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indy, tives, or brid

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oh ya gasT, beautiful macros.... make me wanna take some... heres a closer look at some dabs from diff strains ive melted together w a lighter then hit w the nail... it was a lot tho and out lasted my lung capicity :) but its pretty cool... bong:)
121811 027.jpg
Nice smell description BP, but probably not what you're gonna wanna go with on your marketing materials... :-)

No? C' don't think the majority of patients would like that one?:roll:

BP - Did you do any pruning on her? Or is she just naturally a trimmers dream? :smile:

Absolutely a trimmers dream, didn't really have to do anything other than pick off the big fan leaves and brush off some water leaf tips when they were dry. The other side of the coin is no trim for extract...but I've got too much of that as is.

Here is Big Bubba #4 from Hazeman Seeds, selected by Koots. This is a cross of Pre 98 Bubba Kush and the famed Salmon River Big Bud from NY. This genotype is heavy on the bubba. Almost done here...couple more days.


thats a nice cross where in denver do i obtain seeds or clones from 303 seeds bcuz you guys have genetics i would love to run in my garden
thats a nice cross where in denver do i obtain seeds or clones from 303 seeds bcuz you guys have genetics i would love to run in my garden

Altitude Wellness in South Denver and Sunnyside Meds in North Denver have seeds. As far as I know, no one is selling clones of our strains yet...check out our site for address, phone, website, etc of the retailers if you need more info.

AGREED, that looks wonderful budpatch, can I have a cutting of that Big Bubba #4 ?

We are working on a cutting program now that should get some of our selected gear out to patients through our retailers. We hope to have something up and running by Spring of 2012, and at that point you might be able to get a cut of this. This is my first grow of it, and there is another genotype selected by Koots that supposedly turns a lot more purple. 303 has a cross with this strain in the works that is in testing now and seeds should be available around 4/20, or at least that is the goal if it passes testing. I wanted to run the mom first before I ran the testers, just to get a feel for it, but I'll post pics of the testers once they're ready too. ;-)

frosty budpatch, nice work. Eyecandi and myself are big fans of the bubba :) at least us, and probably everyone reading this is like "wtf chef you left me out!!!" anyway sorry guys :) So ready for class? I want everyone to grab their favorite female and get ready to spank her! your plants not your ladies... this chart is like a four bonger btw...
View attachment 1944725
Wow chef, thats quite a chart! It almost seems like you can expect closer to the parents from F1 than F2. Really interesting.
Now i have to explain to the wife why i am spanking her....... :fire:
.................. Chef why didnt you warn me Plushberry needed lots of support near the end of her grow.... My main biggest cola branch just snapped....... I am very sad i dont know how to feel shes got around a week or 2 left and she would have been done.............. Sigh ill take some pics in a little bit................ FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK im pissed should i turn it to hash or trim dry and cure it as normal?
Did it snap off?!?!?
If not you should be able to support and bandage it ( a lot of time i really will use a band-aid) and it should still finish off nicely.
Good luck and lets us know if you can save it.
I would just dry and cure as normal if it was mine, but i am almost out of smoke......
No i was moving it to take pictures and i hear a *SNAP* And she was hanging by the skin i tried to tie her with twisty ties and tape but she was still to heavy and didnt wanna hang on. Im trimming her and shes nice and frosty BUT DAMN IT so many white hairs with very few brown i can tell she wasnt ready but was getting there :( Alot of purple and pink as well on the bottom of leaves (Not a deficiency look just from the Plushberry being herself)
That sucks man!!! At least it wasn't the bottom :-| .
Well now you will know what its like at 7 weeks and 9 weeks (or whatever you are actually at)
lol true im trying to see the positive in this :D Alot of her leaves are frosty as hell. Plushberry is gonna make some good hash im assuming from how frosty these leave
Looks just like my chem d after the light fell on her:(.... Dry smoke my friend, dry and smoke. Ghost pics at three. God I love cannabis... Subcool said something about the feds coming in june, to shut everything down in colorado, anyone heard any of this? I feel as though I need to set em straight... Our am at least hoping I need to!!!!
Looks just like my chem d after the light fell on her:(.... Dry smoke my friend, dry and smoke. Ghost pics at three. God I love cannabis... Subcool said something about the feds coming in june, to shut everything down in colorado, anyone heard any of this? I feel as though I need to set em straight... Our am at least hoping I need to!!!!

Been hearing this myself. Word is they are going after all DR's who write out recs for mmj. They can suck a fat one! Another weak ass plot to stop the revolution of cannabis!
Or anyone w info chime in here, so far it's just here say, I've nth looking for articles but nothing...
And one other question for y'all, how much flower can you put in make pollen to stretch it? Is it 5x?