Problembs w/my og kush pics PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
Ok I Have Hindu ,Aafghani, Og And Purple Kush
Growing And I Have Had The Og Around For A While .
I Got A Clone Of The Og Like 6 Month's Ago And It Did
Fine At 1st, I Grew It To About 2 Feet And Then Started Having
Problems With It ,it Got So Sick I Had To Take A Bunch Of Clippings
B4 The Whole Thing Died, So I Had About 4 Rooted Og's In Soil
And Then They Shortly Went South, To Make A Long Story Short
This One Went Bad So I Moved This Clone Into A Hydro Setup,
It Took Awhile For It To Adapt But Once It Did It Was Doing Grate!
And Now Again I'm Having The Same Problem,
I am 23 days into flowering if it counts from when i turned the lights back to 12 on 12 off.

I Have A 400w H.p.s and 2 cool white cfls and 2 cool white tube flourescents
And Am Using A Drip Feed Setup I Made Using
2 5 Gallon Buckets A Submerge Able Pump To Cary The Nutrient's From The Bottom Bucket To The Top Via Fish Tank Hose, As A Medium
I'm Using Lava Rock

I have a small purple kush in the same hydro setup and it looks fine.

And I'm Feeding It In One Gallon Of Recommended Dosage
5-1-1 fish emulshion 0-7-0 (budwell) bat and seabird guano,
Epsom Salt ,vitamin B-1 And Super Thrive

All The Other Plants Are Fine But The Og ,So If Anyone Can Help
I Would Be Very Thankful.

p.s I am going to start a new crop soon and want to know a good soil mix
something i will be able to find easy like at home depot or something local
in orange county,I know of a good hydro place up the road (thats where i got my light)
but i dont recall seeing soil there. and a good hydro nute solution as well



Well-Known Member
noooooooooooooooooooooo salt...thats why they look like that..........flush and leach them .......never add salt..the roots cant breath when there is salt in the food


Well-Known Member
When I Give It Epsom Salt It Seem To Do A Little Better
I Have More Pics If Needed


Well-Known Member
alright man.....but im trying to tell can not have salt build up in your soil..that what those rusty spots are...take it from someone that knows trust me..


Well-Known Member
Well Thats The Thing Its In A Hydro Setup
All The Others Are In Soil And Are Fine


Well-Known Member
Here Are The Other Plants In Soil And A Pic Of The Hydro Setup The Og Is In

from left to right purple kush,hindu kush,afganhi kush(still in vegi) and hydro setup with big og kush and small purple kush



Active Member
dude, you should listen t caligrown brotha! I ran into the same problem with some of my ladies. I was using epsom salt, and needless to say didn't go over so well. I would flush it really well and just run you regular nutes at 1/3 strength, I started using botanicare calmag instead of the salt and it works a whole lot better. It could also be a ph lockout too, and the type of setup you are running could contribute to that.


Well-Known Member
thanx i will see if that helps . so you guys really think its the epsom salt hmm?
how come the little purple doesnt look bad its in the same setup?


Well-Known Member
i have continued to mist the under side of the leafs w/ epsom
salt watter and the og seems to be doing a little better.
the reason i have continued is that i looked around more on this site for
more clues and found that I wasnt the only one who posted
pics that looked like my sick og, with the yelloing and brown spots
it kept leading to mag diff so i read on and on and more and more pics and
so im sure thats what it is



Well-Known Member
the spots could be from the misting, when the water evaporates it concentrates heat on the leaves as well as anything in the spray and can literally eat thru your plants if its to strong.

Kinda like spraying your hand with a dose of sulphuri acid.


Well-Known Member
ya that makes sense i will only mist out off the light for now on,
and i always rinse spray after i spray on fertz,but not the same day,
so ya that may be and issue aswell Thanx!


Active Member
Your plants seem to be doing way better.I agree with watering when your in the dark part of your cycle.It's no different then if you were growing anything else outdoors.Watering when the lights are out will help the soil soak the water into it,rather then just have it evaporate.


Well-Known Member
ya i thinks it on its way back we lost some big fan leafs but i think she will make it


Well-Known Member
ok well its day 27 the epsom salt looked like it helped but
i had roots just sittin in watter they made there
way through the holes in the top bucket, so i took care
of that problem and made some new watter ...
I made a bat and seabird guano (budswel) 0-7-0
tea and a small amount of fish emiulshion 5-1-1
with super thrive and vitamin b-1,
But now it looks like its over fed , it has ram horn
and still looks like shit in the morning im going to empty
out the hydro setup and put distilled watter in for a few
days and see how that works but can some one help
i dont want to lose my og



Well-Known Member
its now morning time and im soon to change my watter
any hints b4 i do so?
I have looked at alot of og kush plants on the net
and it looks to be a difficult plant to grow or is it that
its just a skragally plant? here are a few pics i have
found that looks like mine, not much leaf and a lot of exposed

