Professor Marijuana

There are a few people that are specifically NOT welcome to post in this thread. Those people are victorygardenshydro, trichome fiend, evol alex, metalarc lemon, bonzi lighthouse, xcon, and watchhowidoit. Your flaming is not welcome here and I will report and delete any further posts of yours.

Christ Potpimp, I'm shocked there are so many that are offended by my offers of help. I don't know if others are aware of the fact that I don't see much of the hate BS anylonger. Not sure if I should be angry or honored? If I was more prone to just letting shit slide it would be nice to know what it is I'm doing that's so wrong. I hope like hell I'm not giving bad advice, haven't seen that yet but if I ever do please let me know, we all can learn. I'm prtty comfortable with the advise I give though, have some time under the belt. Can't possibly be the "only here for money" crap, haven't seen a single example of that either.

Anyway, hats off to you and ti RIU, what it should be like.
I can tell Prof is a cool guy who knows his stuff... but c'mon man, on some level you have to recognize the antagonistic properties in proclaiming yourself the "professor" amongst a group of egomaniacs who believe they know it all. I can appreciate your expertise, but it in no way impresses me. I think you would benefit from the understanding that a few others are "out there" just like you, and maybe a few even further than you (believe it or not). I don't think you ever made any boastful claims directly (which strangely enough might have gotten you the respect you desire), but in a very passive and holier than thou way you basically called yourself the best around and have secretly attempted to pedastool yourself as a guru who is to be worshipped by noobs, while the pros feel your just a guy peddaling easy answers on the internet. I don't mean to offend you, but you seemed baffled as to why people would be hating on you... you seem like a smart guy , and I think you know exactly why people (on this site especially!) would be hating on you. do you walk around in indian garb and make bears dance at sunset too? just kidding, but I think I've made my point. I am all for education, and that sure is decent of you to have such a bleeding heart for those who need rescue. or maybe you just like to be the guy people run to... makes you feel important. you have a lifetime of exp. and you've kept secrets for so long your bursting at the seams with all the things you know, I can empathize with that. I would make a not so humble suggestion to stop with the hippy dippy stuff about help and love and what not and just kick some real talk without the almighty trip. maybe I'm way off and am reflecting things I've felt, on to you, and if so I apologize... but I think you know what I'm saying

And, if there are fellow growers with like experience and exposer, I doubt they'd put up with much of thiss crap either. Far more profitable ways of spending my time, I just see this as a good use of a potion of it. No need to trip on it

There is a difference between unsubstantiated hate and constructive critisism.

Yes I don in fact wear long flowing garments (made of Hemp) and have a pouch from which I throw seeds about the country while doing repetative chanting. There are now a few hundred that follow behind, much like Forest Gump in his running days. OR, choice two, I wear mostly levi's my biker boots and T-shirts. Nor did I come up with the "Professor" title, I would have choosen GOD, or Christ, or All Mighty One. Actually I had a Judge call me MR. Marijuana during a trial instead of Mr. May and on thing led to another. You can thank the press for that one. Not me.

In seriousness though, I'm proud of what I have done in the cannabis community, and th help I have given. When stoping in which part of the bio should I leave out? Do you believe those with less experience would be inclined to listen to sound grow advice from the Big TallBud(my prior handle)?

As for your final assumptions about keeping all these secrets for so long, what makes you think that? My case with the DEA was in 2004 almost a decade ago. I have been in the lime light for at least that long. Was a caregiver since amend 20 passed in CO in 2000 and have taught people to grow for as long as I can remember. If you've followed much then you know I was in music biz and have worked with some big names, you think this is my step up? The only time this shit comes up is when people like you bring it up, period. Otherwise we just talk growing. Got a grow question? glad to meditate on answer for you.

Do I need to say I'm laughing here just to cover my ass. Never ends
Hi Professor, this is my first grow using CFL,,

I currently have a 250w CFL and a 125w CFL and my plants are around 3 week old but only 8" Tall, How Could i make them get bigger quicker they where from seeds.
big tallbud is kinda cooler, but professor marijuana is bit funny and works.

good to see another good grower/teacher come here btw. (oh im not including myself under that term lol)
I'm still waiting to hear something new, and interesting from the professor. He has shared with us the fundamentals, but I wish he would get into some more detailed info. I've read all of his posted info, and put most of it to good use.
please tell us about the subtle signs you read from plants and how you tweak your nutes to compensate.

