is lying by the sheer stupidity of his words. lets have a look...

Millions of people believe thoroughly in Sylvia Browne and John Edwards, who indeed tell people that spirituality gives them the tools to talk to dead people and gain truth. Dozens of these believers are in government, yet no one is going to war over them being the Anti-Christ. I would also hate to think that someone who knows 'the secrets of reality' would have trouble out maneuvering the government. It seems these powers are more of a handicap than an advantage.

For every person in power who does not want 'the truth to be heard', there is another person in power and would love for the truth to be heard. You don't think China or Iran would love to expose some truths about the US? You don't think G.W would have liked to find Bin Laden? You are now not only asking us to believe some dude has powers, you want us to believe there is a global conspiracy to squash these powers. World cooperation where none exists otherwise.

So this friend who has figured out the secrets of reality would be corrupted by money and fame? Hes such an old soul yet would be tempted by bling and hoes? How spiritual can he be if he has not learned to forgo earthly possessions? If all it would take to derail this crucial player in earth history is a measly million dollars, then why wouldn't governments simply pay him off rather than start wars? What is stopping your friend from donating the money to a worthy charity, thus strengthening his character instead of corrupting it? A million dollars would feed a lot of starving children, seems rather selfish of your friend to deny them food. For all the spiritual insight and secrets your friend knows, you describe him as a rather shallow and fragile soul. You don't have much faith in him apparently.

It seems you thought about these statements only long enough to perceive that they back you up, but not long enough to tell if they make sense. Typical of your standards.

This is what the Cheif always brings us, half baked fantasies of a kid who wants to feel special but is unable to think clearly and honestly. He falls for his own bullshit. He spends time nearly every day posting here, yet he claims it is a 'shit show', apparently one he enjoys. He has been telling us about his friend for months and is even willing to hook us up on Facebook yet he doesn't care at all if you believe him or not.

I am becoming more convinced that the Chief is either incredibly stupid or mentally ill. Either way exchanges with him are beginning to feel like poking a caged retard with a stick - not fair. Too bad the discovery institute is not offering a million dollars to disprove creationism. Chief is all the evidence we would need to falsify intelligent design.
LOL I was wondering when you'd chime in and hop on your stool to preach to your people, and you did not disappoint.

Millions of people also think those people are talking out of their ass because its easy to fool people the way they do. A bit of background research and bam, your a medium. These things cant be scientifically proven because they think its foolish to even try to prove them wrong because they are obviously con artists. In this case it can be scientifically proven. Consistent results would be made and it would be obvious that something not 'natural' is happening here, and thats only with his ESP. But like I said, his brain would be scanned and there would be activity in his pineal gland and other central systems of the brain, nothing would be seen coming or going, and the scientists would side with the 'natural' explanation no matter what explanation my friend gives. He would have a lot more credibility behind him and he would have A LOT more attention than some hillbillies on a TV show (Love your desperate comparison). He would be world famous. His verified abilities and his explanations would be threatening governments and religion, how would they not? His abilities would be confirmed professionally but were not supposed to believe how he got these abilities just because you have a grudge with magical thinking? He would explain everything, probably talk some shit about how evil a lot of religions are, and talk about how corrupted and evil governments are. With his scientifically proven abilities, he'd get attention from religious extremists because hes against their religion so they would label him as evil. Did I read you right when you said theres just as many people in government who want the truth out there? Are you fucking kidding me Heis? That is ridiculous. You dont even need to include conspiracy shit to know that the government is not there to help the people. From a person who is passionate about pointing out delusions in people, that is a hilarious statement from you. This kinda of information would give people power and the ability to look past this brain dead consumer culture that is praised so much.

OF COURSE hes a fragile MIND. Hes a human being like everyone else. He was sent here to learn and experience like everyone else was. He makes stupid mistakes and learns form them just like everyone else. Were you expecting him to be like Jesus? Our souls are old but we are still mostly lost in this reality because we are limited to our physical mind. Not that any of this is relevant to you because you think its bullshit as well, just trying to point out another one of your desperate attempts to humiliate me.

I dont care if you believe me or not, but you guys keep asking and I keep answering, even though you know you wont believe anything I say.

If your caged retard comparison was even somewhat true, the kid poking the retard is some fucked in the head problem child who enjoys killing cute little critters. Also you are still actively engaging me and you will continue to actively engage me even though you think Im retarded, good job Heis. I think thats mostly to do with your egomaniac 'protector of truth and reason' mentality that you have. That and your angry that you have no voice, or purpose Im guessing, in the real world so you think you are doing a service to humanity here by spreading awareness to the things that you are overly biased and passionate about. You are the bat-shit-crazy bible thumpin hate monger of science and skepticism and you do no justice to those things you hold so dearly. You have a obvious dogmatic agenda that has yet to attract anyone that has a different view because they see the bullshit right away. Thank god for the internet because I think some serious psychological problems would arise if you didnt have some kinda of stress relief in this world that you have no power in.



Well-Known Member
LOL I was wondering when you'd chime in and hop on your stool to preach to your people, and you did not disappoint.

