Professor Marijuana

i like the trichs 100 percent white. no amber

WHOA Mr. Sticky.... classic example of how folks head out with info that will effect them for a potential life time. We have defined our goals when we started the grow. I'm assuming that the quality, potency, and medical value of the herb is at the very top along side yield.

Brilliant white trichomes make for a great photo but here's where the language of marijuana starts speaking to me. Most growers use the trichomes to tell them when their plants are ready. We start to see the tri's turn to an amber color, just as the leaves in fall do, takes a couple weeks for about half of them to turn. Half and half is the rule of thumb for maturity.

BUT, if it takes a couple weeks for us to get to the 50/50 point you need to know this tidbit of info. Cannabis Sativa and Indica produce 80% of their trichomes in the last two weeks of it's life cycle. Picking with pure white trichomes is the a huge difference in potency, 400% stronger if you were to wait the additional two weeks. Four times more potent, that's a but load of diff between the two, two completely different animals. If you spent two months vegging(waste of time lol) and have flowered for 8 weeks and pick your girls only two weeks early you havw wasted your whole time in my eyes, four months and when we get a little excited about smoking our bud we can have devestating impact.

Everyone should do the following at least one time in their learning years. As your plant starts getting to the end start taking a few small buds off from the same area every week for three weeks. Mark them and dry and then sit and do a taste testing and it will shock you how different they are. One week early is nearly a fifty percent reduction in strength. ONE WEEK. When in doubt wait a week.
i just think the punishment they are trying to give me isnt fair for the crime i committed. i sold a zip. now they want to take me away from my kids for years. i will miss my son starting to talk and my daughter starting to walk and talk. its just not right.
I have read somewhere the Prof holds seminars, etc. Where can I get a calendar of scheduled seminars.

I wonder if the Prof would be interested in trading some sweat equity in exchange for some of his Cannabis knowledge? I have SkyMiles & will travel!!!

I guess what I'm proposing is to allow him to work my ass off for a week or so in Colorado and any knowledge I pickup along the way would be mine to keep.

Prof - you interested?

CRAP, deleted the whole damned thing again so the reduced version, much prefered by some. This where it sucks not being invisable like the haters, Just asking for me to benefit in some way.

Case in point. Was expert witness for a man named Tom Sexton. a dispencary owner in Pueblo CO. Tom was busted with 271 plants or so. When we went to trial it was my job to show he was within the law for the plant count. Prosecutions expert said he chopped down 271 female plants from a field in early august exceeding the 6 plant limit most believe to be the law here. When the prosecution asked for my count it was half of what their number was. A pissed off DA asked me how I had half the number their expert had. I told them that cannabis sativa/ondica were "long night photoperiodic plants" which meens it can't show it's sex until the Fall equinox (the Prof's B-day. and the start of 12/12) Thes. officer was lieing when he said he knew they were all female plant.

Long story short, the known femsle plants, and only oness used for medicinal purposes was within the limit. Won't believe this for Bullshit. My part, the number of plants, Not Guilty, part two he was found guilty for having to much wieght after they were chopped down. And these people can live with themselves?

WTF Prof does that have to do with your question. Tom was so pleased and impressed with my knowlege he asked if I would give a seminar for his folks down yonder. My fes for time spent in prep for his trial, displays, travel, lodging, hotels and meals for three days? $0.00, damn money grubber. I said I hadn't had one plannned down there but would do an informal seminar for as many as he wanted if he covered expences. Drove our car, slept on a mattress on the floor in a backroom of the store and spent a day with 70/80 folks for les then a $100.

We don't have outside labor come in but are always up to going to new places and speaking to small groups or even individuals if expences are covered, not concerned about making money. So any chance you live in Hawaii or Fiji by any chance?

Watch, here it goes my reason for being here, free trip around the globe. FYI; I never travel without the Clone Quenn :-)
That's just it, it a personnal preference. With the brix meter the prof. says to chop within 48 hrs of a brix level drop-off when it is in late flower.
To me , an all white gives me the paranoids LOL .

