Proof of Where GOD Came From

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Would he have a problem with this sort of situation, if I were to travel where he is, would he oppose such investigation?

I am absolutely not certain of any explanation. If supernatural influences were at play, and there were reasonable and measurable reasons to believe them, they wouldn't be supernatural. They would be occurring in the natural world, rendering them natural events. If what you propose is true, you and your friend would instantly become internationally famous.

Why wouldn't you ask him these sorts of detailed questions about it? Is he bothered by any inquisition? This is the type of stuff, had it happened to me personally, I'd spend days, weeks, months getting to the bottom of! It seems like you've simply accepted the brief answers he's given you and that's it. And again, that type of behavior seems completely contrary to what I'd expect someone to have in such a situation. You can realize this, I'm sure, right? If someone created a device that teleports people across vast distances, would you expect them to accept a minimal explanation such as "well yeah, it's got to do with computers n shit.."? It's vague, non explanatory.. I'd be asking "how does it work?", "how did you figure it out?", "is it an exact copy or a replication?", etc.....

I would be glad to make the trip, but I'd need some sort of evidence before hand, something to justify travelling thousands of miles for, and I'd bring TD with me! Nahwhatimsayin?
I dont think he would have a problem. You traveled thousands of miles to see him. Theres a very slight chance that he might tell you to fuck off because he might not like you, thats just a guess though, hes usually not an asshole.

What is good about becoming famous? I dont think those that are in power would want truth to spread. People would be believing what he has to say and the elite would lose power, wars can be caused over that shit. Extreme religious people would be calling him the devil and threatening him. Money and fame would only corrupt his soul because he would become over indulgent on materialistic things. He also wouldnt want to be a lab rat to those that he thinks are stupid (scientists) because they are obsessed with an illusion (physical reality). I dont think they are stupid, btw, I enjoy the discoveries in physics and what not. Plus he would hate the constant questioning from people, he hated the constant questioning from me.

I was obsessed about these things once he exposed this reality to me. I couldnt get it off my mind. I constantly asked him questions. I couldnt believe I was the only one amazed and eager to learn! Everyone else was like "Woa man, this is some scary shit". At about the fourth discussion that lasted a couple hours he finally told me hes sick of me asking questions and that I know enough to start learning and experiencing reality myself. Some crazy fucking stories man, I tell ya lol. I imagine it is possible to do what he does in this lifetime, we have the tools, everyone is equally divine. Im assuming you'd have to have more patience and know-how than a Buddhist monk though.

Evidence as in if he actually exists or testimonies from other people about his abilities or something else? I dont see what else there is to offer when you are way over there.


Well-Known Member
I dont think he would have a problem. You traveled thousands of miles to see him. Theres a very slight chance that he might tell you to fuck off because he might not like you, thats just a guess though, hes usually not an asshole.

What is good about becoming famous? I dont think those that are in power would NOT (major edit) want truth to spread. People would be believing what he has to say and the elite would lose power, wars can be caused over that shit. Extreme religious people would be calling him the devil and threatening him. Money and fame would only corrupt his soul because he would become over indulgent on materialistic things. He also wouldnt want to be a lab rat to those that he thinks are stupid (scientists) because they are obsessed with an illusion (physical reality). I dont think they are stupid, btw, I enjoy the discoveries in physics and what not. Plus he would hate the constant questioning from people, he hated the constant questioning from me.
I agree, anything against the status quo would likely be met with defense. But what if it was kept quiet, what if I signed a confidentiality agreement? He'd avoid fame and fortune and only you and I (and those that viewed the interviews, who would likely end up with their own conclusions as most people do now, especially regarding such things) would know the truth.

I don't understand why he'd hate to be questioned about such things and not feel it's expected. Can you expand on that? It would seem like between close friends he'd be excited to inform, not hesitant..

