Post pandemic fascism creep

Has this pandemic turned you into a fucking nazi?

  • Yes. I’m a full on Q tard

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No. I haven’t ostracised anyone for their personal choices

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Murica? Fuck yeah

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
Uhh, not true. You don't have to catch something for it to go away. Did you get you some AIDS in the 80s or 90s? --me either. Get left out of the Swine Flu craze? --yeah me too, but I'm not bitter about it. I didn't even catch West Nile virus, but somehow that's no longer a concern around here.
Uh huh lol.
Uhh, not true. You don't have to catch something for it to go away. Did you get you some AIDS in the 80s or 90s? --me either. Get left out of the Swine Flu craze? --yeah me too, but I'm not bitter about it. I didn't even catch West Nile virus, but somehow that's no longer a concern around here.
Phew dodge that west Nile, glad I wasn’t one of the unlucky 29 in Canada that have tested positive, guess I dodge that bullet :mrgreen:. Swine flu? It’s gone? I think I had it actually, along with most every other human on this big blue planet. AIDS? Well that’s already been answered .......but you must be scared as hell thinking it’s transmitted the same as COVID. Hope this thread has alleviated some of that:wall:
The pandemic has another 2 years to run imo, hopefully more people will get better acquired immunity from the public health programmes and being exposed to milder variants. That’s the best case scenario. Then we will have an explosion of mental health crises, perhaps some should consider getting trained in this field if it calls you, as there will be plenty of work in the future

Fascists use this "plandemic" it is a springboard into collective action that is threatening to drag the US into the government for and by a white fascist minority..

The article describes how right wing radicals used the simplest protective tech, a cloth mask covering the mouth, as a rallying point. From a victory at a town meeting to reject a mask mandate in their town, they kept pressing. The crowd at city hall meetings were hostile to anybody testifying for a mask mandate. Trash dumped onto the lawn of people who supported it and threats made to those who dared to defy the red shirted evangelists at those meetings. Eventually, they won at the polls and rolled back sensible steps to prevent the spread of the virus. As they said, winning felt good.

It doesn't stop there for fascists. It never does:

Enid’s City Council may no longer be a stage for national politics, but Mr. Burleson (mega church-evangelist pastor) has continued to bring national politics to Enid. One Sunday this past August, he sat down in his church with Charlie Kirk, the right-wing speaker, who during the pandemic has been visiting churches across the country calling on people to get involved in politics.

Preaching grievance politics:

“They want to crush you,” Mr. Kirk said at an evening talk at Emmanuel Enid, referring to an unspecified “metropolitan elite,” and to government leaders, including Republicans. “They call you the smelly Walmart people. They do. You should hear the way your leaders talk about you. They have contempt for you. They want to try to turn Oklahoma into nothing more than a producing colony for the rest of the country.”

Nazi-propaganda if ever I heard it.

People Are Waking Up’
In the end, both sides could agree on one thing: The fight was not really over masks.

This is explicit at the end of the article. The bible thumping home schooling mom who led the red shirted "freedom fighters" was actually planning to run for the school board until people complained that her son didn't go to school and she was anti mask and vaccine. She didn't run. Too bad.

Her son? He's indoctrinated:

She is proud of her son, who she said cares deeply about the country. He flew to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 to go to Mr. Trump’s speech with her father. She said they did not participate in what came after. He graduated from high school last year but did not want to go to college and “pay $100,000 to fight indoctrination.” She said he now works at Chick-fil-A and wants to teach his peers about patriotism.

“He wants to right all the wrongs in the world,” she said. “He said, ‘Mom, I don’t have time to go to college. We have a country to save.’”
The pandemic has another 2 years to run imo, hopefully more people will get better acquired immunity from the public health programmes and being exposed to milder variants. That’s the best case scenario. Then we will have an explosion of mental health crises, perhaps some should consider getting trained in this field if it calls you, as there will be plenty of work in the future
I read a while ago that as the endemic becomes more manageable we will see a big jump in late stage cancer cases due to testing delays.

COVID, the gift that keeps on giving.
Whole f***ssake the amount of stupid in this thread is amazing. God I'm glad y'all stick together if not you would get lost in the amount of BS you spread.
So did ya get vaxxed or are ya triggering the libs? Wear a mask in public? 49% of you dummies are unvaxxed and we're hoping yer one of them.
Nope I'm vaxed, n no I don't ware a mask but you are the ones that want to rule the roost. Amazing how you guys are the one that wants someone to die but talk about how you want what is best for everyone. Pitiful.
Nope I'm vaxed, n no I don't ware a mask but you are the ones that want to rule the roost. Amazing how you guys are the one that wants someone to die but talk about how you want what is best for everyone. Pitiful.
It would be better for everybody if some people die. At least we know what we are fighting for, you don't have a fucking clue.

I'm disappointed about your vaccine statues, the more dead republican traitors, the better it is for America. BTW liberal means those who support and fight for liberty, it doesn't mean being a nice guy, it means fighting for the constitution and rule of law, don't get in the way.