Millions of people also think those people are talking out of their ass because its easy to fool people the way they do. A bit of background research and bam, your a medium. These things cant be scientifically proven because they think its foolish to even try to prove them wrong because they are obviously con artists. In this case it can be scientifically proven. Consistent results would be made and it would be obvious that something not 'natural' is happening here, and thats only with his ESP. But like I said, his brain would be scanned and there would be activity in his pineal gland and other central systems of the brain, nothing would be seen coming or going, and the scientists would side with the 'natural' explanation no matter what explanation my friend gives. He would have a lot more credibility behind him and he would have A LOT more attention than some hillbillies on a TV show (Love your desperate comparison). He would be world famous. His verified abilities and his explanations would be threatening governments and religion, how would they not? His abilities would be confirmed professionally but were not supposed to believe how he got these abilities just because you have a grudge with magical thinking? He would explain everything, probably talk some shit about how evil a lot of religions are, and talk about how corrupted and evil governments are. With his scientifically proven abilities, he'd get attention from religious extremists because hes against their religion so they would label him as evil. Did I read you right when you said theres just as many people in government who want the truth out there? Are you fucking kidding me Heis? That is ridiculous. You dont even need to include conspiracy shit to know that the government is not there to help the people. From a person who is passionate about pointing out delusions in people, that is a hilarious statement from you. This kinda of information would give people power and the ability to look past this brain dead consumer culture that is praised so much.

OF COURSE hes a fragile MIND. Hes a human being like everyone else. He was sent here to learn and experience like everyone else was. He makes stupid mistakes and learns form them just like everyone else. Were you expecting him to be like Jesus? Our souls are old but we are still mostly lost in this reality because we are limited to our physical mind. Not that any of this is relevant to you because you think its bullshit as well, just trying to point out another one of your desperate attempts to humiliate me.

I dont care if you believe me or not, but you guys keep asking and I keep answering, even though you know you wont believe anything I say.

If your caged retard comparison was even somewhat true, the kid poking the retard is some fucked in the head problem child who enjoys killing cute little critters. Also you are still actively engaging me and you will continue to actively engage me even though you think Im retarded, good job Heis. I think thats mostly to do with your egomaniac 'protector of truth and reason' mentality that you have. That and your angry that you have no voice, or purpose Im guessing, in the real world so you think you are doing a service to humanity here by spreading awareness to the things that you are overly biased and passionate about. You are the bat-shit-crazy bible thumpin hate monger of science and skepticism and you do no justice to those things you hold so dearly. You have a obvious dogmatic agenda that has yet to attract anyone that has a different view because they see the bullshit right away. Thank god for the internet because I think some serious psychological problems would arise if you didnt have some kinda of stress relief in this world that you have no power in.
Wow, toooo looong, wont bother. Thankfully you have set the standard that we don't have to read each other's posts if we don't feel like it.

Wonder how many others are OK with skipping your posts these days?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
So this friend who has figured out the secrets of reality would be corrupted by money and fame? Hes such an old soul yet would be tempted by bling and hoes? How spiritual can he be if he has not learned to forgo earthly possessions? If all it would take to derail this crucial player in earth history is a measly million dollars, then why wouldn't governments simply pay him off rather than start wars? What is stopping your friend from donating the money to a worthy charity, thus strengthening his character instead of corrupting it? A million dollars would feed a lot of starving children, seems rather selfish of your friend to deny them food. For all the spiritual insight and secrets your friend knows, you describe him as a rather shallow and fragile soul. You don't have much faith in him apparently.

It seems you thought about these statements only long enough to perceive that they back you up, but not long enough to tell if they make sense. Typical of your standards. Virtually everything you say is a contradiction. Your words are riddled with inconsistencies. We find contradiction and inconsistency when people are lying.

This is what the Cheif always brings us, half baked fantasies of a kid who wants to feel special but is unable to think clearly and honestly. He falls for his own bullshit. He spends time nearly every day posting here, yet he claims it is a 'shit show', apparently one he enjoys. He has been telling us about his friend for months and is even willing to hook us up on Facebook yet he doesn't care at all if you believe him or not.

I am becoming more convinced that the Chief is either incredibly stupid or mentally ill. Either way exchanges with him are beginning to feel like poking a caged retard with a stick - not fair. Too bad the discovery institute is not offering a million dollars to disprove creationism. Chief is all the evidence we would need to falsify intelligent design.
Thought this should be said again.

No way! You skipped his post too? I think im going to make this a guilty pleasure of mine from now on. Sorry CWE, you posts will officially be skipped until i read another post, from someone else, that claims you have gained some sort of sense. Would rather not waste my time or energy to feed his attention seeking behavior.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth I doubt Chiefs friend would be eligible for the test.

"Since April 1, 2007 only those with an already existing media profile and the backing of a reputable academic are allowed to apply for the challenge. The resources freed up by not having to test obscure and possibly mentally ill claimants will then be used to challenge high-profile alleged psychics and mediums such as Sylvia Browne and John Edward with a campaign in the media."

"On March 8, 2011, the JREF announced that qualifications were being altered to open the Challenge to more applicants. Whereas applicants were previously required to submit press clippings and a letter from an academic institution to qualify, the new rules now require applicants to present either press clippings, a letter from an academic institution, or a public video demonstrating their ability."

