Well-Known Member
so i walked to the store and was followed by a white suv. i seen the car a little after 7:15 sitting in the rough same spot the black VW was. i ignored it and kept walking going with the smile and wave approach than what happened next bugged me. i got about 20 feet away from the car. and the car started up (nobody exited any houses or anything as with everything thats gone on today have been keeping an eye on my surroundings. the white suv pulled a U and followed me all the way to the corner by the store. than someone TOOK MY PIc i seen the red dot first than a quick flash and he pulled away. idfk whats going on or what they think im doing? but after that i decided to cut my losses....literally.. it sucks indeed 2 weeks into flower and she was throwing white hairs out that were bigger than a cow dick. but all in all its not worth it. i think ima stick to CFL for now till i move a lite further from the inner city
u got the plate number of the car
go down to the police and file a report u feel in fear for your life
step 1
step 2 is get the name of the owner and file a restraining order on them to keep 500 feet away from u for the next 2 years