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indy, tives, or brid

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Ya dog that's pretty long, gonna be super strong! It is a lil long I was going 65-70. I wouldn't worry too much about the hairs, I had some space bomb from sub that was completely rusted at day 35. Judy happened w my deadhead too, yo eye any suggestions? I bet the trichs are like molasses :) I just crossed my last plushberry to tahoe og. That's gonna be good..
Lol yea shes smells good and that broken branch gave me a nice high but after drying the smell turned more grassy then plushberryish. I tested drying the whole branch this time which obviously i didnt let dry long enough. Anyway Here she is i just took pics of her a few hours before lights on. Ill check the trics and stuff later tonight
I must say im really questioning my growing abilitys at the moment.... But ill be adding in some Compost Teas this next go round and everythings a learning experience right? Anyway to the Buds
cut the rest of my wet weight 1709g...........done 12-12 from seed...........bongsmilie
sic pics folks

i've been out of it for a week+ ... no longer working at the warehouse :( saved my key golden girls though, so it's just a matter of setting up a small room at the house (Thanks to Trueno!!! seriously would be up shit creek without his help and spare equip. thank you again bro) ...... so sad, i still can't get over the loss of my girls and all the projects I was working on .....

I have a few other seed projects I had just finished up and saved, so i'll be gifting some of those out soon (herijuana male. maui, durban and choco chunk females).

Happy New Years to all!! may all your gardens sparkle in the light
Damn sorry to hear that Eye. Give me a call anytime ya need i have a spare T5 that im not using at the moment and 2 400w bulbs i cant use. Anyway best of luck to you and keep us updated
Glad to hear it is going to work out EC, glad i could help, a month or two ago and i couldn't have done anything.
Lots has happened around here since i was last here, stupid century link and computer problems.
Anyhow looks amazing everyone, love coming in and seeing all these amazing buds.
Keep it up!
Sorry to hear that eye... What happened??? You were their best! I'll b our for sometime too. Legal stuff has reared is ugly head... I might lose my right sooooo....
basically got screwed out of the year and half of hard earned work building that place from scratch. i know who is running it now, i'm sure it will go to crap shortly. left a lot of males lying around too .... if they aren't careful (which I know they aren't) it will all go to hell. :)
dang, she looks like she is going thru a growth spurt again. check her close for finish nanners (this may be the deciderererer ... er..). if no nanners, i'd prolly let her keep going and adding weight
Ouch- That really suxors! Hopefully you were able to salvage something worthwhile. I have an extra 18" x 4' (4 tube) T8 fixture with bulbs and cover as well for veg, PM me if you need anything! Hopefully it's Happy New Year...I'm ready for one!
dang, she looks like she is going thru a growth spurt again. check her close for finish nanners (this may be the deciderererer ... er..). if no nanners, i'd prolly let her keep going and adding weight

Thanks for the info Eye. I think tomorrow ill check on her and make sure i see no nanners but i have yet to see any
Pics coming again soon. Got some gooey at three weeks, romulan at two weeks and Italian Chocolate just in now. Doing a nine plant perpetual so I harvest a different plant/strain every week! Got a new pc and camera finally!
EC- Sorry to hear about all the badness bro, it will get better! Gives you time to work on the finer things I guess, like your magnificent strains!
Hotsause- Dont forget tomorrow! Got some big ass ladies for you to come pic up!
Defently cant wait. I might need you to swing by and take a look at this plushberry so we can figure out if its to much Nitrogen in my Super Soil or not enough P/K at the end of flowering. Really appriciate the advice indi i think i might figure this thing out knowing whats wrong with my soil now and the compost teas i am gonna do should work perfect
Gotta see a little bad along with some good is Blackwater from Cali Connection throwing balls at 40 days. This is from regular seedstock purchased at the Attitude sometime in 2010. I got around to popping these and was just starting to sort through the females. Not a good start...