I was obsessed about these things once he exposed this reality to me. I couldnt get it off my mind. I constantly asked him questions. I couldnt believe I was the only one amazed and eager to learn! Everyone else was like "Woa man, this is some scary shit". At about the fourth discussion that lasted a couple hours he finally told me hes sick of me asking questions and that I know enough to start learning and experiencing reality myself. Some crazy fucking stories man, I tell ya lol. I imagine it is possible to do what he does in this lifetime, we have the tools, everyone is equally divine. Im assuming you'd have to have more patience and know-how than a Buddhist monk though.
Why would he feel that way? I honestly don't understand.. did you give him a lot of grief over it when you discovered it? Was it a constant sort of nagging on your part, as it no doubt would be for me? I'd question until he demanded, insisted, I stop. Until he quit answering my questions, as something like this would be amazing. No different than discovering a Genie in a lamp!

Evidence as in if he actually exists or testimonies from other people about his abilities or something else? I dont see what else there is to offer when you are way over there.
Testimonies from other people would increase the strength of your argument, but something that would warrant international travel, actually speaking to the guy or even FB messaging, would help..

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I agree, anything against the status quo would likely be met with defense. But what if it was kept quiet, what if I signed a confidentiality agreement? He'd avoid fame and fortune and only you and I (and those that viewed the interviews, who would likely end up with their own conclusions as most people do now, especially regarding such things) would know the truth.

I don't understand why he'd hate to be questioned about such things and not feel it's expected. Can you expand on that? It would seem like between close friends he'd be excited to inform, not hesitant..

Why would he feel that way? I honestly don't understand.. did you give him a lot of grief over it when you discovered it? Was it a constant sort of nagging on your part, as it no doubt would be for me? I'd question until he demanded, insisted, I stop. Until he quit answering my questions, as something like this would be amazing. No different than discovering a Genie in a lamp!

Testimonies from other people would increase the strength of your argument, but something that would warrant international travel, actually speaking to the guy or even FB messaging, would help..
I fucked up on the "NOT (major edit)" part. Im really tired and thought I said those that are in power would want truth to get out there.

I dont think you knowing his abilities would spread a whole lot of awareness around. I think the skeptics here would be like "Shit... we lost Pad" lol. Its not his intention to get many people believing him, though he is enlightening those he sees fit, without gathering a following. I just dont see how we can scientifically study him with scanners a scientists while keeping it under wraps, those scientists would want recognition and they would want the truth to be heard. I just see shit hitting the fan if this got global recognition.

Lol thats exactly what happened. It was hard for me to stay on one subject because I would already have another question in my head. I wish I could remember a lot of the things we discussed because my mind was racing when ever we discussed, it was hard to take it all in. It was constant questioning, none stop whenever we discussed. He finally started to not take my questions seriously and then demanded that I stop asking questions. My friends thought I was a little bit crazy for a bit, and I said "how could you not feel a little bit crazy when you know what this guy is capable of and what he knows?!?". Some are finally starting to practice spirituality now though... Next time I see him we'll have a talk though. We still do have small discussions that last for 5 minutes or so. I hold myself back.


Well-Known Member
Hey Chief, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hault the conversation till tomorrow, I'm tired as fuck, I'll get back to you then, bud

I appreciate the civil discourse tonight, though.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
CWF, ask for proof, ask for simple tests to be done to reassure you, if he gets mad, you know he is lying. If he is enthusiastic about showing you all the secrets and how he does everything, you know he is telling the truth.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Poor schitzos, they have no idea whats happening or how to deal with it or manipulate it so that the experiences are better.

My childhood world was quite real like every other normal person, actually. Went to church a handful of times. Believed in Jesus but thought Adam and Eve and what not was bullshit right from the start. Didnt really care at all about christianity though, just did my thang.

My boring childhood carried on to boring teenage and adulthood, like most people. Then I experienced some crazy shit, along with a lot of people that I know, but we all share the same hallucinations and it says nothing about reality? Damn, its crazy how people who are obliviously schitzos can find each other by chance and we all share the same hallucinations. Does that mean schizophrenia is infectious? Because new people experience these exact same hallucinations... lol
its true, my dad was a schizo(is?) and i have a brother and sister who both suffer from mild schizophrenia, like memory lapses, voices(only when sober). its the reason why he grows cannabis, its meds for him, for years i thought i was gonna end up like that due to the kinda life we had/stress but so far so good.


