Private invesigator

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so i walked to the store and was followed by a white suv. i seen the car a little after 7:15 sitting in the rough same spot the black VW was. i ignored it and kept walking going with the smile and wave approach than what happened next bugged me. i got about 20 feet away from the car. and the car started up (nobody exited any houses or anything as with everything thats gone on today have been keeping an eye on my surroundings. the white suv pulled a U and followed me all the way to the corner by the store. than someone TOOK MY PIc i seen the red dot first than a quick flash and he pulled away. idfk whats going on or what they think im doing? but after that i decided to cut my losses....literally.. it sucks indeed 2 weeks into flower and she was throwing white hairs out that were bigger than a cow dick. but all in all its not worth it. i think ima stick to CFL for now till i move a lite further from the inner city​

u got the plate number of the car

go down to the police and file a report u feel in fear for your life
step 1

step 2 is get the name of the owner and file a restraining order on them to keep 500 feet away from u for the next 2 years
i have the plate # of the black VW not the white suv that snapped my picture shit happened so fast. all i got was the first 2 letters lol
Take a pic of white SUV and driver n post.. I'll tell ya what it is...

Like I said earlier sounds like marshalls.. I bet you have a fugitive in building or on block... Those are really the only guys who sit that long n observe.
Take a pic of white SUV and driver n post.. I'll tell ya what it is...

Like I said earlier sounds like marshalls.. I bet you have a fugitive in building or on block... Those are really the only guys who sit that long n observe.
i will as soon as possible. but for now whats done is done. R.i.P my BC mama
if it was a fugitive wouldnt that go backt o what the one dude said earlier.
bounty hunters.ive seen the DOG shows. they dont fuck around. that 20 minutes of time wasted is what defines that 50k bounty (example) being the hunters or not
i going to say it just because if do not it drive me crazy
well crazier

get in your car and hit them with it ....nothing major just 10 15 miles fender bender (cracked bumper the most damage)
at that point u know everything about them .......or they drive away
if it was a fugitive wouldnt that go backt o what the one dude said earlier.
bounty hunters.ive seen the DOG shows. they dont fuck around. that 20 minutes of time wasted is what defines that 50k bounty (example) being the hunters or not

Dog! he is 4'9 bawahahahahahahaha, its his old lady you need to worry about!

if it was a fugitive wouldnt that go backt o what the one dude said earlier.
bounty hunters.ive seen the DOG shows. they dont fuck around. that 20 minutes of time wasted is what defines that 50k bounty (example) being the hunters or not

Marshalls handle real fugitives..not some scrub bail jumper.
yeah paintball guns. mace and pepper balls. i think they have 1BEAN BAG gun between them all
they got a clean face shot of u to run tho the databases.......i just heard less then 2 weeks ago the software has gotten to the point where it can deal with emotional expressions (smiles frowns all that changes points of id on the face ) states are allowing ppl to smile in photos again

if u got marshals .........he is right they are like navy seals of law enforcement ........getting rid of what u had going was a smart thing .......everything goes down around who ever they are looking for

if u got a PI ..........this could be someone looking for u (are u adopted or missing parent) u have a rich GF ...are u thinking of getting married

if local cops/fbi u look like the T word have u expressed anything that would get u put under a deep light.....have u applied for work needing a clearance lvl

wreck your bike into them ......u might get banged up some but u keep saying it was there fault bellowing u are hurt they did this u want the cops force the issue for a report .....u got the names
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bounty hunters

they would of taken u by now if u were the one they are looking u have any really ?able ppl in your life someone u have not known since u were kids .....u might be listed as a asso of someone and place was getting watched for that person

joel brought down shit on me like that from cali charges he told no one about
well i have a clean record. had a youth charge but stayed clean and it was wiped when i turned 18, i have even been stopped and when they ran my name thru the system the officer got mad because he couldnt read anything other than a ts somethig and i wouldnt tell him because the charges were discharged time served restittion paid. not missing not adoped(i hope) planning on getting married in the future but no time soon. only time will tell what the real reasoning is for this bullshit game of cat n mouse all i know is tyhere gunna look stupid if they come up here and find nothing. got nothing here never have never will ;).

ps how do you put a comment in a thread as your sig. i wanna put that " may be a noob grower but knows the thug life" comment on mine hahah made my day
well i have a clean record. had a youth charge but stayed clean and it was wiped when i turned 18, i have even been stopped and when they ran my name thru the system the officer got mad because he couldnt read anything other than a ts somethig and i wouldnt tell him because the charges were discharged time served restittion paid. not missing not adoped(i hope) planning on getting married in the future but no time soon. only time will tell what the real reasoning is for this bullshit game of cat n mouse all i know is tyhere gunna look stupid if they come up here and find nothing. got nothing here never have never will ;).

ps how do you put a comment in a thread as your sig. i wanna put that " may be a noob grower but knows the thug life" comment on mine hahah made my day

up top where your name is scroll over it drop down comes up ...first row 2nd choice

yah trust me if the cobs are coming in they are coming in .........they will find something to justify the money expended on the OP ......does not matter if it is a law u never heard of before they will find something they are bitches like that .......even plant something if they have too

my report in the cop car tells them to stop and search me odds i will have illegal drugs on me .......they are right i always do in one form or another i got something that will get me locked up
Meh everything I own is on paper. Dont own a car. I keep every pay stub reciept everything lol. Legit I only Invested maybe 20$ lol. Bc Kush seeds were free. My 150w hps was a gift. Had the pots kicking around. My medium came to like 6$ total. My Timer and the nutes came to 15 all together (and technically my air purifier was 45 but my mom got that for Xmas cause of the "shitty air quality" we have up here
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