Portland residents prepare yet again to confront fascists from out of state

Resurrecting an old thread that still applies.

Huffington Post is said to be biased. In these times, speaking truth about what happens might sound that way. This is the unvarnished truth. What Huffpo says actually happened this weekend. Cops just stood aside and let armed right wing white supremacists brawl and menace the good people of Portland who don't want them in their city. The cops do. If armed Antifa showed up, they would be mowed down by the police.


Note the "Texas" patch on the fascist pictured above. These guys don't even live in the Pacific Northwest. They are coming here from all over the country to do Trump and his fascist Republican Party's dirty work. Portland's police are cooperating with them.

The police sent a clear message to both groups when they simply ignored that a Proud Boy who was convicted of rioting and paroled on the provision that he stay away from demonstrations was there. He's violated parole several times already and has a warrant outstanding for him from earlier appearances. Video shows that guy walking right by the police without concern.

Call, email or write your Congressman and demand they take action on this. The same is likely to happen elsewhere. This cooperation between police and paramilitary fascist goons echoes from 1920's and fascist take-overs in Italy, Germany and Spain. The police are becoming Trump's enforcers, not local officers of the peace. Like Trump, the police demonstrate that they consider the law a tool to be used for their own purposes and not their duty to enforce.

This is not a new development, it has been going on for a while now. Fascist police are why Portland's Antifa came to be. Trump's plans to use paramilitary goons against anti-fascist demonstrators been in the works for some time now. We can't let them win.

Portland Police Are Giving Up On Policing The Far-Right
Officers allowed street brawls between “willing participants” last weekend, despite escalating violence from Proud Boys and other far-right groups.

The Portland Police Bureau appears to have all but given up on policing the far-right factions brawling in the Oregon city’s streets, despite a recent escalation in violence that has seen those extremists throw explosives, brandish guns and in one case fire them at other protesters.
It’s common to see far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys exchanging blows with counterprotesters in Portland. They’ve been doing that for years, often as PPB officers watched until a riot was officially declared and then police cleared the streets using tear gas and other munitions.
But over the weekend, police took an entirely hands-off approach to the fighting, even as the demonstrations grew more violent than ever. As officers stood by on Saturday, the Proud Boys and their far-right friends attacked and intimidated anti-fascist protesters using paintball guns, mace, fireworks, aluminum bats and various firearms, according to The Washington Post.

One of them — notorious Proud Boys organizer Alan Swinney — was seen pointing a gun at protesters, his finger on the trigger. Another Proud Boy, Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, was present, per the Post, in apparent violation of his parole over an attack at a similar demonstration in 2017 (he wasn’t apprehended on Saturday, but a judge on Monday issued a warrant for his arrest).
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Yeah Ted Wheeler is a fucking joke. He's in so far over his head.. Starting to see him as a democratic stump with the way he has been doing things.
I moved this into a thread about Portland to show respect for what's going down in Kenosha. I hope it's OK with you to ask if you have more to share on Wheeler.

So, I don't live in Portland and haven't been following the race for Mayor but I sure as hell am now. Wheeler said a lot of the right things last year but it's clear he's in over his head. He's trying to play arbiter and the cops are just laughing at him. Just like cops in Kenosha are laughing at their Mayor. Three dead and counting there. "Defund the Police" has scared those white cops. There is nothng more dangerous than a scared white person.

Wheeler is not all that popular, it would seem.

Ted Wheeler, Sarah Iannarone will square off again in November’s Portland mayoral race

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler narrowly missed securing enough votes to retain his position as the city’s top elected official for the next four years and will now face a November runoff against urban policy consultant Sarah Iannarone.

The primary results give Iannarone her first shot in a mayoral race in a general election. She was one of Wheeler’s opponents during the 2016 primary, but finished third.

Political observers say his overly optimistic promises to solve homelessness, his tepid campaign compared to challenger Sarah Iannarone’s more active one and his failure to quash repeated violent protests at the heart of the city help explain his vulnerability after he trounced a similarly crowded field when he first ran for the job of Portland’s top elected official in 2016.

Vote Sarah Iannarone for Portland Mayor
My name is Sarah Iannarone (she/her). I'm a mother, civic leader, and educator running for Portland Mayor. I have worked for decades to make Portland the best it can be, running a successful small business, volunteering in my community, and using my urban planning expertise to shape a better future through local government action.

The good people of Portland are leading and Wheeler is following. He's lost control of the Portland Police. No vision, doesn't deliver on promises and he's going to have a massacre on his watch if he doesn't get control of this situation. I can't say what I'd do if I lived there but I'd sure as hell be taking a hard look at Ms Iannorone. Any thoughts on her?
It’s absolutely heartbreaking to hear about this ongoing situation in Portland. Please stay safe and be careful.
I can't go. My wife and I are primary care givers for our elderly mothers and I can't take undo risk of contracting the virus by going to Portland and participating in the protests. So, I'm safe from the violence going down there. I'm not safe, though. Just look at what's happening. Cops are encouraging gun toting civilians to prowl the streets after curfew! Three dead in Kenosha yesterday.

You are doing enough, Amber, you are keeping a lot of people safe. You keep yourself safe. This summer, I'm just a spectator but my heart and mind is with the people on the front lines who are telling fascists that Portland is not theirs to keep.
Portland celebrates. The fascist leader is gone.

Celebrations in downtown Portland following Joe Biden's election win
Instead of a protest, there was a dance party downtown in celebration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Downtown Portland, right after someone started blaring “Hit the Road Jack” on a speaker:

if you click the link, you'll see proof again that Portland is white and we still can't dance but we can have a great time.

"A celebration started in Pioneer Square in the early afternoon with a large crowd seen dancing to music.
Law enforcement described the gathering as "safe and celebratory" and said the party kept going until 9 p.m."