Well-Known Member
Well at the end of the day the universe is trillions of light years wide, for people to think that we are the only civilization is ignorance at its finest.
Actually, it is quite possible that we are an anomaly in the universe. Although I will say that the odds of there being no life in the universe is so highly improbable that it is not even calculable. However, if we go with the theory that due to the shear volume of the universe, there has to be alien life than we must also accept the fact (however infinitesimal) that we could just be a mistake.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Actually, it is quite possible that we are an anomaly in the universe. Although I will say that the odds of there being no life in the universe is so highly improbable that it is not even calculable. However, if we go with the theory that due to the shear volume of the universe, there has to be alien life than we must also accept the fact (however infinitesimal) that we could just be a mistake.
i know one thing that will change the convo, finding life or evidence of prehistoric life on mars. it would kill the "we are alone" mentality. also

we will be the aliens- when we get to mars(if) we will be the invaders. think about that :shock:


Ursus marijanus
CWF, ask for proof, ask for simple tests to be done to reassure you, if he gets mad, you know he is lying. If he is enthusiastic about showing you all the secrets and how he does everything, you know he is telling the truth.
I don't trust that correlation. The very best con men exude sincerity and enthusiasm. Mind you; that's not an observation on CWE's friend. Just a caution that that might not work. cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I agree, anything against the status quo would likely be met with defense. But what if it was kept quiet, what if I signed a confidentiality agreement? He'd avoid fame and fortune and only you and I (and those that viewed the interviews, who would likely end up with their own conclusions as most people do now, especially regarding such things) would know the truth.
Uh, he is a mind reader, shouldn't he be able to know your true intentions and whether you actually plan to keep quite or not without any kind of legal document? Shouldn't he just be able to read your mind and know himself? If he can't then I don't think his argument will hold any water.

I think chief is lying. I don't think him or any of his friends have the abilities he claims. I have heard the testimony a thousand times, and 100% when analyzed it turns out to be bullshit. There has never been a single case of what he is claiming can happen, ever, despite thousands of outlandish claims like this. I will only believe when someone can actually demonstrate it is true, until then it's pure bullshit.

Seriously though, you and your buddy should enter the randi challenge. Get a cool million bucks if you can perform these esp readings under laboratory conditions, which should be no problem if they are real.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand... Carbon is thought to be abundant in the Universe, produced by older stars. Astrophysicists? i think...
Silica is the most likely candidate for being another element that could possibly be the base of life. I don't understand much of that, but from what I do understand, it is not capable of the complexity and self replicating that carbon is capable of. So, probably no silica based life "civilizations" out there.

Complex chains and rings of carbon that escape from the heat of older stars and find themselves in a cool region of space with Hydrogen to bond to will form the simplest organic compounds (compounds associated with life processes). You need lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Then you can have life. I think it seems pretty likely to have happened at some point.
I don't think Aliens built the pyramids. I think humans did. It is easy to underestimate what humans can do... especially in our time, when most of us are not very active.
I think, in general, it is thought that the pyramids at Giza were built by 20,000 - 100,000 laborers, working year round, over decades. The idea that the pyramids could not be built with technology today is asinine. (As the video stated)


Well-Known Member
Uh, he is a mind reader, shouldn't he be able to know your true intentions and whether you actually plan to keep quite or not without any kind of legal document? Shouldn't he just be able to read your mind and know himself? If he can't then I don't think his argument will hold any water.

I think chief is lying. I don't think him or any of his friends have the abilities he claims. I have heard the testimony a thousand times, and 100% when analyzed it turns out to be bullshit. There has never been a single case of what he is claiming can happen, ever, despite thousands of outlandish claims like this. I will only believe when someone can actually demonstrate it is true, until then it's pure bullshit.