Crap just had a good detailed answer and deleted it on this new laptop, that sucks. For times sake a more condensed one.

Cannabis is like any other living thing. It would be lazy thinking to expect a plant in it's 2nd week of flower to reguire the same diet in it's tenth week of flower. Just like an elderley person needs a different diet then an infant so does cannabis. Instead of altering shelf products I use House and Garden which takes in account these needs. A good product, bit pricy, but I think worth it. It has a chart for each week of both veg and flower cycles. Love it
you should do more research, or get a tutor to help you do more research. now hit the back button.

but seriously, the professor is an old dude, with a funny lookin hat. His girlfriend looks way out of his league.

She is WAY out of my league. Pay attention young ones, if you grow REALLY good pot in REALLY large amounts it seems to make you better looking. Might just be a nice guy with a sense of humor and a great lover. Perhaps rich and famous helps too. You think I get pissed, you should hear what she says about haters. Thinks I'm out of my F'ing mind spending any time here, hard to argue sometimes.
Hi Professor, this is my first grow using CFL,,

I currently have a 250w CFL and a 125w CFL and my plants are around 3 week old but only 8" Tall, How Could i make them get bigger quicker they where from seeds.

Get HID's with digital ballast. Strain, size of root ball, amount of light on plants. 3 things that directly impact your yield. Insufficient light is the number one rason yields are to small. HID's lots of watts
Will you be my tutor?
lol, i only know the guy(now that i know for sure, lol) from here. i didnt realize he was so famous, i mean i know he does speeches and beat the dea, but thats just cuz he told us so. It's an even bigger honor than i thought that he is here.

professor, I'm sorry ive been refering to you as "she" "her" and other feminine um whats the word...descriptors. lol

Didn't notice to be honest. It doesn't take much effort when you have my name to do a little homework for those who think I'm just full of it. I don't need othrs to inflate my ego or my wallet. Just trying to help. I suspect there isn't a single thing I've said here that can't be found out there somewhere. And thanks, no worries
Didn't notice to be honest. It doesn't take much effort when you have my name to do a little homework for those who think I'm just full of it. I don't need othrs to inflate my ego or my wallet. Just trying to help. I suspect there isn't a single thing I've said here that can't be found out there somewhere. And thanks, no worries

I pm'ed you can you help me.
big tallbud is kinda cooler, but professor marijuana is bit funny and works.

good to see another good grower/teacher come here btw. (oh im not including myself under that term lol)

I had this damn plant that was about 6' tall in a 3 gallon bucket. I trimmed it down to just the stock and a big as cola on top and took it on a tour of colorado taking pictures of myself and the "Big Tall Bud" at landmarks. Posted them, kind of like where's waldo. Now if that doesn't give people an idea of who I am I give up. Fricking rediculous. Doesn't anyone want to grow better pot. I've made all the damned mistakes, you don't need too. Getting old fast though.
I had this damn plant that was about 6' tall in a 3 gallon bucket. I trimmed it down to just the stock and a big as cola on top and took it on a tour of colorado taking pictures of myself and the "Big Tall Bud" at landmarks. Posted them, kind of like where's waldo. Now if that doesn't give people an idea of who I am I give up. Fricking rediculous. Doesn't anyone want to grow better pot. I've made all the damned mistakes, you don't need too. Getting old fast though.

lol, got this 5 footer in a half gallon pot (if that) running this strain i made (just a bunch in small pots, short vegtime, to see which one was best)
my cabinet is bit short for it, have to have it sideways running through the cab between the other plants lol. (came out of a decidedly indica stock but looks just like a sativa, 8 weeks in and a tiny bud, then an inch of stem then a tiny bud and so on) (its very crystally though, so im curious enough to keep it for now)

still have no idea who you are ;) but im from halfway across the pond, europe side.
lol, yeah, googled yah.

yup heard about what made ya famous, its been awhile back, but anyways, fuck yeah! :D

..might even be viewed as the beginning of the end for the reefer madness.

good to see ya doing some grassroots work (as a 30+year grower), betcha ya might even get a little tired of the "limelight" ? (though i doubt ye´d get overly overdoses of it, some people have got it much worse ;) (really doesnt look like much id want in that package, not if ya look close, but least ya didnt get famous shaking your ass lol )

im curious, do those ginormous buds of yours have "big bud" somewhere in their ancestry?
lol, got this 5 footer in a half gallon pot (if that) running this strain i made (just a bunch in small pots, short vegtime, to see which one was best)
my cabinet is bit short for it, have to have it sideways running through the cab between the other plants lol. (came out of a decidedly indica stock but looks just like a sativa, 8 weeks in and a tiny bud, then an inch of stem then a tiny bud and so on) (its very crystally though, so im curious enough to keep it for now)

still have no idea who you are ;) but im from halfway across the pond, europe side.

