Proof of Where GOD Came From

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
All I remember about it was he was walking with his friend and thought something, then his friend repeated it, then he got scared his friend could read his mind, then his friend reassured him everything was fine, and that was pretty much it.

I don't remember any mention of multiple people experiencing the same delusion at the same time.

So Chief, what happened?
Sheesh! I dont want this to be the third/fourth time I type a story that takes up the page so I'll try to keep it short.

You got the story wrong btw. Thought my friend was fucking crazy for a long time, eventually started to respect him and his spiritual views while still thinking hes crazy. A group of us were walking silently to our dealers house and I was in deep thought about one of our discussions and he answered a question that I THOUGHT of. All I said was "WHAAT?!". Blew my mind, I didnt speak of what happened, just kept walking. I was freaking out that he was in my head, anxiety took over and couldnt help but think about bad things about me, staying calm on the outside. To calm me down he said "Your faults are what define you, they are the diamond of your being" and I was calm.

I wondered why he replied and answered to his other friend when his other friend wouldnt say anything at all.

I know of at least ten people that consistently experience his abilities, he probably knows a lot more, never seen him in a long time. Time and time again, same outcome, same accuracy and consistency no matter what the circumstances or situation.

Alright, ask questions and point things out that stop me dead in my tracks lol.


Well-Known Member
Sheesh! I dont want this to be the third/fourth time I type a story that takes up the page so I'll try to keep it short.

You got the story wrong btw. Thought my friend was fucking crazy for a long time, eventually started to respect him and his spiritual views while still thinking hes crazy. A group of us were walking silently to our dealers house and I was in deep thought about one of our discussions and he answered a question that I THOUGHT of. All I said was "WHAAT?!". Blew my mind, I didnt speak of what happened, just kept walking. I was freaking out that he was in my head, anxiety took over and couldnt help but think about bad things about me, staying calm on the outside. To calm me down he said "Your faults are what define you, they are the diamond of your being" and I was calm.

I wondered why he replied and answered to his other friend when his other friend wouldnt say anything at all.

I know of at least ten people that consistently experience his abilities, he probably knows a lot more, never seen him in a long time. Time and time again, same outcome, same accuracy and consistency no matter what the circumstances or situation.

Alright, ask questions and point things out that stop me dead in my tracks lol.
What conclusion are you reaching from this?

From what you just described, the only rational conclusion I can come to is "I don't understand". That's it. What did you come to?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
What conclusion are you reaching from this?

From what you just described, the only rational conclusion I can come to is "I don't understand". That's it. What did you come to?
LOL @ your conclusion. No offence. Just kinda seems desperate.

Hes able to read thoughts that include him or are directed to him, from yelling distance. Surely that is understandable, yes? Though scientifically, how it is possible is not yet understood, which I dont see a problem with. Spiritually, it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
LOL @ your conclusion. No offence. Just kinda seems desperate.

Hes able to read thoughts that include him or are directed to him, from yelling distance. Surely that is understandable, yes? Though scientifically, how it is possible is not yet understood, which I dont see a problem with. Spiritually, it makes sense.
Chief, you don't understand either. If you did, you would be able to explain it.

You simply mark it up as "spirituality" and call it a day? What kind of answer is that?

Why not just say "MAGIC!", it explains exactly as much as "spirituality" does, none.

I'm not interested in magic, I'm interested in data, replicable results, conclusive explanations.

What positive claims can you make about your friends gift? Things like "he can read anyones mind whose thinking about him in his immediate surroundings", could he tell me the number I was thinking of 100% of the time?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Chief, you don't understand either. If you did, you would be able to explain it.

You simply mark it up as "spirituality" and call it a day? What kind of answer is that?

Why not just say "MAGIC!", it explains exactly as much as "spirituality" does, none.

I'm not interested in magic, I'm interested in data, replicable results, conclusive explanations.

What positive claims can you make about your friends gift? Things like "he can read anyones mind whose thinking about him in his immediate surroundings", could he tell me the number I was thinking of 100% of the time?
I dont see why not. Hes 100% accurate with me and anyone else who chooses to send thoughts to him, but only numbers and card games will verify that? Why are number and card games more verifiable than him being 100% accurate all the time about whats going through peoples heads? Its repeatable, its consistent, and we dont even need to say anything to give him a clue about what we're thinking about, because he already knows.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Also, I can somewhat explain it. No ones thoughts are confined to only their head. They are constantly streaming outside of our head like clouds or strings, subtly influencing reality. We often call these things 'coincidences'.