Seriously though, you and your buddy should enter the randi challenge. Get a cool million bucks if you can perform these esp readings under laboratory conditions, which should be no problem if they are real.
Of course he is lying: he's not being tricked or lied to, just making up pure shit in an attempt to legitimize the beliefs he needs to be true. We've suggested the Randi Challenge to him already, and his special friend wasn't down with it. Big surprise. The same will happen this time; he'll supposedly present the idea of doing some FB contact with Pad, his friend will decline because he's too spiritual (or doesn't exist), and we'll be right back where we are which is, 'oh well, I guess you'll just have to believe me...' Let's see if my prediction comes true, perhaps I'm clairvoyant...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
CWF, ask for proof, ask for simple tests to be done to reassure you, if he gets mad, you know he is lying. If he is enthusiastic about showing you all the secrets and how he does everything, you know he is telling the truth.
Pad agrees that the 'tests' I done were enough. If my friend answered a specific question in detail that Pad thought about, and answered another, and another, and repeated a personal experience that Pad thought about, then Pad would come to the same conclusion that I and many people I know have. Y U mad bro? lol

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Uh, he is a mind reader, shouldn't he be able to know your true intentions and whether you actually plan to keep quite or not without any kind of legal document? Shouldn't he just be able to read your mind and know himself? If he can't then I don't think his argument will hold any water.

I think chief is lying. I don't think him or any of his friends have the abilities he claims. I have heard the testimony a thousand times, and 100% when analyzed it turns out to be bullshit. There has never been a single case of what he is claiming can happen, ever, despite thousands of outlandish claims like this. I will only believe when someone can actually demonstrate it is true, until then it's pure bullshit.

Seriously though, you and your buddy should enter the randi challenge. Get a cool million bucks if you can perform these esp readings under laboratory conditions, which should be no problem if they are real.
I suggest you re-read the discussion for the answer to your suggestion.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Of course he is lying: he's not being tricked or lied to, just making up pure shit in an attempt to legitimize the beliefs he needs to be true. We've suggested the Randi Challenge to him already, and his special friend wasn't down with it. Big surprise. The same will happen this time; he'll supposedly present the idea of doing some FB contact with Pad, his friend will decline because he's too spiritual (or doesn't exist), and we'll be right back where we are which is, 'oh well, I guess you'll just have to believe me...' Let's see if my prediction comes true, perhaps I'm clairvoyant...
I dont care if you believe me or not lol I dont care how many people are aware of THEM (not him) and their abilities. It dont bother me none.



Well-Known Member
I dont care if you believe me or not lol I dont care how many people are aware of THEM (not him) and their abilities. It dont bother me none.
Oh, you care a LOT. That's why you made up the story in the first place, and why you've told it multiple times in this forum. No one actually believes your story, but you know that. So, how's it going setting up the communication between Pad and your imaginary friend(s)? Are we at the part of the story where he says no again? I like that part...

P.S. You used that poster a few days ago, you should wait at least a week before trying the same joke. More effective that way...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Oh, you care a LOT. That's why you made up the story in the first place, and why you've told it multiple times in this forum. No one actually believes your story, but you know that. So, how's it going setting up the communication between Pad and your imaginary friend(s)? Are we at the part of the story where he says no again? I like that part...

P.S. You used that poster a few days ago, you should wait at least a week before trying the same joke. More effective that way...
Nah, the effectiveness is apparent in your reply. Poster worked lol.

Your right. No one believes my story. At least the skeptics dont. Im only aware of one person on here that does. I remember Eye talking about these untapped human abilities but I dont know what he has to say about it. I know none of you will believe my story, Im not trying to get people to believe my story, yet Im lying and trying to get people to believe? Doesnt really make a lot of sense, Tyler. I mentioned my story once with little enthusiasm then I got hounded by all of you guys asking for explanations even though you knew no matter what I said you would think its bullshit. Which Im completely ok with.

Never got a reply from my friend yet, but yes, you are probably right that he will decline like last time, destroying the whole credibility of my story, OH NO! lol Believe what you want man. I got nothing to prove, but I wont ignore the constant questioning I am getting over these experiences.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
No one believes you CWE. And we all are laughing and pointing out flaws in your ridiculous claims (that people have been claiming for centuries, it's not just you) because you are either being deceived, or you are deceiving yourself.