Trump being sued in New York Federal court for raping 14 year old child


Well-Known Member

apparently the original was dismissed for technical filing errors, so the victim of childhood rape got a lawyer this time and filed again.

they have a witness to the rapes ready to come forward and testify as well.

the story:

Jane Doe says that Mr. Trump “initiated sexual contact” with her on four occasions in 1994. Since she was thirteen at the time, consent is not an issue. If Mr. Trump had any type sexual contact with her in 1994, it was a crime.

On the fourth incident, she says Mr. Trump tied her to a bed and forcibly raped her, in a “savage sexual attack,” while she pleaded with him to stop. She says Mr. Trump violently struck her in the face. She says that afterward, if she ever revealed what he had done, Mr. Trump threatened that she and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed.” She says she has been in fear of him ever since.

New York’s five year statute of limitations on this claim - the legal deadline for filing — has long since run. However, Jane Doe’s attorney, Thomas Meagher, argues in his court filing that because she was threatened by Mr. Trump, she has been under duress all this time, and therefore she should be permitted additional time to come forward. Legally, this is calling “tolling” - stopping the clock, allowing more time to file the case. As a result, the complaint alleges, Jane Doe did not have “freedom of will to institute suit earlier in time.” He cites two New York cases which I have read and which do support tolling


Well-Known Member
If this is true he deserves to hang but why would a man of his power leave a loose end like this? You would figure he would of killed her or had her killed, along with any other "witnesses".


Well-Known Member
If this is true he deserves to hang but why would a man of his power leave a loose end like this? You would figure he would of killed her or had her killed, along with any other "witnesses".
Let alone why wouldn't he have done it somewhere like Thailand where it's a normal thing? Sounds like bullshit to me it happened in 94 and she comes out when hes the Republican presidential candidate.

Probably couldn't even get the charge to stick no evidence. But hopefully it ain't true just a Shillary Cunton tactic she needs dirt on him some how as Hitlary is dirt.


Well-Known Member
If this is true he deserves to hang but why would a man of his power leave a loose end like this? You would figure he would of killed her or had her killed, along with any other "witnesses".
Well, that sounds like a valid defense. Trump's lawyer will absolutely borrow this for use at the trial. Pure genius, BBR


Well-Known Member
I read that story too , the plane was the Clinton rape express to the pedophile island bill visits every month .

Bill Clinton is on his 6th rape & your still swinging from Hillary's nutt sack .
you're getting pretty desperate with trump down by 6-10 in the polls.

i'm not listing off some story from the national enquirer, which your hero and savior thinks is actual news. i am citing a pulitzer prize winning news site which seems to think that the pending child rape case against trump should be taken quite seriously, since he has been charged with rape multiple times before.


Well-Known Member
I read that story too , the plane was the Clinton rape express to the pedophile island bill visits every month .

Bill Clinton is on his 6th rape & your still swinging from Hillary's nutt sack .
Jesus, man, shat are you saying?

This is a case brought against Trump for raping a girl four times. With a witness who agrees to testify. If Trump did this, he should fry. It may or may not move into trial because of statute of limitations.

The accusations against Clinton are heinous. If Clinton did this, he should fry.

There are no connections between the two accusations.

To somehow try to dismiss the charges against Trump as equivalent to Clinton and somehow the fault of Hillary is contorted logic. I hope you wake up tomorrow sober and reconsider.


Well-Known Member
i bet you guys are still defending bill cosby as well.

this is the third time trump has been charged with rape.
No their is more than one victim in the Cosby case. But Trump this is the first I've heard of it which happened over a decade ago and only one woman claims it.

The biggest thing is she waited until Trump was the Republican presidential candidate to come out. Sounds like an espionage tactic IMO. But they get actual proof I will believe it otherwise I think it's Shillary, plus why ain't Clinton News Network eating it up like they did Cosby?


Well-Known Member
I do not support the death penalty in any way, shape, or form.
What about the white guy who shot up the black church?

I personally think that guy should hang. I don't support the death penalty in most cases but that one I do 100%. But I also support the death penalty for the black guy who killed 2 white kids just trying to find drugs and at court not only did he not show any remorse he went off on that #blacklivesmatter bullshit.

Neither deserve to live they are fucking animals and people like that are a big reason most people come out of prison worse people then when they entered.