That's on them, if they can't provide adequate service based on customer needs they need to upgrade their shit not downgrade yoursThey're saying I'm putting the transformer serving my property at risk. Been running fine and full bore for 6 months or so. In their load calculation when I upgraded from 200 to 320 there wasn't a problem then
Thats strange. You pulled a permit for the new drop, it passed inspection. Now this? Sounds like like the transformer needs an up grade. But no one said nothing till now, after 8.5 months? Maybe its on them to do the transformer.They're saying I'm putting the transformer serving my property at risk. Been running fine and full bore for 6 months or so. In their load calculation when I upgraded from 200 to 320 there wasn't a problem then
I believe in most cases the power companies shit stops at the meter, anything the other side of the meter is non of their shitReceived a letter in the mail from my power company placing a hold on my account until they can get into my newly built garage to inspect for alterations to the electrical system. I do have a large setup and some pretty heavy duty equipment. I have been operating safely in there for about 8.5 months. Everything is safely wired but very probably not up to code I'm sure. It was however up to code upon completing the final build on it almost a year ago. I have 320 amp service to my home and garage and have been assured by my electrician that I'm not pulling an excessive load. Feels wrong to me to allow a state employee into my private residence that I don't want in there. The power company assumes that some alterations were made but they have no way of knowing that for sure. My bills have been very expensive since I have gotten going full bore but who says I haven't decided to heat my home with an oven and clothes dryer? Curious to hear from anyone who has any thoughts with how to proceed. I'm planning on talking to a lawyer but not sure what type of lawyer would be best in a situation like this.
They're saying I'm putting the transformer serving my property at risk. Been running fine and full bore for 6 months or so. In their load calculation when I upgraded from 200 to 320 there wasn't a problem then
Dude had the same happen to me sometimes you got ta bite the bullet and either try and tell them you not back till jobs done or take them down,it's the reason I'm behind now should be at week 7 had to take em down week 4.get some one in to check all the wiring ,once everything's out.i just bought a tent for this reason ,fucking had to rip a built room down .the shit we go through but ya just gotta roll with itReceived a letter in the mail from my power company placing a hold on my account until they can get into my newly built garage to inspect for alterations to the electrical system. I do have a large setup and some pretty heavy duty equipment. I have been operating safely in there for about 8.5 months. Everything is safely wired but very probably not up to code I'm sure. It was however up to code upon completing the final build on it almost a year ago. I have 320 amp service to my home and garage and have been assured by my electrician that I'm not pulling an excessive load. Feels wrong to me to allow a state employee into my private residence that I don't want in there. The power company assumes that some alterations were made but they have no way of knowing that for sure. My bills have been very expensive since I have gotten going full bore but who says I haven't decided to heat my home with an oven and clothes dryer? Curious to hear from anyone who has any thoughts with how to proceed. I'm planning on talking to a lawyer but not sure what type of lawyer would be best in a situation like this.
Planning on contacting lawyer and electrician later today to seek advice on both counts. I've pretty much relented to the fact that the power company will probably have their (municipal) way with me, one of my other major concerns with letting inspectors in is them finding other building code violations. I have built 2 non load bearing walls to separate the one veg and 2 separate flowering rooms. My worry is I will be up to code on electric. The electric inspector will look up or call about (non existant) permits and approvals for wall construction with building inspector and demand entry again. I'm very seriously considering gutting everything and giving up. The plant numbers available legally to grow went from 45 to 15 on the first of this year. They go down to 4 without state database entry or 6 with on the first of July this year as of now. Just hate it, I have the best 15 plants I've ever grown going right now. Always was in support of complete legalization growing up but at $20 a gram, not sure I can afford it. One last thing, any advice from anyone as to which type of lawyer I should be trying to contact?
Are you sure he even had to?
Most if not all electrical add on's require a fee be paid to the city coffer and you need to submit a plan that details the outlet count and loads,than they can collect the fee and schedule an inspection.
Here the permit would cost $288.00...Calaveras county,ca