I believe you'll know more about me soon if you're in the UK area. BBC filmed an hour documentary on myself and an upcoming project. It's scheduled for release in jan I think, haven't been given a hard day yet. I believe I'm going to be speaking over yonder at a few places next season and give the US a break.
One of the things I love about cannabis is it's adaptabilty to conditions. Had a fence that was only three feet tall that had a walkway on the other side of it. Not real good for hiding the girls, so I took rebar and pounded it into the ground and then bent it over and just grew the plant sideways. Looked like a 100 colas popping out of the ground in the fall. I've grown it in buckets that I would hoist to the top of the trees just like a flag and lower them for watering, and I've grown in plain sight right under the nose of holy rolliers and hang plastic tomatoes on them. Has tomatoes must be a tomato plant.

Medicalb420 has some valid points but that is who I am, a annal retentive pot grower who had the good fortune to spend a lifetime getting as good as I could get without the presures of making a living. I use my name for a couple reasons. One is that I'm not afraid to be accountable for my words, Second, I'm god damned proud of the work I've done and the fights I've fought. Third is that there are some who are aware of who I am and it gives credibility to what I'm saying to them, forth, and probably most important is that somebody who is new and undecided can do a pretty easy search and check me out. I don't think there is a single thing I've said that isn't in print or on the net somewhere.

I believe it sets an example for others who have earned some degree of noteriety to follow suit and invest time. There were old timers who would help teach you when I was young but that has changed these days. Everyones a god damned consultant who charges doctor fees for half assed info learned over to short a time. It blows my mind that there is 40 plus years of hands on experience sitting here willing to help just to help and 80% of the time is not about growing. Why does anyone give a rats ass about a single thing other then the knowlege for the taking?

Are there folks who are saying that I don't know my shit? If not why does anything else make a bit of difference? My love of growing had much to do with the people who grew, not so much so today. Today, if I waant to help I must PROVE what I'm saying, do all the homework, provide detailed instructions, and give tours of my facilities while listening to their insults. Not in this lifetime.

I've offered to answer every question, decribe ever element and even walk thru a grow to anyone who is willing. I could push a couple buttons and upload a detailed instruction manual from a seminar for them to see and it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference. If you don't make an investmeent you won't receive any gain. It's one thing to know how but entirely different thing to know why. Growers who spend the energy to learn why are the ones who will excell. Those who just want the how so they can make a bunch of money will crash and burn everytime.

I'll jump off the box now. For those growers who want to learn get with it because this is getting old quick and it's rediculous waste of mine and many other good peoples time. You want to know how to do what I do then get some thoughts together and ask me how, and why. There isn't a damned thing I've said that isn't exactly what I can do. And there isn't a single thing I won't share if asked but I won't do it all for you. Nor will I validate them proving a single word, if you think it's crap then go away and waste somebody elses time.

That should fuel ten pages of lessons on how I should learn to be humble and zero on growing pot. I'll try hard to pass by the shit and answer grow stuff, if there's no help needed I'll spend my time elsewhere.

I believe you'll know more about me soon if you're in the UK area. BBC filmed an hour documentary on myself and an upcoming project. It's scheduled for release in jan I think, haven't been given a hard day yet. I believe I'm going to be speaking over yonder at a few places next season and give the US a break.
One of the things I love about cannabis is it's adaptabilty to conditions. Had a fence that was only three feet tall that had a walkway on the other side of it. Not real good for hiding the girls, so I took rebar and pounded it into the ground and then bent it over and just grew the plant sideways. Looked like a 100 colas popping out of the ground in the fall. I've grown it in buckets that I would hoist to the top of the trees just like a flag and lower them for watering, and I've grown in plain sight right under the nose of holy rolliers and hang plastic tomatoes on them. Has tomatoes must be a tomato plant.

im sorta close but not really much closer than to you,lol, depending on where you at in the u.s? im from iceland.

