lol, got this 5 footer in a half gallon pot (if that) running this strain i made (just a bunch in small pots, short vegtime, to see which one was best)
my cabinet is bit short for it, have to have it sideways running through the cab between the other plants lol. (came out of a decidedly indica stock but looks just like a sativa, 8 weeks in and a tiny bud, then an inch of stem then a tiny bud and so on) (its very crystally though, so im curious enough to keep it for now)
still have no idea who you are

but im from halfway across the pond, europe side.
I believe you'll know more about me soon if you're in the UK area. BBC filmed an hour documentary on myself and an upcoming project. It's scheduled for release in jan I think, haven't been given a hard day yet. I believe I'm going to be speaking over yonder at a few places next season and give the US a break.
One of the things I love about cannabis is it's adaptabilty to conditions. Had a fence that was only three feet tall that had a walkway on the other side of it. Not real good for hiding the girls, so I took rebar and pounded it into the ground and then bent it over and just grew the plant sideways. Looked like a 100 colas popping out of the ground in the fall. I've grown it in buckets that I would hoist to the top of the trees just like a flag and lower them for watering, and I've grown in plain sight right under the nose of holy rolliers and hang plastic tomatoes on them. Has tomatoes must be a tomato plant.
Medicalb420 has some valid points but that is who I am, a annal retentive pot grower who had the good fortune to spend a lifetime getting as good as I could get without the presures of making a living. I use my name for a couple reasons. One is that I'm not afraid to be accountable for my words, Second, I'm god damned proud of the work I've done and the fights I've fought. Third is that there are some who are aware of who I am and it gives credibility to what I'm saying to them, forth, and probably most important is that somebody who is new and undecided can do a pretty easy search and check me out. I don't think there is a single thing I've said that isn't in print or on the net somewhere.
I believe it sets an example for others who have earned some degree of noteriety to follow suit and invest time. There were old timers who would help teach you when I was young but that has changed these days. Everyones a god damned consultant who charges doctor fees for half assed info learned over to short a time. It blows my mind that there is 40 plus years of hands on experience sitting here willing to help just to help and 80% of the time is not about growing. Why does anyone give a rats ass about a single thing other then the knowlege for the taking?
Are there folks who are saying that I don't know my shit? If not why does anything else make a bit of difference? My love of growing had much to do with the people who grew, not so much so today. Today, if I waant to help I must PROVE what I'm saying, do all the homework, provide detailed instructions, and give tours of my facilities while listening to their insults. Not in this lifetime.
I've offered to answer every question, decribe ever element and even walk thru a grow to anyone who is willing. I could push a couple buttons and upload a detailed instruction manual from a seminar for them to see and it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference. If you don't make an investmeent you won't receive any gain. It's one thing to know how but entirely different thing to know why. Growers who spend the energy to learn why are the ones who will excell. Those who just want the how so they can make a bunch of money will crash and burn everytime.
I'll jump off the box now. For those growers who want to learn get with it because this is getting old quick and it's rediculous waste of mine and many other good peoples time. You want to know how to do what I do then get some thoughts together and ask me how, and why. There isn't a damned thing I've said that isn't exactly what I can do. And there isn't a single thing I won't share if asked but I won't do it all for you. Nor will I validate them proving a single word, if you think it's crap then go away and waste somebody elses time.
That should fuel ten pages of lessons on how I should learn to be humble and zero on growing pot. I'll try hard to pass by the shit and answer grow stuff, if there's no help needed I'll spend my time elsewhere.