As for believing Chief, I have no problem believing that a gullible half-wit was fooled into thinking another has psychic powers. We see the sort of observational and thinking skills the Chief applies, and much smarter and much more educated people than him get fooled everyday, often by cheap carnie tricks.

However this last post convinces me he is lying by the sheer stupidity of his words. lets have a look...

Millions of people believe thoroughly in Sylvia Browne and John Edwards, who indeed tell people that spirituality gives them the tools to talk to dead people and gain truth. Dozens of these believers are in government, yet no one is going to war over them being the Anti-Christ. The reason is that no psychic has ever revealed any truth or secrets the government finds threatening. I would also hate to think that someone who knows 'the secrets of reality' would have trouble out maneuvering the government. It seems these powers are more of a handicap than an advantage.

For every person in power who does not want 'the truth to be heard', there is another person in power and would love for the truth to be heard. You don't think China or Iran would love to expose some truths about the US? You don't think G.W would have liked to find Bin Laden? You are now not only asking us to believe some dude has powers, you want us to believe there is a global conspiracy to squash these powers. World cooperation where none exists otherwise.

So this friend who has figured out the secrets of reality would be corrupted by money and fame? Hes such an old soul yet would be tempted by bling and hoes? How spiritual can he be if he has not learned to forgo earthly possessions? If all it would take to derail this crucial player in earth history is a measly million dollars, then why wouldn't governments simply pay him off rather than start wars? What is stopping your friend from donating the money to a worthy charity, thus strengthening his character instead of corrupting it? A million dollars would feed a lot of starving children, seems rather selfish of your friend to deny them food. For all the spiritual insight and secrets your friend knows, you describe him as a rather shallow and fragile soul. You don't have much faith in him apparently.

It seems you thought about these statements only long enough to perceive that they back you up, but not long enough to tell if they make sense. Typical of your standards. Virtually everything you say is a contradiction. Your words are riddled with inconsistencies. We find contradiction and inconsistency when people are lying.

This is what the Cheif always brings us, half baked fantasies of a kid who wants to feel special but is unable to think clearly and honestly. He falls for his own bullshit. He spends time nearly every day posting here, yet he claims it is a 'shit show', apparently one he enjoys. He has been telling us about his friend for months and is even willing to hook us up on Facebook yet he doesn't care at all if you believe him or not.

I am becoming more convinced that the Chief is either incredibly stupid or mentally ill. Either way exchanges with him are beginning to feel like poking a caged retard with a stick - not fair. Too bad the discovery institute is not offering a million dollars to disprove creationism. Chief is all the evidence we would need to falsify intelligent design.
*Cough* o_O - Game, set, match. I'll keep my retard-pokin' stick handy in case the critter tries to get into the science, reason, and fact jars again. Can't have him contaminating those. How's it going setting up the FB chat, CWE? Nothing yet? Be sure to keep us posted, I'll hold my breath starting... now...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Btw Pad. He did decline. BUT I asked my other friend if hes willing to talk and he is slightly more humble. The friend that I talk about calls this guy 'master', not because hes his master, he just knows more shit. I only mentioned my other friend a few times because I only met him a couple times. He didnt seem all that comfortable with me thinking 'hi' the first time we met lol. Keep holding Tyler!


Well-Known Member
Dope! Btw, was the last aliens podcast rough to watch for you? lol
If you're referring to Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, yes, it was pretty tough to watch, that dude seems completely disconnected from reality, imo

This one was a little easier as Coppens seems much more informed about what he's talking about, but he still made a ton of assumptions based on unsubstantiated claims, Rogan eats that shit up, the more I hear his opinions about the subject the more I put him into the category with Tsoukalos.

Btw Pad. He did decline. BUT I asked my other friend if hes willing to talk and he is slightly more humble. The friend that I talk about calls this guy 'master', not because hes his master, he just knows more shit. I only mentioned my other friend a few times because I only met him a couple times. He didnt seem all that comfortable with me thinking 'hi' the first time we met lol. Keep holding Tyler!
What was his reason for declining?

OK, I'll ask him a few questions if he accepts, but to tell you the truth I doubt it will actually answer much

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
If you're referring to Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, yes, it was pretty tough to watch, that dude seems completely disconnected from reality, imo

This one was a little easier as Coppens seems much more informed about what he's talking about, but he still made a ton of assumptions based on unsubstantiated claims, Rogan eats that shit up, the more I hear his opinions about the subject the more I put him into the category with Tsoukalos.

What was his reason for declining?

OK, I'll ask him a few questions if he accepts, but to tell you the truth I doubt it will actually answer much
Im not familiar with Coppens. I probably did see him speak in the two Ancient Aliens episodes that I watched but I dont know.

He didnt say his reason. He just laughed and said no. Perhaps he thought you had intentions to start an argument and mock him, I dunno. I made your intentions clear when i asked my other friend though.

He may seem illiterate like your typical gangster through text but he is not as 'hood' in real life and is actually quite understandable and respectable. The G is apparent in him because he likes rappers and songs like this lol