• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
is this an open thread for discussion or take your chance at getting flamed if you give input?
I think it's safe to give input..., I just think some people don't get it, that you can't classify somebody as religious, then proceed to call a religious person a rapist, murderer, child molestor, etc.. Etc.. without intent to seperate the thought in meaning that People have done these things falsely, regardless of their title..., but this is what you support because you are Religious, When, I believe the very people who have been called religious have stated more than 100 times that they despise what religion is..., but No, if you believe in God, and have a Belief at all (b/c Atheist don't Believe in nothing), your Religious, so it applies to You... That is Personal and it IS False, I'm the Biggest Teddy Bear and best Friend a person could have, sometimes too ignorantly Kind to default, But I don't bite back when being attack repeatedly on false Accusuations, and honesty is lacking in their View..
I prefer to SwALLOW...,

I get along with everybody on Here, we are all Human, is the Way I see it... But some people are just blind to the fact because they choose too, and NO, not believe in God, Blind to the Fact that everybody has the right to an opinion and belief..., And they shouldn't be Attacked repeatedly and FAlsely because They Do....

Just Look, everybody was about Peace & Love, I didn't blame anybody, but accepted My part for what it was worth, gave Apologies/all., but still....:roll:

Some people are just too full of Pride to Humble themselves to be Reasonable...,

You can discuss anything on here you Like, I've decided to not even respond to the illogical comments anymore, for as long as I can anyway..., Although I can't say somebody else might.. I only speak for myself.., But I'm sure you are not purposing such commentary anyway...

:peace: Bro'


Well-Known Member
from what i've read there is nothing to see, as far as evidence goes
:lol:, I don't think Provable evidence would ever be substantiated in the Form of what we as Modern day People are looking for, It hasn't been proven in Over some Ump something Thousands of Years..., by the wisest Men/Women on this Planet.., I think it was more of a Suggestion in Point to allow discussion..., Proof has never been successful in one Way or another.., It's just people putting forth their REasons for Believing in what they Believe...

That's your opinion in What you have recognized within the context of your REading, and that is Your Belief.., That is How the Conversation Goes..:roll:


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this is a touchy subject , i don't want to call my self religious , nor atheist . there are forces at work, in the sub atomic world scientists can't explain, they are beyond reason,hell it may be a higher power


Well-Known Member
Yes, it Maybe, I think it maybe a Higher Being., But nothing that is Separate from the Totality of What we already are.. Sort of like evey Cell of Your body makes up your Total Body, The cell independently is lesser to the Higher being of The Total Self.. That is How I view Myself within this Universe.. My part is Here on Earth, The existence of My Being is right Here.. This is My part.. I don't have to Worship anything.., but Just Do my part Right Here.., In the Now, Because the Now is my Purpose.., Just like every cell of the Body has their Function and Role... Working independently, for the whole of the Body.., That is in the Direction of My Belief...

and I could be Wrong, but that is What I interpet and understand..


Well-Known Member
Does flaming "God" count as flaming?
So far I've called the biblical god several accurate names, implied by the book itself.
Petty, vindictive, genocidal, advocator of slavery and rape, narcissistic, sociopathic, insecure, and all around irrational (If Sushi is an abomination, do you got to hell for eternity just so it cooks?)

And it's pretty easy to figure out what CJ's time limit is for. He only has the capability to neg rep X times a day. Probably once.

Where's my cookie?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
How do the great unwashed God haters, explain how America became the greatest, freest, and most powerful country on earth - in only a couple hundred years - while other godless nations are left licking the dirt off America's proverbial boot?


This Nation was founded by God fearing men, and the rule of law, based on God's word, so of course we have all been blessed, and the proof is here for the whole world to see.

And now a history lesson for the brainwashed kool aid drinkers"

America's Godly Heritage

Active humanists and the liberal media have for years undertaken a concentrated effort to misinform the American public by attacking the "Religious Right" and rewriting America's Judeo-Christian history in a humanistic tone. The motto at the heart of the American experiment "in God we trust" has been exchanged for "in Man we trust."

Rewriting History
The last three generations of Americans simply have not been told the truth about American history as its Christian heritage has been disparaged.

