Private invesigator

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and thats another thing. i spotted him within the first hour of him sitting there. anwouldnt he have given up once i went up and questioned him. theres a saying the mouse wont go where he knows the snakes are.
Paranoia can be as dangerous as negligence.
Keep an eye on the situation and watch what they're watching.

Don't jump to conclusions but have a plan in the event of a worst case scenario.
No I used the whole " the pizzaplace gave me shit cause your parking in their parking spot and your car makes you look like a drug dealer" I kept calm just a nosy neighbour looking out for the safety of my fellow neighbours :)

Nice. Maybe he's noob to growing, but apparently not to living thug life on da block!

A private investigator has as much authority as you or I.. It sounds like the OP is the owner of the building.
Either he is a PI or a process server. If it is a decent sized apartment building then dont worry about it. chances are they are looking into someone else who lives there.
like i only have a 150w hp. sound no problem smell no problem. nobody knows the only thing i could think of is RMI emmitance but its a 150w lol my space heater puts off more i think lol
I have had one watching me. Check your vehicle for a tracking device usually in the rear and if woods are near look for a camera in the woods. A p.i. will have a tracking device on a car they are watching
Either he is a PI or a process server. If it is a decent sized apartment building then dont worry about it. chances are they are looking into someone else who lives there.

I was thinking federal Marshall or Dea-fbi-atf ... That's why the beating off in a vehicle call would reveal their true identity.

Process servers- P.I.'s don't really stake outs that long on multiple occasions. They don't have an unlimited budget like the feds.
honestly like all this just cause i want stuff that DOESNT get me stoned. CBD strains are scarce in this area ffs.
you live in an apartment building.
thats alot of people who could potentially be involved in it
im going to assume there are other residential buildings and houses as well in the area, along with possible businesses.

so thats a lot of potential people he could be looking into.

you can two ways with it:

ignore it, and live your life

call the police and tell them and make sure he is legally allowed to be there and that he is who he actually says he is,

I have no clue how private investigators actually work, but i would probably just ignore it.
I wouldnt call po po if my life depended on it!
Talk to a few neighbors, make the mf'er go on his way!

I think I would go out and have a coffee with him, maybe go out there after you burn one, I would mess with him untill he was gone, bawahahahahahaha!

no one gonna hang around my place and make me nervious,,,,,,,Im gonna make him nervious!

Paranoia can be as dangerous as negligence.
Keep an eye on the situation and watch what they're watching.

Don't jump to conclusions but have a plan in the event of a worst case scenario.
Paranoia has honestly kept me from being a fellon!

They say paranoia it will get you! I say pay attn to paranoia or it will get you!


PI have shit for power ......basically a PI paperwork allows them to stalk a person ....use cameras and voice recording with in the bonds of the law (along with access to some governmental data bases)

a avg person sitting in a car for 5 hours watching a building the cops will arrest them on some charge ....pi paperwork they will leave them alone allow them to stay where they are and not respond back to anymore calls about it (as long as the car /plates match original call)

it is the bail bonds men u need to fear........they can basically kick in your front door if they have a reasonable believe that the person they are tracking is in there .....hell they can use force to controll the place but if u call the cops on them they will not shit

hell if they came in armed and u when to shoot them they shot u in your own home no charges will get filed .....bounty hunters/bonds men it basically wild west rules still in effect
Id be REAL CAREFUL-if he doesnt get what he wants, he can always go after that pest who ratted him out
GET SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT or he will be coming to visit YOU
so i walked to the store and was followed by a white suv. i seen the car a little after 7:15 sitting in the rough same spot the black VW was. i ignored it and kept walking going with the smile and wave approach than what happened next bugged me. i got about 20 feet away from the car. and the car started up (nobody exited any houses or anything as with everything thats gone on today have been keeping an eye on my surroundings. the white suv pulled a U and followed me all the way to the corner by the store. than someone TOOK MY PIc i seen the red dot first than a quick flash and he pulled away. idfk whats going on or what they think im doing? but after that i decided to cut my losses....literally.. it sucks indeed 2 weeks into flower and she was throwing white hairs out that were bigger than a cow dick. but all in all its not worth it. i think ima stick to CFL for now till i move a lite further from the inner city​
but for now i think ill just enjoy everyone elses grow
call me paranoid, call me dumb idc. lol at least ill be able to go to sleep tonight without my door jam in place lol
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