Well-Known Member
I dont see why not. Hes 100% accurate with me and anyone else who chooses to send thoughts to him, but only numbers and card games will verify that? Why are number and card games more verifiable than him being 100% accurate all the time about whats going through peoples heads? Its repeatable, its consistent, and we dont even need to say anything to give him a clue about what we're thinking about, because he already knows.
Also, I can somewhat explain it. No ones thoughts are confined to only their head. They are constantly streaming outside of our head like clouds or strings, subtly influencing reality. We often call these things 'coincidences'.
How do you "send thoughts to him", exactly? If I were to meet him, how would I do this?

Numbers are simply a way of confirming the claim. If I sat down with him and 50 out of 50 times he guessed what number I was thinking of out of 1,000, I would instantly apologize to you and become a believer. It's statistically impossible to guess 50 times correctly.

If what you claim about thoughts is true, how would you explain these types of people tap into them? Why can't I do it, why can't you do it?

Are you saying you don't believe in coincidences?

I've asked before, but is there any way you can get me in touch with this individual to ask him about his gift?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
How do you "send thoughts to him", exactly? If I were to meet him, how would I do this?

Numbers are simply a way of confirming the claim. If I sat down with him and 50 out of 50 times he guessed what number I was thinking of out of 1,000, I would instantly apologize to you and become a believer. It's statistically impossible to guess 50 times correctly.

If what you claim about thoughts is true, how would you explain these types of people tap into them? Why can't I do it, why can't you do it?

Are you saying you don't believe in coincidences?

I've asked before, but is there any way you can get me in touch with this individual to ask him about his gift?
It doesnt take much to send thoughts to him, just include him into your thought process. Its not something you can do now, you two have no idea about each other, no where to send thoughts to because you only know about him from me.

So if he answered a specific question in detail that you thought of, and another, and another, and then he repeated something personal that you thought of, what would be your conclusion then? Those card and number games just seem like a waste of time when you can come up with the exact same conclusion with him answering specific questions that are only in your head.

I think we obliviously tap into it sometimes. I often think of things and my dad or my best friend would bring up what I think about, I guess there has to be some kinda good compatibility with people. His case is different though. Hes a very old soul but still has a typical 18 year old personality. He was sent here to help in a crucial time in Earths history. He very suddenly became aware of who he was 2 years ago. He did say we can do what he is able to do. I dont know if he means with great practice or it will come to us in another lifetime. Im not expecting you to take any of that seriously lol.

I believe in coincidences, less so than peoples thoughts influencing reality or synchronicity showing that you are in the right place.

*sigh* I can bug him again I guess. Would his facebook be fine? I think thats all he has to talk to you with. What questions would you ask him though? Its not like you would take them seriously because his answers would have to do with spirituality, and that just doesnt fly with you.


Well-Known Member
LOL @ your conclusion. No offence. Just kinda seems desperate.

Hes able to read thoughts that include him or are directed to him, from yelling distance. Surely that is understandable, yes? Though scientifically, how it is possible is not yet understood, which I dont see a problem with. Spiritually, it makes sense.
I don't see how ESP = spirituality. Spirituality is the efforts some people make to overcome their feeling of separateness through deep contemplation, meditation, psychedelics, or other means of inducing non-ordinary states of consciousness. I don't often here of those who claim to achieve oneness claiming to read people's minds. This seems like another case of 'I don't understand it so ____.', in this case the blank is filled in with spirituality, which means you are basically saying, 'this is not yet understood but it is understood as spirituality'.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I don't see how ESP = spirituality. Spirituality is the efforts some people make to overcome their feeling of separateness through deep contemplation, meditation, psychedelics, or other means of inducing non-ordinary states of consciousness. I don't often here of those who claim to achieve oneness claiming to read people's minds. This seems like another case of 'I don't understand it so ____.', in this case the blank is filled in with spirituality, which means you are basically saying, 'this is not yet understood but it is understood as spirituality'.
You havent heard mind reading stories about psychedelics or people sharing the exact same realistic hallucinations? There seems to be some kinda of non physical connection there (btw, the definition of telepathy says it is non physical/material). You must of been working on this response for a bit, because I already gave my explanation. I can see why you would WANT ESP to be something of this material world though, would be quite a drastic change in perspective if you were to accept the spiritual explanation, thats if ESP were scientifically proven.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt take much to send thoughts to him, just include him into your thought process. Its not something you can do now, you two have no idea about each other, no where to send thoughts to because you only know about him from me.