For example, ask most Americans if the "separation of church and state" is in our Constitution, and they will answer yes. You can scour the Constitution of the United States, and you will NOT find the phrase, "separation of church and state" or anything close to it.

In the Constitution of the Soviet Union, however, the doctrine of the separation of Church and State is found: [SIZE=+0]"In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the State, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens" [/SIZE](Article 124). Article Twelve of the 1918 Soviet Constitution decrees that no church or religious organization [SIZE=+0]"shall enjoy the rights of judicial person."[/SIZE] Instruction of children under age 18 in religious matters, whether in public or private, is against the law.

The concept of separation of church and state might be implied by the First Amendment which states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." It says nothing about the "separation of church and state." And, even if you accept the principle of the separation of church and state being implied by the First Amendment, it's implication is not there to protect Americans from religion, it is there to protect religious Americans from the government.

In their desire to promote their secular humanist philosophy using the power of government, many liberals today want to alter America's Christian heritage, remove religion from its history, and replace it with the Soviet doctrine of the separation of Church and State. Their desire is not to safeguard denominational neutrality by the state as the Founders intended, it is to eradicate every vestige of religion from our public institutions.

The Educational Establishment
One reason we have lost so many of our religious freedoms is that the liberal educational establishment has worked hard to eliminate our knowledge of the Judeo-Christian heritage of America. The facts nonetheless reveal the true convictions of our founders. Without question, they believed that although no one Christian denomination should dominate the nation, the principles of the Bible and Christianity should underlie our government and American education as well.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay

"The liberties we talk about defending today were established by men who took their conceptions of man from the great central religious tradition of Western civilization [Christianity], and the liberties we inherit can almost certainly not survive the abandonment of that tradition. The decay of decency in the modern age, the rebellion against law and good faith, the treatment of human beings as things, as mere instruments of power and ambition, is without a doubt the consequence of the decay of the belief in man as someone more than an animal animated by highly conditioned reflexes and chemical reactions. For unless man is something more than that, he has no rights that anyone is bound to respect, and there are no limitations upon his conduct which he is bound to obey. This is the forgotten foundation of democracy." [SIZE=-1][James Reston, "Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still?" The New York Times, April 2, 1969][/SIZE]

Our children's history books are being rewritten so they no longer hear the truth about the tremendous influence of religious faith on America's founding fathers, on the great documents they drafted to establish a true republic based, on the critical tripod of liberty, life, and family. The revisionist history being taught now is devoid of any reference to the Christian faith of our Founding Fathers as the old stories, the old way that American history was taught, was revised to reflect a more liberal, politically correct, homogenized and multicultural perspective.

Words like duty and honor and country have fallen out of vogue, and the stories of the Christian faith of men like George Washington and Patrick Henry and Noah Webster and so many others, Daniel Webster, Andy Jackson, Chief Justice John Marshall - magnificent Christians - these stories are simply left out.

While many may squabble over who among the founding fathers was a Christian, no knowledgeable historian of early American history can deny the fact that the concept of a Creator God who endowed His creation with "unalienable rights" was an essential underpinning of the American experiment. Indeed, the Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These rights were derived not from a government that was transitory, but from a Governor who was eternal. It was the role of government to defend these rights and not dilute or remove them.

The revisionists extend their influence outside the classroom as well into nearly every segment of American life. Descriptions and tours of the nation's capitol fail to point out that the Ten Commandments are inscribed in the marble of the United States Supreme Court, that there is a beautiful stained glass window in the U.S. Capitol depicting President George Washington kneeling in prayer, and that at the top of the Washington Monument - the highest point in the nation's capital is embedded a plaque which boldly proclaims in Latin, "Praise Be Unto God."

Arbitrary Law
In the 1892 Supreme Court ruling in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. U.S. (citing 87 precedents), "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian." Throughout history, the U.S. Supreme Court continually cited previous cases in order to maintain our Christian Constitution. However, in 1962, for the first time in American history, the court cited no previous cases and ruled in Engel vs. Vitale that; because of Separation of Church and State, the government needed to be separated from Christian principles. So, the simple school prayer, "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country" became unconstitutional and the eradication of Christianity from public institutions began.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. [Isaiah 5:20]
The Supreme Court, the President, or Congress do not shoulder the entire blame for these profound changes in the American cultural fabric. Far from it. Indeed, past generations of Christians and other religionists who were not involved in society or who sat silently by as the culture embraced the secular worldview are also greatly responsible.

