Portland residents prepare yet again to confront fascists from out of state

How is that my answer? Are you really that ignorant? proud boys and their racists buddies show up in Portland hoping to draw out antifa, create a confrontation, and get on the news. antifa did exactly what they wanted. And you helped by showing up. The best thing to do would be not to go. If nobody showed up then they would look like the idiots they are. But no, lets go down there and show those racist sons of bitches we mean business. You fell right into their trap.

I had better things to do. Yard Work, some coding for a project I'm working on, building a ramp for my dogs, having sex with my lady, etc... I have things to do like live my life. I actually have one. I don't have time to go butt heads with some ignorant racists. They are not worth my time. Just what did you accomplish? Feel good about yourself? You showed them right? Changed their minds? Did you make the world a better place? Tell me what you did.

Here's a clue, these fascists as you call them have been marching since before you were born and will be marching after you're dead and gone. They disgust me but what disgusts me just as much is some antifa jack ass calling me a fascist because I didn't want to waste my time showing up to some stupid counter protest to another stupid protest. You don't know anything about me, who I am, what I've done, and you never will because I don't socialize with ignorant people. When I was your age, I'm guessing you're in your twenties, I was working two sometimes three jobs, I had my own apartment, a car, girlfriend, hobbies, was taking some classes to further my education, etc... I had to much productive stuff to do that I didn't have time to go act like a fool.

The common denominator for both these groups is that they are predominately young males, mostly white, low paying job if they have a job at all, many still live at home, they have no girlfriend, car, or goals in life. They are envious of the things others worked hard to get and want them just handed to them. They are filled with jealousy and rage at anyone and everything. They hate the people in the nice homes, the people driving nice cars, the people with the money to take vacations to exotic places, etc... The racists aim that hatred at those of color, foreigners, Jewish people, Gays, and anyone that isn't white. antifa aims their hatred at the system, people with money, anyone that worked hard to become successful in life. They cry "It's not fair!". You shouldn't have more than me. Everything should be equal. The system is rigged, blah blah blah. Myself and many others didn't have any problem with the system. We own houses, nice cars, businesses, have money in the bank, and enjoy our lives. Hard work is rewarded. Laziness, placing blame, and ignorance is not.

Personal responsibility. Get your shit together and your life will be much better.

Lout, your "shit" is imbecile shit.
How is that my answer? Are you really that ignorant? proud boys and their racists buddies show up in Portland hoping to draw out antifa, create a confrontation, and get on the news. antifa did exactly what they wanted. And you helped by showing up. The best thing to do would be not to go. If nobody showed up then they would look like the idiots they are. But no, lets go down there and show those racist sons of bitches we mean business. You fell right into their trap.

I had better things to do. Yard Work, some coding for a project I'm working on, building a ramp for my dogs, having sex with my lady, etc... I have things to do like live my life. I actually have one. I don't have time to go butt heads with some ignorant racists. They are not worth my time. Just what did you accomplish? Feel good about yourself? You showed them right? Changed their minds? Did you make the world a better place? Tell me what you did.

Here's a clue, these fascists as you call them have been marching since before you were born and will be marching after you're dead and gone. They disgust me but what disgusts me just as much is some antifa jack ass calling me a fascist because I didn't want to waste my time showing up to some stupid counter protest to another stupid protest. You don't know anything about me, who I am, what I've done, and you never will because I don't socialize with ignorant people. When I was your age, I'm guessing you're in your twenties, I was working two sometimes three jobs, I had my own apartment, a car, girlfriend, hobbies, was taking some classes to further my education, etc... I had to much productive stuff to do that I didn't have time to go act like a fool.

The common denominator for both these groups is that they are predominately young males, mostly white, low paying job if they have a job at all, many still live at home, they have no girlfriend, car, or goals in life. They are envious of the things others worked hard to get and want them just handed to them. They are filled with jealousy and rage at anyone and everything. They hate the people in the nice homes, the people driving nice cars, the people with the money to take vacations to exotic places, etc... The racists aim that hatred at those of color, foreigners, Jewish people, Gays, and anyone that isn't white. antifa aims their hatred at the system, people with money, anyone that worked hard to become successful in life. They cry "It's not fair!". You shouldn't have more than me. Everything should be equal. The system is rigged, blah blah blah. Myself and many others didn't have any problem with the system. We own houses, nice cars, businesses, have money in the bank, and enjoy our lives. Hard work is rewarded. Laziness, placing blame, and ignorance is not.