There you have it, the longer it goes past it's end date the more narcotic it becomes. Those, like myself, who prefer sativa's will like the effects of early plants and the stoners, or Couch Lock folks will like it to go a bit longer. Regardless the number of trichomes will be substantially diff
what?! we stopped?

umm, if you are talking to me, well, i dont give a rat´s ass about fame or money (sucks to have no house and food though and i do like my computer and grow, so i need bit money lol :))

and you do seem bit too clever to fall all too much for that claptrap ;)

i do not waste my time on haters, they punish themselves enough, simply by being themselves.

and fools spending their life on pursuits of gold will wake up one day to an empty life and not understand why, even if they got all they ever wanted and desired.

not realising its what you Need, thats important.

sso, More free time then even I have right now. I'm not even going to try and understand what the F it is you're saying. Get a life, and a big fatty. I don't think we're in Kansas Toto
maybe with most strains. but with the one that i run all white and its murder. not cloudy but soid white. I let them go 9 weeks. its a 7 weeks strain stray bit offtopic yaself.

its not that.. guys like jesus, ghandi and such dont impress..

and obviously changed the world...but.. its been 2000 years since jesus, india still sucks and lennon was killed, songs of love or not.

the lords now are in the process of taking everything. and it makes one wonder, should we be patient and make yet another sacrifice in the name of loving all?
or should we just take fucking advantage of the fact that they are 1% and we the 99%?

but, then again, stopping short of revolution, not all of the 99% are good people, nor am i sure the 99% could build a better world, so.

why bother?

soo, how do you get such big buds?

and, how is the quality of such big buds? do such big buds retain any quality compared to real high quality strains ? (often with somewhat smaller buds, i read)

Praying to God is probably your best shot at growing those buds, but alas, I wouldn't know. Never met the cat. Best I can figure is light, true story, pound the hell out of them with as much light as can squeeze in. Then make sure every little detail is exactly right and you're there.

It's interesting that I get the question about the quality and flavor a lot. Has it been your experience that the bigger the bud the worse it is? These, and all of the buds I grow are for the most part pretty damned big and haven't had any complaints yet, quite the opposite. I'd be interested in feedback fom others on the subject. They were rocking good tasting, smelling and a kick ass high.
i just think the punishment they are trying to give me isnt fair for the crime i committed. i sold a zip. now they want to take me away from my kids for years. i will miss my son starting to talk and my daughter starting to walk and talk. its just not right.

I agree completely, anything I can do I'm here brother, all this shit is just BS with a little education just so we can say it's a grow sight and not days of our lives, but that is just not right and should make every american ashamed of this country. The most rediculous thing I've heard. Keep me posted please
why not run? not that i have the urge to run anywhere these days lol. when i take them i just want to fuck eat or chill. pretty much what i want to do anyways
Not sure, just what I was told before I poked my last eye out with the chop sticks. Why didn't they say don't run with chop sticks. Damn Fuck, eat, or chill for sure all in the top four. Later on folks. Can we get a few grow questions?
sso, More free time then even I have right now. I'm not even going to try and understand what the F it is you're saying. Get a life, and a big fatty. I don't think we're in Kansas Toto

its not entirely surprising that you dont understand and thats fine ;) glad to have another growknow how´er on the scene
and philosophy and whatnot aside, i did have a few questions, growrelated, but they are not a great concern to me and you apparantly are very busy, so i bow out of this thread and wish you the very best with it :)
the strain is clone only. kryptonite. killer queen x the purps. Its mostly indica. I still have two tables that i havnt pulled yet. they are solid white right now allmost 9 wees in. lets see if they turn amber.
I agree completely, anything I can do I'm here brother, all this shit is just BS with a little education just so we can say it's a grow sight and not days of our lives, but that is just not right and should make every american ashamed of this country. The most rediculous thing I've heard. Keep me posted please

Dude! Mr.Sticky, I've been there. The waiting to get out is much better than the waiting
to go in. Funny things can happen and I think justice is expensive. Hopefully you side
can prevail. Fingers crossed. PeaCE.
I got another Question : i have a florabloom 15w 150w equivalent flowering LED and a Vigorous Veg 13w 150w equivalent LED... First question is While flowering only on the Florabloom LED till 1 week untill its done can i change the light to full spectrum on it by putting both the LED's in? And other question is by putting both those lights together does that equal a 300w led?
alot of the time when anyone trys to help here on RIU or has a different solution they get jumped on...thats why alot of people just give up on helping... cause theres to many cheifs and no indians :)