Restoring America
The future of America will either be a national revival or it's total destruction. We're on the edge now of real national self-destruction. The past few generations of Americans have witnessed the collapse of moral and ethical values unlike any time in our history. We're looking at the very strong probability of economic collapse, unless there is a tremendous change. We're going to spend ourselves, tax ourselves into total oblivion.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14]
The essence of what God is requiring of the Christians in America is repentance. If we Christians think that simply by political involvement we're going to turn the country around, we're crazy. If we think that we can adopt an antagonistic triumphalism that says we're going to get organized and throw all the bad guys out and take over, we will be brought face to face with our own sinfulness.

We must recover the original American vision and we must put into practice 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our First Continental Congress understood this concept as is evident in the words of John Jay.

What we need is a Christian nation - compared to the pagan nation we're becoming. By "Christian nation," I don't mean that everyone is forced to be a Christian or forced to go to church or to believe in God. People are free to be Buddhists, atheists, or whatever. The job of government is not to convert or force conversion to any kind of faith. The job of the government is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. And the job of bringing people to faith belongs to the private citizens, the churches, the synagogues and the religious leaders of our nation. That separation should always be kept. What I mean by a Christian nation is a nation whose laws are self-consciously built on the laws and principles of the Bible.

We have allowed organizations like the ACLU to strip away every vestige of our Christian heritage for long enough. We are tired of them destroying our country by declaring God unconstitutional. Our nation was founded on the principles laid out by the God of the Bible and we're saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Where there is no foundation, there are no laws and what results is anarchy brought forth by moral relativism. Their way has failed. The time has come for us to take back that which once was and let the healing begin.

"Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it an inscribed for our motto: "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever," and exclaim, Christ first, our country next!" -- Andrew Johnson

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i don't mind the great reference but i am not unwashed i showered this morning , would have liked to have showered with the cookie girl:mrgreen:and how do i hate god by asking for proof


Well-Known Member
How do the great unwashed God haters, explain how America became the greatest, freest, and most powerful country on earth - in only a couple hundred years - while other godless nations are left licking the dirt off America's proverbial boot?


This Nation was founded by God fearing men, and the rule of law, based on God's word, so of course we have all been blessed, and the proof is here for the whole world to see.

And now a history lesson for the brainwashed kool aid drinkers"

America's Godly Heritage

Active humanists and the liberal media have for years undertaken a concentrated effort to misinform the American public by attacking the "Religious Right" and rewriting America's Judeo-Christian history in a humanistic tone. The motto at the heart of the American experiment "in God we trust" has been exchanged for "in Man we trust."

Rewriting History
The last three generations of Americans simply have not been told the truth about American history as its Christian heritage has been disparaged.

For example, ask most Americans if the "separation of church and state" is in our Constitution, and they will answer yes. You can scour the Constitution of the United States, and you will NOT find the phrase, "separation of church and state" or anything close to it.

In the Constitution of the Soviet Union, however, the doctrine of the separation of Church and State is found: "In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the State, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens" (Article 124). Article Twelve of the 1918 Soviet Constitution decrees that no church or religious organization "shall enjoy the rights of judicial person." Instruction of children under age 18 in religious matters, whether in public or private, is against the law.

The concept of separation of church and state might be implied by the First Amendment which states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." It says nothing about the "separation of church and state." And, even if you accept the principle of the separation of church and state being implied by the First Amendment, it's implication is not there to protect Americans from religion, it is there to protect religious Americans from the government.

In their desire to promote their secular humanist philosophy using the power of government, many liberals today want to alter America's Christian heritage, remove religion from its history, and replace it with the Soviet doctrine of the separation of Church and State. Their desire is not to safeguard denominational neutrality by the state as the Founders intended, it is to eradicate every vestige of religion from our public institutions.

