Power Company Demanding Inspection For High Usage

One thing I do feel confident about is that the sheriff dept almost certainly doesn't give 2 shits. They are either worried about real problem drugs (meth, herion, and of course dumb shit drunk people do) and revenue violations like DUIs
Certainly a life lesson but like I had just said things could be much worse, at least I still have a fat bowl sitting here in front of me. I got my beautiful woman, my awesome dogs, and my freedom. I'm still gonna sleep good tonight even being quite a bit in debt. I'm trying to make lemonade out of these lemons and the worst case scenario is I'm out a few bucks (quite a few bucks).
I agree man. Like I said I don't think it's right you got messed with but I would be like you and roll with it. Another opportunity will present itself.
So what? He has his cards and neither the power company nor law enforcement has a shred of evidence of wrongdoing.

This whole thing is unconstitutional as fuck and a blatant attempt to regulate through the electrical panel.

So @adower why don't you pick a side in this and fucking stay there? Come on, make my day; You think it's cool for the POWER COMPANY to tell you what you can do in your own home? Well? Do you? (Punk?)
Oh really so this Guy needs 30 k to fucking grow personal medical smoke ??? Give your head a shake its about selling dope under the table as well any meat head can see that from a mile away its all about being GREEDY and shit like this is what will eventually effect the whole MJ gig in USA Remember its really still a Federal offence growing weed its not fully legal its still a schedule ask your self why have they not changed it ????
I know cause when all the stats come in they just might take away the privilege to grow weed USA is not legal to GRow weed only one country right now in the World that is remember that just because state says its legal Federal rules all
and sorry to say its shit like this that will indeed fuck things up in time
Oh really so this Guy needs 30 k to fucking grow personal medical smoke ??? Give your head a shake its about selling dope under the table as well any meat head can see that from a mile away its all about being GREEDY and shit like this is what will eventually effect the whole MJ gig in USA Remember its really still a Federal offence growing weed its not fully legal its still a schedule ask your self why have they not changed it ????
I know cause when all the stats come in they just might take away the privilege to grow weed USA is not legal to GRow weed only one country right now in the World that is remember that just because state says its legal Federal rules all
and sorry to say its shit like this that will indeed fuck things up in time
OP stated he'd grew for like 7 patients. I think thats a great thing to do.
OP stated he'd grew for like 7 patients. I think thats a great thing to do.

this whole permit and power company thing is about the safety of others just not this guy truthfully speaking
As you are well aware he ripped all his shit down and why ??? would not a legit grower then do it by the book with permits being he is growing for 7 patients ?? obviously again shady if you ask me,, its going to be something when power company asks why so little draw now compared to 30 days prior to our investigation ??? see where this is leading to
I mean last month 30 k this month 6 k lol hmm interesting there is no smudging that when they come to check the meter now isnt it and one needs to ask them selfs wow 60 pound harvests every 90 days lets say ????
they must surely be smoking alot what 9 pounds per patient lol
Entitled to your own opinion just as every dipshit is, it was a communal garden tho although I designed and ran day to day operations it was not mine outright, I had lots of help. I have accepted donatons to cover expenses (initial and ongoing) but I drive a 93 subaru, have pretty much every material thing I could ever want (actually kind of in a shedding mode at the moment). True I do like to travel but that's about my only vice. We obviously did overbuild but much rather do that than underbuild, if you got the space time and money, why the fuck not?
this whole permit and power company thing is about the safety of others just not this guy truthfully speaking
As you are well aware he ripped all his shit down and why ??? would not a legit grower then do it by the book with permits being he is growing for 7 patients ?? obviously again shady if you ask me,, its going to be something when power company asks why so little draw now compared to 30 days prior to our investigation ??? see where this is leading to
I mean last month 30 k this month 6 k lol hmm interesting there is no smudging that when they come to check the meter now isnt it and one needs to ask them selfs wow 60 pound harvests every 90 days lets say ????
they must surely be smoking alot what 9 pounds per patient lol
Yea patients love to smoke a lot!!!!!! And I'm sure those patients help out other patients as well by getting quality meds to others and in a lot of cases its on the cheap cheap for some super high grade. The absolute biggest misconception is that med growers growing for patients are just getting so rich. The bills are staggering.
I couldn't give a fuck what the power company thinks or asks. I had to strip wires to everything to get them to inspect and approve newly installed few outlets and couple of shop lights to ensure I don't lose power to my house. I'm still waiting to hear back from the fuckers, as far as I know I'm scheduled to lose power service this Monday unless they come inspect. In order to do this I need a permit which they won't let me pull as of right now. Last I heard they are waiting to hear back from law enforcement. Government at its finest, just hard for me to believe the utility company would take this upon themselves. Happy to have them come in and take a look but not sure it will happen before they cut my power off. Honda generator here we come I guess.
And yes trust me when I tell you, I'm not rich, at all! But trust me when I tell you I am happy! (Just not happy with power company?)
Entitled to your own opinion just as every dipshit is, it was a communal garden tho although I designed and ran day to day operations it was not mine outright, I had lots of help. I have accepted donatons to cover expenses (initial and ongoing) but I drive a 93 subaru, have pretty much every material thing I could ever want (actually kind of in a shedding mode at the moment). True I do like to travel but that's about my only vice. We obviously did overbuild but much rather do that than underbuild, if you got the space time and money, why the fuck not?

Well then take it as a lesson learnt i mean if you run a business / company like most should it should be by the book start cutting corners and before you know it you got IRA on your ass audits, , permits licensing etc ..
truth is if your garage or house burnt down Cause of your negligence and you killed a neighbor which there house burnt to the ground cause of your negligence you might end up with murder charges..
there are reasons permits are pulled and if you would of done it right from the start you be smiling right now ,, but instead your tearing your shit down lets just hope they do not dig to deep and find something out of the ordinary
Good luck
Garage is 100 plus yards away from anyones house, about 30 yards away from mine. Just because it wasn't completely to code doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't safe. Either way I have learned a life lesson. Gotta roll with the punches
probably just trying to fuck over everyone that`s not 100% legal and water tight anyway they can

If I was legal think I`d try like hell to use Mr sunshine to grow as much as I could and still be some what stealthy about the indoor stuff

Good Luck buddy

Idk maybe get a Genny or solar or a different power company ?