Power Company Demanding Inspection For High Usage

Thanks Lamont for summary of new WAC laws. I met with my lawyer a little while ago to go over all changes to current MMJ laws, but I appreciate you making sure I'm aware. Hoping to hear back from electrician soon, I'm needing this all to happen in a week but I'm sceptical I can get it all done I have the trusty honda generator just in case, but I do like hot water. Pretty much planning on gutting everything this week while I obtain permits and hopefully all new work completed and inspected before a week from today, or it's off to gas station for generator fuel until it gets done. Dam presidents day don't help
Yup it's a money grab here lol. It's $60 for a permit and if a registered contractor then they do random inspections on a few of the permits. I've had inspectors look at the ladder they needed to climb and said "I'm sure it's fine, right" re a 20 ton rooftop I wired up.
With a money grab you'd think they'd want the 1000-1200 a month instead of a few hundred buck worth of permits
Thanks Lamont for summary of new WAC laws. I met with my lawyer a little while ago to go over all changes to current MMJ laws, but I appreciate you making sure I'm aware. Hoping to hear back from electrician soon, I'm needing this all to happen in a week but I'm sceptical I can get it all done I have the trusty honda generator just in case, but I do like hot water. Pretty much planning on gutting everything this week while I obtain permits and hopefully all new work completed and inspected before a week from today, or it's off to gas station for generator fuel until it gets done. Dam presidents day don't help
Well if your legit then why do you need a Honda Gen ??? Something is not adding up
You have permits pulled , had a certified Electrician do it ,, it passed and done.. Then i take it you tore it all out ??
Is this why your now shitting
I did do electric upgrade after final inspection post build without permits. It was new construction almost a year ago when I upgraded from 200 to 320 amp main service. That was all done legit with permits, but soon there after I upgraded inside garage without permits. Went from about 6 outlets to MANY and added a 5 ton ac unit and 3.5 ton mini split
And honda generator is for country living, many power outs and baby plants and mom's don't like anything more than about 14 or so hours of darkness. It's not a huge generator but when u got no juice it can scrape vegging plants by. I just let flowering stay dark for as long as power is out, they aren't scared of the dark
In 'free market' America, we have power utility monopolies. It's very difficult to switch providers here.

That sucks. Come down under. Down here if I don't like my power company and tell them im moving they practically get down and massage my balls then give you credits and all sorts of incentives they can to make you stay.
Something is just fishy about this, Only thing I can think of is you're on a shared transformer, a lot of smaller communities run this way. But if you where approved for 320 amps then that's what you should be able to run.
What's you're KW/H usage on you're bill? By my calcs. you should be able to run 10,000 watts of 12/12 for 30 days at .35 aKW/H would come to around $1,200.
Washington state. I am completely legal as far as plants are concerned. My bills are averaging $1,000-1200 per month. All electrical was done by a very knowledgeable and experienced electrician but some corners were cut to make install a little easier

If that's the case man you need to pony up the extra money, fix the short cuts and don't make them again in the future: build on solid foundations, no sandy foundations right? Then let an inspector come. If your 100% legal but still worried about people knowing and getting ripped off you should see a lawyer.
Just another question did you're sparky run a new service entrance when you where approved? Did he install a new breaker panel(s) ?
Cheap power in the northwest, good old hydroelectricity. Honestly I'm not exactly sure of my exact kw/h price or exact usage has been, I pretty much just look at dollar amount. I don't have my bill in front of me but I've heard we have some of the cheapest power in the country around here. I've been running 24 1k DE gaits in my two flower rooms and 8 600 mh + about 600 w of t5's. It was already pretty insane overkill for 45 plants, now that I'm down to 15 (January 1st, new law. So going forward I'm running only 1 of my flower rooms. I had them set up flip flopping every 12 hours so that 1 flower room (12k) was running pretty much 24 hours a day and the 8 600s and t5's were on 18/6. Along with the 5 ton and 3 ton mini split, it was a lot of power. Now only 15 plants my consumption will be cut pretty much in half.
Yeah new 200 amp panel dedicated just to this garage, which was inspected and approved but it only had 3 15 amp breakers at the time of inspection. My house is on a separate 200
And it is a smaller community so maybe that is partly it. I think they might have required a plan and number of outlets with the permitting so maybe they wouldn't have approved that many outlets/potential usage. I was not involved with any of the permitting so I don't know 4 sure. I'm calling head supervisor tomorrow with quite a few questions, one of them being how much power am I allowed to consume. I've never tripped a breaker once in about 6 months of running garage at full bore
And 75amps just for you're lighting. Yes cheap electric here too ,I pay less than 9 cents a KW/H.
I feel for you and yup, here anyways , if something is amiss, they can and will check. If you don't let them, they hit the switch. Here it's illegal to grow unless a care giver and even that's in the courts I believe. To bad your electrician did not insist doing it by code, he is an idiot if true, liabilities would be tremendous. We have to pull a permit for running a branch circuit here, so a spare recepticle beside the panel, yup a permit.
Absolutely,why pull permit first time,and not after?shame on the electrician for not doing to code.even if no permit pulled do it right the first time.the money and time you saved just got blown up.let alone risking your own personal safety.