The Educational Establishment
One reason we have lost so many of our religious freedoms is that the liberal educational establishment has worked hard to eliminate our knowledge of the Judeo-Christian heritage of America. The facts nonetheless reveal the true convictions of our founders. Without question, they believed that although no one Christian denomination should dominate the nation, the principles of the Bible and Christianity should underlie our government and American education as well.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay
"The liberties we talk about defending today were established by men who took their conceptions of man from the great central religious tradition of Western civilization [Christianity], and the liberties we inherit can almost certainly not survive the abandonment of that tradition. The decay of decency in the modern age, the rebellion against law and good faith, the treatment of human beings as things, as mere instruments of power and ambition, is without a doubt the consequence of the decay of the belief in man as someone more than an animal animated by highly conditioned reflexes and chemical reactions. For unless man is something more than that, he has no rights that anyone is bound to respect, and there are no limitations upon his conduct which he is bound to obey. This is the forgotten foundation of democracy." [James Reston, "Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still?" The New York Times, April 2, 1969]

Our children's history books are being rewritten so they no longer hear the truth about the tremendous influence of religious faith on America's founding fathers, on the great documents they drafted to establish a true republic based, on the critical tripod of liberty, life, and family. The revisionist history being taught now is devoid of any reference to the Christian faith of our Founding Fathers as the old stories, the old way that American history was taught, was revised to reflect a more liberal, politically correct, homogenized and multicultural perspective.

Words like duty and honor and country have fallen out of vogue, and the stories of the Christian faith of men like George Washington and Patrick Henry and Noah Webster and so many others, Daniel Webster, Andy Jackson, Chief Justice John Marshall - magnificent Christians - these stories are simply left out.

While many may squabble over who among the founding fathers was a Christian, no knowledgeable historian of early American history can deny the fact that the concept of a Creator God who endowed His creation with "unalienable rights" was an essential underpinning of the American experiment. Indeed, the Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These rights were derived not from a government that was transitory, but from a Governor who was eternal. It was the role of government to defend these rights and not dilute or remove them.

The revisionists extend their influence outside the classroom as well into nearly every segment of American life. Descriptions and tours of the nation's capitol fail to point out that the Ten Commandments are inscribed in the marble of the United States Supreme Court, that there is a beautiful stained glass window in the U.S. Capitol depicting President George Washington kneeling in prayer, and that at the top of the Washington Monument - the highest point in the nation's capital is embedded a plaque which boldly proclaims in Latin, "Praise Be Unto God."

Arbitrary Law
In the 1892 Supreme Court ruling in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. U.S. (citing 87 precedents), "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian." Throughout history, the U.S. Supreme Court continually cited previous cases in order to maintain our Christian Constitution. However, in 1962, for the first time in American history, the court cited no previous cases and ruled in Engel vs. Vitale that; because of Separation of Church and State, the government needed to be separated from Christian principles. So, the simple school prayer, "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country" became unconstitutional and the eradication of Christianity from public institutions began.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. [Isaiah 5:20]
The Supreme Court, the President, or Congress do not shoulder the entire blame for these profound changes in the American cultural fabric. Far from it. Indeed, past generations of Christians and other religionists who were not involved in society or who sat silently by as the culture embraced the secular worldview are also greatly responsible.

Restoring America
The future of America will either be a national revival or it's total destruction. We're on the edge now of real national self-destruction. The past few generations of Americans have witnessed the collapse of moral and ethical values unlike any time in our history. We're looking at the very strong probability of economic collapse, unless there is a tremendous change. We're going to spend ourselves, tax ourselves into total oblivion.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14]
The essence of what God is requiring of the Christians in America is repentance. If we Christians think that simply by political involvement we're going to turn the country around, we're crazy. If we think that we can adopt an antagonistic triumphalism that says we're going to get organized and throw all the bad guys out and take over, we will be brought face to face with our own sinfulness.

We must recover the original American vision and we must put into practice 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our First Continental Congress understood this concept as is evident in the words of John Jay.

What we need is a Christian nation - compared to the pagan nation we're becoming. By "Christian nation," I don't mean that everyone is forced to be a Christian or forced to go to church or to believe in God. People are free to be Buddhists, atheists, or whatever. The job of government is not to convert or force conversion to any kind of faith. The job of the government is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. And the job of bringing people to faith belongs to the private citizens, the churches, the synagogues and the religious leaders of our nation. That separation should always be kept. What I mean by a Christian nation is a nation whose laws are self-consciously built on the laws and principles of the Bible.

