Private invesigator

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you live in an apartment building.
thats alot of people who could potentially be involved in it
im going to assume there are other residential buildings and houses as well in the area, along with possible businesses.

so thats a lot of potential people he could be looking into.

you can two ways with it:

ignore it, and live your life

call the police and tell them and make sure he is legally allowed to be there and that he is who he actually says he is,

I have no clue how private investigators actually work, but i would probably just ignore it.
you live in an apartment building.
thats alot of people who could potentially be involved in it
im going to assume there are other residential buildings and houses as well in the area, along with possible businesses.

so thats a lot of potential people he could be looking into.

you can two ways with it:

ignore it, and live your life

call the police and tell them and make sure he is legally allowed to be there and that he is who he actually says he is,

I have no clue how private investigators actually work, but i would probably just ignore it.
Can you lock this thread. It's dealt with don't need it open anymore. And I'm on my phone don't see any close thread or anything options.
Yes we all tried to offer help. How was the outcome? I'm glad its over but would be interested to know what the hell it was all about
Well how's this for outcome fucker is back and really didn't like that I took his picture lol he's sitting like 8-9 houses over now


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I hope not. But one of us may encounter this same shit one day. It would be nice to know what it was all about and how it was handled. I was a bit nervous for you lol
Don't know but after I walked out and took his picture. He moved. And I recieved a picture message from the guy at the pizza place


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Neighbour fucked it up though she called popo and said there was a p. I outside and now they won't do anything cause it's interfering and hes not breaking any laws technically. She shoulda just said he looked like a drug dealer or a diddle or something ffs.
Still sounds like he is after something. Obviously it not pizza. The owner should tell him to move his car from the lot. He is not patronizing the place.
No I told her. I asked her if she could think of a reason why they would be out there lol I'm keeping all my blinds open and walking but naked through my house all day. While playing "free bird" by skynard with a speaker pointing out the window on max and repeat. Fuckin wit u
Well, I at least partially take back what I said earlier about this not being about your grow. Could be he somehow got wind of the grow, and hired a PI to investigate it rather than invite the police to come and destroy his doors. Either way, sounds like you're clean now, and the owner spent a boatload of money on nothing at all. Just make sure there aren't any signs of a grow, like lots of extension cords or 18-gallon rubber totes and aquarium pumps and whatever.
Hahahaha idc. I get to annoy this p.i waste my landlords money. And walk around paranoia free with no fucks given cause I'm clean as El chapo's cell right now lol

"Who? Me? You're kidding. Why would you ever think that? I'm shocked and offended!"

Out of curiosity, how do the utilities work there? Is your electric bill in your name only, or does the owner have some way of knowing what someone's power usage is (aside from just checking the meters himself.) Wonder if that somehow tweaked him.

But again - didn't you say 250 watts? Christ, that's my stereo when I crank Led Zeppelin.
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