So if he answered a specific question in detail that you thought of, and another, and another, and then he repeated something personal that you thought of, what would be your conclusion then? Those card and number games just seem like a waste of time when you can come up with the exact same conclusion with him answering specific questions that are only in your head.

I think we obliviously tap into it sometimes. I often think of things and my dad or my best friend would bring up what I think about, I guess there has to be some kinda good compatibility with people. His case is different though. Hes a very old soul but still has a typical 18 year old personality. He was sent here to help in a crucial time in Earths history. He very suddenly became aware of who he was 2 years ago. He did say we can do what he is able to do. I dont know if he means with great practice or it will come to us in another lifetime. Im not expecting you to take any of that seriously lol.

I believe in coincidences, less so than peoples thoughts influencing reality or synchronicity showing that you are in the right place.

*sigh* I can bug him again I guess. Would his facebook be fine? I think thats all he has to talk to you with. What questions would you ask him though? Its not like you would take them seriously because his answers would have to do with spirituality, and that just doesnt fly with you.
Do I need to physically meet him for this process to work correctly?

My conclusion would be the same as if he guessed 50 times correctly.

If you and I were watching the same movie, and came up with similar questions, would you conclude we could read each others minds? I'm trying to illustrate that when two people are subject to the same external influences, there is a reasonable tendency to think or feel the same thoughts or feelings. Nothing supernatural about it.

How did he become "aware of who he was"? Why didn't you clarify what he meant when he said that we're able to do what he can do? This is something that, to me, seems like one of those questions I'd kill for an answer to.

His facebook would be fine if the claims you've made are verifiable without having to actually speak to or meet him, though I'm sure it would be useful otherwise as the claims would be from more than one source. Regardless, I'd be interested in what he has to say about it.


Well-Known Member
Do I need to physically meet him for this process to work correctly?

My conclusion would be the same as if he guessed 50 times correctly.

If you and I were watching the same movie, and came up with similar questions, would you conclude we could read each others minds? I'm trying to illustrate that when two people are subject to the same external influences, there is a reasonable tendency to think or feel the same thoughts or feelings. Nothing supernatural about it.

How did he become "aware of who he was"? Why didn't you clarify what he meant when he said that we're able to do what he can do? This is something that, to me, seems like one of those questions I'd kill for an answer to.

His facebook would be fine if the claims you've made are verifiable without having to actually speak to or meet him, though I'm sure it would be useful otherwise as the claims would be from more than one source. Regardless, I'd be interested in what he has to say about it.
Speak to physically, I mean...


Well-Known Member
You havent heard mind reading stories about psychedelics or people sharing the exact same realistic hallucinations? There seems to be some kinda of non physical connection there (btw, the definition of telepathy says it is non physical/material). You must of been working on this response for a bit, because I already gave my explanation. I can see why you would WANT ESP to be something of this material world though, would be quite a drastic change in perspective if you were to accept the spiritual explanation, thats if ESP were scientifically proven.
I do not fear a drastic change in perspective if the evidence takes me in that direction. Your friends ESP may or may not be real, but regardless, what you have done is explain a mystery by inventing more mystery, which accomplishes nothing.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Do I need to physically meet him for this process to work correctly?

My conclusion would be the same as if he guessed 50 times correctly.

If you and I were watching the same movie, and came up with similar questions, would you conclude we could read each others minds? I'm trying to illustrate that when two people are subject to the same external influences, there is a reasonable tendency to think or feel the same thoughts or feelings. Nothing supernatural about it.

How did he become "aware of who he was"? Why didn't you clarify what he meant when he said that we're able to do what he can do? This is something that, to me, seems like one of those questions I'd kill for an answer to.

His facebook would be fine if the claims you've made are verifiable without having to actually speak to or meet him, though I'm sure it would be useful otherwise as the claims would be from more than one source. Regardless, I'd be interested in what he has to say about it.
Yes, you need to meet him. You need something you can put a name to, you gotta establish a connection somehow, get to know him a bit, perhaps even start respecting him. He didnt show me anything until I started respecting him for a while.

thats a bit like your "He simply guessed what you were thinking about at the exact time you were thinking it" explanation that you gave me when we first had this discussion a long time ago. Conversation subjects or things that are happening around us would have to relate to what we both thought of if your explanation was completely right. Thats hardly the case though. But I think we can both agree that you are not certain of your explanation and you accept that there may indeed be 'supernatural' influences in reality.