We have allowed organizations like the ACLU to strip away every vestige of our Christian heritage for long enough. We are tired of them destroying our country by declaring God unconstitutional. Our nation was founded on the principles laid out by the God of the Bible and we're saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Where there is no foundation, there are no laws and what results is anarchy brought forth by moral relativism. Their way has failed. The time has come for us to take back that which once was and let the healing begin.

"Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it an inscribed for our motto: "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever," and exclaim, Christ first, our country next!" -- Andrew Johnson

The girl is extra.....



Well-Known Member
How do the great unwashed God haters, explain how America became the greatest, freest, and most powerful country on earth - in only a couple hundred years - while other godless nations are left licking the dirt off America's proverbial boot?


This Nation was founded by God fearing men, and the rule of law, based on God's word, so of course we have all been blessed, and the
proof is here for the whole world to see.

Yes, so God fearing they intentionally wrote in the separation of church and state in order to protect the citizens from the tyranny of theocracy.

And the reason that the US (and Canada) are so successful is the availability of resources vs. population, not from the worship of an invisible man in the sky. The books and documentary "Guns, Germs, and Steel" does a nice job of explaining why temperate open geography is perfect for booms in agriculture and technology.

Any newly settled country with vast resources engages in a population and production boom. And compared to the civilizations and geography of the rest of the world, North America was a virgin land of easily accessed riches.

Or it could have been Jesus handing out loaves and fishes... it's all kind of foggy on that part.

Interesting source you used: http://www.jeremiahproject.com/culture/heritage.html
Isn't this the bunch of Dominionist whackos associated with Sarah Palin and that priest from Africa who hunts witches? (That's not a racist thing, she really associates with a guy who hunts down and persecutes people in Africa by declaring them witches)

Wow, that site is just rife with paranoid whackery, and the literal interpretation of biblical law being applied to government. Scary, scary shit.

My favorite thing about people who believe that we should have law based on the bible is that they only want the laws they agree with, and would be horrified if someone ELSE'S interpretation of the laws were implemented.

When's the last time you ate shellfish, Green Cross? We'll be obligated to stone you to death if you've had any, obviously.


Yes, so God fearing they intentionally wrote in the separation of church and state in order to protect the citizens from the tyranny of theocracy.

And the reason that the US (and Canada) are so successful is the availability of resources vs. population, not from the worship of an invisible man in the sky.

Any newly settled country with vast resources engages in a population and production boom. And compared to the civilizations and geography of the rest of the world, North America was a virgin land of easily accessed riches.

Or it could have been Jesus handing out loaves and fishes... it's all kind of foggy on that part.

Interesting source you used: http://www.jeremiahproject.com/culture/heritage.html
Isn't this the bunch of Dominionist whackos associated with Sarah Palin and that priest from Africa who hunts witches? (That's not a racist thing, she really associates with a guy who hunts down and persecutes people in Africa by declaring them witches)

Wow, that site is just rife with paranoid whackery, and the literal interpretation of biblical law being applied to government. Scary, scary shit.

My favorite thing about people who believe that we should have law based on the bible is that they only want the laws they agree with, and would be horrified if someone ELSE'S interpretation of the laws were implemented.

When's the last time you ate shellfish, Green Cross? We'll be obligated to stone you to death if you've had any, obviously.
Rep worthy post, unfortunately I've exhausted the button for you...

Braz, did you agree with GC's post, that this is a "Christian Nation" founded on "Christian Principles"?


Well-Known Member
Rep worthy post, unfortunately I've exhausted the button for you...

Braz, did you agree with GC's post, that this is a "Christian Nation" founded on "Christian Principles"?
Yes, I Do, The Quakers and all, You know Great Britain, Independence Day.. Here's a Link For You....


What do you think this Nation is? 85%

Do I think this country was Found to abide by Christian Principles only? answer: NO

Is that what you are asking?

Are you trying to Re-Arrange Words? or

Is it you simply did not understand me Repping GC for that Post?

Was it an False Forged Document? if it Was, which part.? I do not agree with Forgery or False Statements.!!!