About a year ago a few of us got our entire accounts longer allowed to sign in under a normal user name...thanks admin :)
its not entirely surprising that you dont understand and thats fine ;) glad to have another growknow how´er on the scene
and philosophy and whatnot aside, i did have a few questions, growrelated, but they are not a great concern to me and you apparantly are very busy, so i bow out of this thread and wish you the very best with it :)

Here's what I understand, I wonder if what I do get surprises you as much as what I don't. I can absolutely understand why you could have "a few questions, growrelated" and specially why "they are not a great concern." That I understand with great clarity, I've seen it for years among the "hobby growers, as seen on TV growers(everything you need in a box), and of course the new wave of consultants who now have a shingle hanging from their garrage door and magnetic grow signs stuck to the minivan. Hate to pass on free advertising for your biz and for all the neighbors to know what Joe's new hobby is.

They're of no concern because you're just one more half ass grower who achieves the same hieghts in all your efforts. Average is just fine for you. I think average sucks. I'll go out on a limb here and assume you are unwilling to share your age, growing experience, and accomplishments in this war against deciet and propaganda. inspite of your own potential risk? Would you be kind enough to inform me?

I'll try to see through your eyes and practise what I preach, I'll try to learn "why" not just "how." Enlighten me "WHY" a person would decide to remain average at his hobby even though an expert on the subject offered to make him better? The joy of being disrespectful and cruel to an authority on his craft was more gratifying then then learning from that person?

All I can find that makes any sense at all is that you were on your period and figured you just be a bitch and wait for the next person with the simular credits and 40 odd years experience growing to catch word of the great experience at RIU and fall in your lap. With luck he/she will feel like being disrespected, lied about, and just treated like crap in general from those who's only interest in growing is to make sure others can't learn. Afterall, two days of sound advice and they'd blow past you so fast you may become mite free for the first time. Hell maybe even your plants would be too. Beats tasting the pesticides in your pina colada wraps.

We were doing just fine and nobody had an issue but can't have that, have to take your little man syndrome and pick on someone bigger, if you can't be the "Cola" in your forum the nobody will. Can't do it with your average work sense learnings of no concern, and can't do it fighting the system, because you have balls like BB's, can you understand why my male plants have bigger balls then you?

It's obvious that there are more Haters willing to waste their time then there are decent folks willing to waste their's. Damned good to know and as it should be.

sso? My best advise for you, take the time you wasted and use it learning to grow, average sucks, ever heard of communism it is encouraged, but not to encouraged. Even with the efforts of others who's time you all waste it appears we can't just talk pot and try and help out those who DO want to improve, all of those who get off on being little bitches, can stick it right up your backside , just watchout you don't ram into your brain which is certainly located there.

I guess I'll float around and answer any post's asking for my help or that seem beyond the roof top of our friends, Maybe when they realize all the books have already been colored they'll take their crayons and go home. What a damned shame that there are so many "in the way people"(BB) in the world. sso you need to add another "o" in your name, right in between the s's, give you reminders of higher places you can shoot for with your growing proficiency

As promised, I will stay and offer help to those who ask just do it a bit different, Flag me down in GeneralMJGrowing and I'll stop in. Thanks to all of Men and Women and Mods who've tried to enlighten those with nothing to offer. Met a lot of good friends here. Good people stunk up by a handfull of assholes.

How about it sso? how about a little bio, all my bulbs are date stamped, I wonder how many are older then you? They're all wiser "why's my name lightbulb" Always ask why, but not if T Edison is the guy answering. Call me sso, I'll explain it to you. Screw this
the strain is clone only. kryptonite. killer queen x the purps. Its mostly indica. I still have two tables that i havnt pulled yet. they are solid white right now allmost 9 wees in. lets see if they turn amber.

Be really cool to let at least one of them keep going down the road, see where it is at 12, going to turn at some point. This is the shit I love about growing. History tells us they will change, and if they do that would imply that trichomes are going to be piling on. If it's as good as you've said(no reason to think otherwise) it is then it should max at a world class girls. How cool would a brix meter be in this situation? Know for sure that the plant is still rocking and improving would great. Know what hour to pick them would be rock star shit. Love this plant
Dude! Mr.Sticky, I've been there. The waiting to get out is much better than the waiting
to go in. Funny things can happen and I think justice is expensive. Hopefully you side
can prevail. Fingers crossed. PeaCE.

Injustice cost even more and is an embarrassment to Great Nations