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chef c

Well-Known Member
And one more, if I'm back crossing for female traits, could I do the same for male? Using the same pollen from a male on subsequent generations of his progeny? Bong!

chef c

Well-Known Member
Looks like a christmas tree or cousin it haha... Mold sux, but jesus, what are your options w a bud like that!?!?


Active Member
And one more, if I'm back crossing for female traits, could I do the same for male? Using the same pollen from a male on subsequent generations of his progeny? Bong!
Back crossing for male traits is possible, and is done in much the same way as female trait selection. You'll have to do test crosses to see if the traits you are selecting for are dominant, recessive, etc and are true breeding or not. Being able to run as many #'s of the test cross to see what traits are passed along is the key!

I haven't heard about the Feds coming in yet, but June is a long way away and many things could change for the better or worse between now and then. I'd imagine that there will be more craziness from our federal government on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry before this is over.


chef c

Well-Known Member
word, good points bp, thanks for the post. im thinking its more the 1000 ft thing but like you said a lot can change between now and then.

chef c

Well-Known Member
heres something i thought I saw am article about sometime ago but haven been able to find again so were looking into if it builds root mass or not. Goepots are way better than the old plastic pots i used to use anyway but like ive said before every lil thing... so Im basically exposing the roots the closest to the plant to the air. Idea is: roots being the part of the plant that absorbs the o2 well then why not leave some exposed to it all the time. Im running co2 but I can also say, confidently that these are my biggest stalks ever. And Ive been using geopots for about 9 months, (thanks eyecandi) and love em, but this is an improvement across the board, all strains reacted the same. So the negs? i guess root aphids could have a hayday here.. mold maybe, hardening off? they kinda do have a harder texture than the ones undergroung , but no mold and knock on wood, not a room to see those types of baddies.. a couple of thrips from now to then, a fungus gnat, but no sm or ra's
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chef c

Well-Known Member
Ooo, ya gotta try it! Skunk funk, hidden by some sort of sweet (that I'm over, thank god it doesn't translate) smoke is all earthy and piney! Yum! stone is id say smiley and warm like a great indica.

More of her from last night...


Well-Known Member
Here's my World of Seeds Afghan Kush at day 50. She'll get the hatchet as soon as more of those trichs turn amber...


chef c

Well-Known Member
Just got my second cut...not even rooted yet, I was like "ship it". This one will get cloned:)


Well-Known Member
So Chef i dont know what im doing wrong here. My Plushberry is frosty as fuck on day 78 but i still see little to no red hairs and alot of new white hairs coming in. Im thinking my Super Soil mix i might have put to much Nitrogen.... I dont know i feel like i fail how long did you take yours?