never grown outdoors myself, probably could swing some strains but i dont really have a good place nearby (would have to drive bit)
but yeah, ive taken advantage of the bend effect :) used to grow like that with fluo´s.

people dont really look at plants, thats true.
lol, yeah, googled yah.

yup heard about what made ya famous, its been awhile back, but anyways, fuck yeah! :D

..might even be viewed as the beginning of the end for the reefer madness.

good to see ya doing some grassroots work (as a 30+year grower), betcha ya might even get a little tired of the "limelight" ? (though i doubt ye´d get overly overdoses of it, some people have got it much worse ;) (really doesnt look like much id want in that package, not if ya look close, but least ya didnt get famous shaking your ass lol )

im curious, do those ginormous buds of yours have "big bud" somewhere in their ancestry?

Fame is a funny thing, the reasons for being here are so far from what most accuse me of it's become quite funny to me. Simple minds in a simple world,lol. Try to duck out of the light but it is hard to stay there. May have plams to use it for good instead of fighting it. Hmmm

Ah the buds, we've started and stopped this conversation so many times I should save these answers for future use. The buds are a good example of what it is that seperates the good from the really good growers. I'm hoping we can kind of walk thru my ways of growing this time from start to end in pretty good detail, this is a good place to start.

The buds are Sensi Star plants started from seeds bought in Ampsterdam. But it is the way they were handled that makes them the special buds they are. There aren't that many factors that you ned to master to grow well, but it is the details that make all the difference. My claims that seem outlandash to many are really quite easy to explain. It is unending pursuit of perfection and attention to detail that makes it possible.

The seeds were germinated and raised to a size large enough to clone off of. They were cloned and sexed and then the females were raised into mothers. 100 clones were taken from the mothers of which the best three became new mothers. The process was repeated over and over. 100 clones with the best three becoming the new mother stock. This was repeated 25 generations and the buds you see are the result of that labor of love.

Grown in a 4'x4' closet with 1200w mh and 800w hps with c02 at 1400ppm in a drip bucket system with minor alterations. Temps were very high 105f highs, c02 allows for an increase of up to ten degrees hotter without damage. The plant 9 total were three feet in hieght.

Clones were started in rapid rooters, then put in rockwool squares, which were placed in the drip buckets of hydroton. The buckets fed from a central res fitted with a float system for water replacement, those who use that system I have a couple tips I use to modify the system and make life much easier. Botanicare Natures Blend for soil was used Veg and Bloom accoardingly, along with hydrogaurd and ph down. nothing else.

A lot of work and a environment that was as perfect as I knew how to make at the time, attention to detail. The person holding the bowl was a 25 year old mother. The buds were the most dense I have ever seen and remain the largest I have ever seen in person or in print. They had to be broken down for drying due to fear of molding during the drying process. All but one that is which was cool dried and turned out fine. I will refrain from giving theirr wieght so I don't get bashed. Guesses welcome closest will get one in their stocking.

The plants taken by the DEA were Black Hash that had gone thru the same process and were even larger. The senior DEA officer said that in his 25 years they were the biggest he'd ever seen but wouldn't put it in writing for me. They were one week from harvest and used to set up others for a bust. Fuckrs

The Sensi Star strain was lost when I went on a weeks vacation and left the crop in the hands of another grower. He had run out of flower nutes and felt it better to give no water rather then water with no food. True story. You should have seen the colas
Christ Potpimp, I'm shocked there are so many that are offended by my offers of help. I don't know if others are aware of the fact that I don't see much of the hate BS anylonger. Not sure if I should be angry or honored? If I was more prone to just letting shit slide it would be nice to know what it is I'm doing that's so wrong. I hope like hell I'm not giving bad advice, haven't seen that yet but if I ever do please let me know, we all can learn. I'm prtty comfortable with the advise I give though, have some time under the belt. Can't possibly be the "only here for money" crap, haven't seen a single example of that either.

Anyway, hats off to you and ti RIU, what it should be like.
If you'll notice, the little teenybopper "gangsta" wannabes have only been here for a few months; they joined up this summer, now they are fucking experts, LOL. Karma is a bitch; one day they will find out that's how things work.
outsiders been makin dimes in silence... if you aint got the balls- go work for walmart. and yes the "good old days" are brass on the titanic. sad but true, "I got a right to be hostile- my love is being gang raped by money hungry crocodiles" and in attempts to weed out the bad guy you sometimes become one