He became aware of who he was when a demon tried to kill him and one of his guardian angels stepped in, so he says. We can do what he can do, but we cant control it, that takes great practice, I dont know how much practice, thats why I said it might come to us in another lifetime.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I do not fear a drastic change in perspective if the evidence takes me in that direction. Your friends ESP may or may not be real, but regardless, what you have done is explain a mystery by inventing more mystery.
He is capable of more than just ESP. He can completely enter your body/mind/soul when he is in a meditated state, and it is very obvious that he is there. So hes capable of all these physically impossible things, yet hes obliviously lying to himself when he says its because of spirituality? He doesnt know how hes doing these things?


Well-Known Member
He is capable of more than just ESP. He can completely enter your body/mind/soul when he is in a meditated state, and it is very obvious that he is there. So hes capable of all these physically impossible things, yet hes obliviously lying to himself when he says its because of spirituality? He doesnt know how hes doing these things?
I am working under the hypothetical that your friend does exhibit ESP. I asked how spirituality fit in. To me it seems that spirituality is used to explain anything that science has not, rather than some sort of defined state or practice that can reliably induce abilities like ESP. Your spirituality seems to exist only in the gaps of what's understood.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I am working under the hypothetical that your friend does exhibit ESP. I asked how spirituality fit in. To me it seems that spirituality is used to explain anything that science has not, rather than some sort of defined state or practice that can reliably induce abilities like ESP. Your spirituality seems to exist only in the gaps of what's understood.
Do you think he knows how he is able to do this though? Hes either telling the truth that its spirituality. Oblivious that what hes doing has nothing to do with spirituality. Or he is lying and knows its not spiritual and he is tricking everyone that hes a spiritualist with secrets rather than an atheist with secrets.

I think if you were to scan his brain while he was communicating with someone, you would see activity in his pineal gland or the whole central part of his brain. Theres no way you can tell if something is coming or going, because we do that constantly without or knowledge. This ability is a characteristic of the soul and the soul cannot be detected by science. I think scientists would see the activity in the brain and nothing else then confirm it is happening because of the brain and noting else.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you need to meet him. You need something you can put a name to, you gotta establish a connection somehow, get to know him a bit, perhaps even start respecting him. He didnt show me anything until I started respecting him for a while.
Would he have a problem with this sort of situation, if I were to travel where he is, would he oppose such investigation?

that's a bit like your "He simply guessed what you were thinking about at the exact time you were thinking it" explanation that you gave me when we first had this discussion a long time ago. Conversation subjects or things that are happening around us would have to relate to what we both thought of if your explanation was completely right. Thats hardly the case though. But I think we can both agree that you are not certain of your explanation and you accept that there may indeed be 'supernatural' influences in reality.
I am absolutely not certain of any explanation. If supernatural influences were at play, and there were reasonable and measurable reasons to believe them, they wouldn't be supernatural. They would be occurring in the natural world, rendering them natural events. If what you propose is true, you and your friend would instantly become internationally famous.

He became aware of who he was when a demon tried to kill him and one of his guardian angels stepped in, so he says. We can do what he can do, but we cant control it, that takes great practice, I dont know how much practice, thats why I said it might come to us in another lifetime.

Why wouldn't you ask him these sorts of detailed questions about it? Is he bothered by any inquisition? This is the type of stuff, had it happened to me personally, I'd spend days, weeks, months getting to the bottom of! It seems like you've simply accepted the brief answers he's given you and that's it. And again, that type of behavior seems completely contrary to what I'd expect someone to have in such a situation. You can realize this, I'm sure, right? If someone created a device that teleports people across vast distances, would you expect them to accept a minimal explanation such as "well yeah, it's got to do with computers n shit.."? It's vague, non explanatory.. I'd be asking "how does it work?", "how did you figure it out?", "is it an exact copy or a replication?", etc.....

Im still open to Tylers idea of sending you here. Start collecting some cash from your peeps! It will be quite the trip lol
I would be glad to make the trip, but I'd need some sort of evidence before hand, something to justify travelling thousands of miles for, and I'd bring TD with me! Nahwhatimsayin?