Personal responsibility. Get your shit together and your life will be much better.
“Oh man, I just hate these fascist nazis so much! In fact, I hate them so much, I will do literally NOTHING to stop them. And if anyone is out there stopping these fascist scumbags, well, they’d better watch out because I’m not cool with that”
“Oh man, I just hate these fascist nazis so much! In fact, I hate them so much, I will do literally NOTHING to stop them. And if anyone is out there stopping these fascist scumbags, well, they’d better watch out because I’m not cool with that”

I now understand his user name:

xt show your ass. :lol:

Wow! I'm attacked for not going to some stupid counter protest, called a fascist, called names, etc... just because I called both sides a bunch of idiots which they are.

If you want to waste your lives with this nonsense then go ahead. We already know that racists are nothing but bovine dung but how do you antifa supporters expect to be taken seriously when the first thing you do is attack people and call them names? And how do you support the destruction of private property these people commit? You support breaking windows, destroying cars, beating people for carrying the American flag? This is America. What's wrong with the flag? One side is destroying America and the other side hates America.

You children can have your playground brawls in the streets of Portland but the rest of us adults will continue to go on with our lives regardless of what the fools ON BOTH SIDES do.
How is that my answer? Are you really that ignorant? proud boys and their racists buddies show up in Portland hoping to draw out antifa, create a confrontation, and get on the news. antifa did exactly what they wanted. And you helped by showing up. The best thing to do would be not to go. If nobody showed up then they would look like the idiots they are. But no, lets go down there and show those racist sons of bitches we mean business. You fell right into their trap.

I had better things to do. Yard Work, some coding for a project I'm working on, building a ramp for my dogs, having sex with my lady, etc... I have things to do like live my life. I actually have one. I don't have time to go butt heads with some ignorant racists. They are not worth my time. Just what did you accomplish? Feel good about yourself? You showed them right? Changed their minds? Did you make the world a better place? Tell me what you did.

Here's a clue, these fascists as you call them have been marching since before you were born and will be marching after you're dead and gone. They disgust me but what disgusts me just as much is some antifa jack ass calling me a fascist because I didn't want to waste my time showing up to some stupid counter protest to another stupid protest. You don't know anything about me, who I am, what I've done, and you never will because I don't socialize with ignorant people. When I was your age, I'm guessing you're in your twenties, I was working two sometimes three jobs, I had my own apartment, a car, girlfriend, hobbies, was taking some classes to further my education, etc... I had to much productive stuff to do that I didn't have time to go act like a fool.

The common denominator for both these groups is that they are predominately young males, mostly white, low paying job if they have a job at all, many still live at home, they have no girlfriend, car, or goals in life. They are envious of the things others worked hard to get and want them just handed to them. They are filled with jealousy and rage at anyone and everything. They hate the people in the nice homes, the people driving nice cars, the people with the money to take vacations to exotic places, etc... The racists aim that hatred at those of color, foreigners, Jewish people, Gays, and anyone that isn't white. antifa aims their hatred at the system, people with money, anyone that worked hard to become successful in life. They cry "It's not fair!". You shouldn't have more than me. Everything should be equal. The system is rigged, blah blah blah. Myself and many others didn't have any problem with the system. We own houses, nice cars, businesses, have money in the bank, and enjoy our lives. Hard work is rewarded. Laziness, placing blame, and ignorance is not.

Personal responsibility. Get your shit together and your life will be much better.
I was asking you a question. Calm down, breathe deep and get a grip.

Did I ever call you a fascist?

My question to you is, are you saying it's fine that hate groups should march through the streets of Portland advocating white power over minority groups and women?

My concern, which may not be yours, is that these groups aren't just for show. We have a rising incidence of white hate crimes across this country including hundreds of murders by white nationalist/supremacists just this year. You talk as if antifascists and fascists are two sides of the same coin but I ask you, where are the hate crimes and especially body counts to justify that assertion?

The facts show that your equating the two is false. If you look at the crowds that show up, we have plenty of representation from older people. There is a seniors in wheelchairs contingent. Plenty of women represented in the crowd too. Oregon is not a diverse state but I see black and latino people in the crowd too. Antifascists are also well represented in Causa-led demonstrations against ICE as well. LOL the basement dweller unemployed stereotype too. These demonstrations are actively sponsored by several unions in the area. You accuse others of not knowing the situation. I can very firmly state that you haven't been there and your description of who is there is not even close to reality.

Again, I ask you, is it ok with you that hate groups should be treated as just another political cause?

take my earlier reply as a question rather than an accusation.

Should Portland just welcome outsider hate groups (I've labeled them fascists but they are more accurately described as white supremacists)? Just welcome the hate groups in?

If not, then what do you suggest?
Wheeler has it right:


"We don't want you here. Stop using our city and our home to spread fear."

Love that guy.
Wheeler has it right:

View attachment 4381939

"We don't want you here. Stop using our city and our home to spread fear."

Love that guy.

He was referring to both sides.

Is this you?


Some more of antifa and their non-violence


You guys say you're non-violent. Everyone knows your full of it. You compare yourselves to Real men that did great things like Martin Luther King and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. You people are nothing like them and never will be. These great men caused change through actual non-violent protesting. You run amok in the streets breaking car windows, burning things up in the middle of the street, and causing mayhem. That will be your legacy. Violent protesters harassing the citizens of Portland. There was a time when people were on your side but that time has long passed. You are terrorizing people and turning our city into a battlefield. You suck.

This image of antifa demontrators trying to look badass with the girl holding her purse and checking her cell phone is priceless.

How can you hate these kids?
I was going to point out that the scary mask wielding front line looks all of 400lbs total. They would need that when a single 400 white goon snatches them up so he can feel like a real man.

Here's a clue, these fascists as you call them have been marching since before you were born and will be marching after you're dead and gone. They disgust me but what disgusts me just as much is some antifa jack ass calling me a fascist because I didn't want to waste my time showing up to some stupid counter protest to another stupid protest.
That is where I don't agree. I would almost be with you but the idea that Nazi racists disgust you 'just as much' as people standing against it is where you lose me.
I was going to point out that the scary mask wielding front line looks all of 400lbs total. They would need that when a single 400 white goon snatches them up so he can feel like a real man.

That is where I don't agree. I would almost be with you but the idea that Nazi racists disgust you 'just as much' as people standing against it is where you lose me.

I never said people standing against nazi's disgusts me. I said being called a fascist by some jack ass disgusts me. There are plenty of decent people aligned with antifa's views. Most of those people are disgusted by the violent element within antifa. Years ago they were called anarchists. I'm talking about the ones destroying property and attacking people for carrying the American flag. If antifa wants to be taken seriously then they need to police themselves and get rid of the violent element that is just there to cause trouble.
He was referring to both sides.

Is this you?


Some more of antifa and their non-violence


You guys say you're non-violent. Everyone knows your full of it. You compare yourselves to Real men that did great things like Martin Luther King and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. You people are nothing like them and never will be. These great men caused change through actual non-violent protesting. You run amok in the streets breaking car windows, burning things up in the middle of the street, and causing mayhem. That will be your legacy. Violent protesters harassing the citizens of Portland. There was a time when people were on your side but that time has long passed. You are terrorizing people and turning our city into a battlefield. You suck.
I never said people standing against nazi's disgusts me. I said being called a fascist by some jack ass disgusts me. There are plenty of decent people aligned with antifa's views. Most of those people are disgusted by the violent element within antifa. Years ago they were called anarchists. I'm talking about the ones destroying property and attacking people for carrying the American flag. If antifa wants to be taken seriously then they need to police themselves and get rid of the violent element that is just there to cause trouble.
Right on, I see what you are saying there. I am not from there and are not sure who your guys home grown criminals are, and am sure that they suck. It is easy to see why the racists attack your city like this if that is the case.

Does everyone that shows up to counter protest do it under 'antifa'? They are not part of the racist parade right, so they don't necessarily fall under that category I wouldn't think.
He was referring to both sides.

Is this you?


Some more of antifa and their non-violence


You guys say you're non-violent. Everyone knows your full of it. You compare yourselves to Real men that did great things like Martin Luther King and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. You people are nothing like them and never will be. These great men caused change through actual non-violent protesting. You run amok in the streets breaking car windows, burning things up in the middle of the street, and causing mayhem. That will be your legacy. Violent protesters harassing the citizens of Portland. There was a time when people were on your side but that time has long passed. You are terrorizing people and turning our city into a battlefield. You suck.
The top photo is from the Cider Riot brawl for which Patriot Prayer's leader was indicted and arrested for inciting a riot. The bottom photo was from Saturday. No explanation given for the bear spray or why that man was bloodied. You post it as if it's proof of antifa-initiated violence but there is nothing to indicate anything of the sort.

It is well known and proven true that the fascist demonstration this weekend was planned and attended by people based out of Florida. They came to Portland to do violence. They CAME to Portland. They PLANNED violence. As such any violence that took place last weekend was due to their actions. Just like in Charlottesville, white supremacists discussed online what they planned to do in Portland. It is now public record.

I'm asking you. Do you support fascists and white supremacists (same thing) traveling to Portland planning to march in our streets and planning violence? Do you support that?
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I was going to point out that the scary mask wielding front line looks all of 400lbs total. They would need that when a single 400 white goon snatches them up so he can feel like a real man.

That is where I don't agree. I would almost be with you but the idea that Nazi racists disgust you 'just as much' as people standing against it is where you lose me.
Yah, ha ha

Those four shield maidens wouldn't collectively weigh 400 pounds soaking wet in their gear. That's the point though. Anti-fascists aren't there for the violence. They are there to stop fascists from projecting white power and sending the message that people accept their hate speech. The more ridiculous Anti-fascists look, the more ridiculous they make the puffed up Spartacus costumed fascists look.
I'm talking about the ones destroying property and attacking people for carrying the American flag. If antifa wants to be taken seriously then they need to police themselves and get rid of the violent element that is just there to cause trouble.

What the police said: "Today was a long and arduous day," Outlaw said at the news conference. "The disruptions were held to a very small area of downtown Portland."

Where does anybody confirm this statement of yours: "all this destroying property and attacking people carrying the American flag"? Who is saying anything about that happening on SATURDAY, 8/17? From Saturday, I see no reports of all this. I get that you hate people who oppose fascism and so cannot help mixing up events but please check your facts. From all sources, it would appear that antifa has found ways to prevent the kinds of violence that fascists came to Portland to create. With help from Mayor Wheeler's office, even the police are focusing on preventing the violence from occurring.

You owe all those who attended to oppose fascism last Saturday and apology.
It wasn't "decades of civilians killing each other" that drove Germany to Fascism. It was wealthy families who funded Hitler's paramilitary army that brought Hitler into power and fascism to Germany. Also Germany was less than twenty years removed from monarchy and fascism with its dictator was a form of government that the people of Germany found easier to accept rather than communism or Democracy.

So, obviously, you are wrong about Germany. I could go into how you are wrong about Russia too but I'm not interested in giving you a free education. You need to study more, though. Or don't talk about things you know little about.

That must have been spoon fed to you at school. Look at the real facts dopey.
You owe all those who attended to oppose fascism last

No, he doesn't. Nobody does. Just because you're right about fascists, how the conduct themselves and disagree with their ideology doesn't make you above criticism. In fact, when you use this "the end justifies the means" excuse for your behavior you are just adopting the same tactic as the white supremacists. There is no way to tackle these idiots, and look like reasonable people, except letting them tire themselves out.

Xtsho is right, let them come and go, let them make asses of themselves because, like you said, Portland is a liberal city. They are targeting you because you are, and you're playing into their hands and fueling the fire for the right wing media.

It is possible to be 100% right and still be viewed as an asshole. Just saying.
Right on, I see what you are saying there. I am not from there and are not sure who your guys home grown criminals are, and am sure that they suck. It is easy to see why the racists attack your city like this if that is the case.

Does everyone that shows up to counter protest do it under 'antifa'? They are not part of the racist parade right, so they don't necessarily fall under that category I wouldn't think.

antifa is not even organized. It's hard to say who identifies as antifa and who doesn't. One thing is certain, the violent alt-left has hijacked the movement. Some of these people have been running amok before joey and his proud boys came to town. They have been causing mayhem for years. Breaking windows, blocking traffic, harassing motorists, etc... People not from here don't understand that this has been going on for a long time. antifa wants to make it about them vs the racists/fascists but if that's the case then why were they causing problems before the racists and fascists even came to town?

antifa needs to purge itself of the radical violent criminals and get themselves organized. If they fail to do that they will be as despised as the pathetic racists that they oppose. We're getting sick of it. Portland is a beautiful city. Most of us want to be able to go downtown on a Saturday and enjoy a walk along the waterfront, a bite to eat, and just enjoy all the city has to offer which is a lot. Unfortunately we get these idiots from across the country showing up with their nazi flags trying to provoke a confrontation and then we get the masked, dressed in black antifa showing up to oblige. Basically taking over our city for with their nonsense. It just sucks. We just want them all to go away. And I speak for the majority. Portlanders are sick of this crap. GIVE US BACK OUR CITY!

I don't care what their cause is, their beliefs, whether they're racist or not, antifa or not, skin color, country of origin, etc... Just get the hell out of Portland and fight with each other elsewhere.

And to those that have never been to Portland and only see what's on the news or from that stupid Portlandia television show, Portland is not what you might think. It's a beautiful city with great things to do. We have nice venues for concerts and Portland is a big stop for big name bands. We have an incredible microbrew scene and tons of great restaurants. We have museums, beautiful parks, the world renowned Portland Rose Test Garden, the Oregon Zoo, Lot's of waterways, the Columbia and Willamette rivers with public boat access everywhere to launch your boat and go wakeboarding, waterskiing, or just spend the day on the water. We're little more than an hour away from Mt Hood and about the same to the Oregon coast. It's beautiful here. Hiking, snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, mushroom picking, too many activities to list are all just an hour or a little more away. Don't let this playground brawl between a bunch of children be the impression you have of this great city. We'll get this situation under control. Come and visit but as the late great Oregon Governor Tom McCall said, “I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven’s sake, don’t move here to live.”. Tom McCall was a Republican although the way that party has moved so far to the right he wouldn't be today.

Wheeler should have learned from Tom. He should have paid all the local bands to play at the Moda Center and then gave away free tickets. :bigjoint:

In 1970 McCall was faced with a potential riot in Portland. In May of that year a week-long student protest at Portland State University over the Kent State shootings had ended with charges of excessive police violence. The American Legion had scheduled a convention in Portland later that summer; local antiwar groups were organizing a series of demonstrations at the same time under the name of the "People's Army Jamboree" and expected to draw up to 50,000 protesters.[12]

After attempts to convince the People's Army Jamboree to either not carry out their plans or to move the date, McCall decided to hold a rock festival at Milo McIver State Park near Estacada, Oregon called "Vortex I: A Biodegradable Festival of Life," in imitation of the famous Woodstock Festival held the previous year.

"I think I just committed political suicide," McCall is reported to have remarked immediately after approving the event. Vortex was the first and so far only state-sponsored rock festival in U.S. history.

The festival, nicknamed "The Governor's Pot Party" by Oregonians, was a success, attracting between 50,000 and 100,000 people. Gold, The Portland Zoo, Osceola, Fox, and Chrome Cyrcus were among the bands that played. The media announced that Santana, Jefferson Airplane, and the Grateful Dead were on the way, but none of them appeared. The feared violent clash between the antiwar groups and the conservative American Legion was avoided, and the city of Portland passed the summer relatively uneventfully. McCall was re-elected in November, with 56% of the vote.
Should Portland just welcome outsider hate groups (I've labeled them fascists but they are more accurately described as white supremacists)? Just welcome the hate groups in?

So the people of Portland should discriminate against other people by barring them from using property that doesn't belong to any of the individuals from either side ?

If you're trying to bar people from saying things you don't like on property you don't own, would that qualify as being a "hater" ?

Sounds like a tragedy of the commons.