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indy, tives, or brid

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You can subtract 1hg for each 1000 feet above sea level. Don't trip 25 is enough! I believe it has to do with atmospheric pressure at our elevation.

lol dabs I know you know this... I just remember what the vac it pro said...
I believe I've isolated the leak...

Cheap ball valves that I sourced from Harbor Freight.

My conclusion is based off the fact that as I'm pulling vac the needle rapidly moves up and pegs right around 23 hg, the needle is solid as the vacuum is still on.

When I shut the valve and turn off the vac then try to hold the vac, the needle slllooowlllyyy drops.. Trying different ball valves tomorrow and will report back.

I must say, I loved this project, really self-satisfying experience and a humbling experience as well.

G' nite Colorado.
Sir Dabs,

After you find the leak, a good test is to put in a glass of water and make sure it boils (evaporates) at normal room temp (use strong glass cause it's in a vacuum) Also, over a long period of time, when shutting off the chamber and turning off the pump mine will go down in pressure too. Nice Job!
Oh yeaaaaahh man!!...

I forgot about that test!!!....haha, the shit is so kewl :)

I already did the ” balloon test” and she passed with flying colors :)

*take a balloon and simply tie a knot. Place balloon in chamber, as the chamber reaches perfect vacuum the balloon inflates...
I like me some science...
And thank you for contributing.
Don't forget that when pulling full vac thc boils at room temp..this is why 29.5 is the suggested maximum
The numbers do lower with rising altitude... a small leak is all good seeing as you have to bleed in air anyway.. you don't want a lot of vac just like heat. This is all based on vapor pressures which are not linear...the less vac you pull the better unless specifically pulling to achieve a certain consistency like honeycomb
Hey guys, doing some upgrades to the garden and I literally found this offer too good to pass on. Figured I'd share it with the rest of you, in case someone else was in the market for a reflector. I hope the gardens are doing lovely.

Check out this cheap ass hood:
Yeah for that price and being the size of a raptor I had to at least check it out, gets here friday (supposedly) ill let you know if it leaks or anything.
Still bug free in my garden! No more Super Mites! A random Gnat is seen here and there, but I'm sure they didn't come from the garden... just the places around the house I haven't had the chance to spray yet (have a couple of cats, and Permethrin is known to give them seizures and kill them off, so I can only spray rooms they wont be in).

If you see any Tan/Brownish/White looking Spider Mites, do yourself a favor... buy a bottle of Permethrin SFR or Bifenthrin in the strongest concentration you can (~36.8% for Perm, and ~25% for Bifen if I remember right), dilute and spray! I ended up using 6ml Permethrin in 32oz of distilled water and ~1/4 teaspoon Dawn Dish Soap (~0.25% Permethrin mix... the bottle recommends "no more than 0.025% for mites"... what a joke... it took 10x that to kill them!). 2 treatments 6 - 7 days apart was all it took in my garden (there was no sign of them after the first treatment, but I was done playing games with those bastards)... Those Super Mites have attacked my garden for the last time :twisted:
Happy new year everybody! I'll have some bud porn soon:
Dispensary shit in the back, 303 up front.
Lets start of the new year right!
Great pics SahTiva

Here are a couple I have going in Coco

A Cvk that went into flower at about ten weeks of veg time
Ten gallon coco pot with a fuller line of botanicare nutes
Week One Flower:
the blue tape in the second pic is how much the plant grew in less then a week
Week 2 of flower:

I have a pretty bushy CheeseQuake and if she is like the other one I have in flower Im going to have my hands full with this plant.
Thinking of draping some netting over it so she can hold herself up.
week one flower:
Week 2 flower:

the Sour Diesel x Sweet Tooth is growing quickly and almost caught up tp the Cvk:
Week one flower:
week two of flower:

Finally is the freight train, the strain I know about the least and is the first time for me flowering it out.
week one flower

Week two of flower: