POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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You seem really passionate about killing rapists. I don't see this same passion from you about other crimes, including murder. Were you raped as a child.

No I was not, I just witnessed what it did to people close to me when I was young how badly it fucked them up.
Murder has its reasons, rape is unexcusable. I don't see why the resistence on executing all rapist they have a high repeat rate it would only make sense to remove them as soon as they are identified a rapist.
The death penalty is just another example of how America devalues black life.
Barely anyone gets executed anymore man, yes 56% are black but that would be 780 black people executed since 1976 and I'm sure they where all for good reason.

Because taking someone's freedom away is alot worse then a quick death.

You can make a new life in prison. People even have mental disorders from being in prison where it is all they know so when they get out they do criminal shit on the outside without really even worrying about getting caught.
Barely anyone gets executed anymore man, yes 56% are black but that would be 780 black people executed since 1976 and I'm sure they where all for good reason.

You can make a new life in prison. People even have mental disorders from being in prison where it is all they know so when they get out they do criminal shit on the outside without really even worrying about getting caught.
And that's an ideal way of living ? You try make it out like they're having a ball. Sounds heaps better then having a lady, children and general freedom.
Barely anyone gets executed anymore man, yes 56% are black but that would be 780 black people executed since 1976 and I'm sure they where all for good reason.
Black person kills white person = Death penalty; White person kills black person = prison.

Now honestly ask yourself why, in the state of Florida, has a white person NEVER been given the death penalty for killing a black person.
I support it for rapist and murderers. This country has grown soft. All these brainwashed indoctrinated are destroying this country from the inside out. This country has its laws and constitution in place for its citizens. It was written to protect us from the anti Americans that are seeking the remove or rewrite it. The majority has become steeple. They cannot be told they are wrong. Even if they are given facts. It's virtually impossible to change their minds.
Barely anyone gets executed anymore man, yes 56% are black but that would be 780 black people executed since 1976 and I'm sure they where all for good reason.

You can make a new life in prison. People even have mental disorders from being in prison where it is all they know so when they get out they do criminal shit on the outside without really even worrying about getting caught.

You ever heard of wrongful conviction?

How about the innocence project?

Humans are fallible and make fallible judgements. Death penalties are irreversible.

Murder in the name of justice IS STILL MURDER.
Black person kills white person = Death penalty; White person kills black person = prison.

Now honestly ask yourself why, in the state of Florida, has a white person NEVER been given the death penalty for killing a black person.

Because that state is full of racist motherfuckers. I lived there for a short time and it disgusted me.
I support it for rapist and murderers. This country has grown soft. All these brainwashed indoctrinated are destroying this country from the inside out. This country has its laws and constitution in place for its citizens. It was written to protect us from the anti Americans that are seeking the remove or rewrite it. The majority has become steeple. They cannot be told they are wrong. Even if they are given facts. It's virtually impossible to change their minds.

America has a higher incarceration rate than any other industrialized country and we've 'gone soft'?

I believe you're talking about republicans, specifically Chump supporters.
You ever heard of wrongful conviction?

How about the innocence project?

Humans are fallible and make fallible judgements. Death penalties are irreversible.

Murder in the name of justice IS STILL MURDER.
I guess i am "barbaric" because i support the death penalty. Yes I have heard of wrongful convictions their has been 130 people taken off of death row for it

Black person kills white person = Death penalty; White person kills black person = prison.

Now honestly ask yourself why, in the state of Florida, has a white person NEVER been given the death penalty for killing a black person.
Yeah that is terribly wrong. Its not a perfect system but intsead of dismantling it like we have for the past 50 or so years we should of been improving upon it.
I guess i am "barbaric" because i support the death penalty. Yes I have heard of wrongful convictions their has been 130 people taken off of death row for it

Yeah that is terribly wrong. Its not a perfect system but intsead of dismantling it like we have for the past 50 or so years we should of been improving upon it.

"It's terrible and has been proven to kill innocent people. So let's keep doing it!"

Again, you ignore the simple fact that where executions are most common, murder rates are the highest. Also, international statistics do not support you. If you were correct, the more people a country executes the lower its crime rates should be. That is not the case. As I have pointed out. Over and over. And over.
But by all means, keep ignoring the plethora of information in front of you. You probably know better than 88% of criminologists.
"That study found that over 88 per cent of the criminologists did not believe the death penalty deterred murderers."
Don't you figure those area just have high criminal rate because what you are saying implies that if the prison started executing large numbers of rapist there will become more rapist.
I really struggle with this one. My head and heart say very different things. I don't believe in the death penalty, it doesn't reduce crime and the risk of a wrongful conviction is just too great. Unfortunately, people do lie about being raped for a multitude of reasons. I also think that there are, occasionally, situations where someone might commit rape but not actually be an evil nonce that deserves to be strung up. However, I have been raped and could quite happily string him up by his bollocks. If anyone ever touched my children then I would do them severe harm given the chance. I don't believe paedophiles can be rehabilitated, it costs us a fortune to try, and then again monitoring them for the rest of their lives once they're released. I believe society would be better off just doing away with them, putting them down like a rabid animal because they can't change what they're sexually attracted to anymore than anyone else can. But am I in any position to judge who is fit to live? I don't think I am.