Police: Pot might be factor in Montana killing


Well-Known Member
I'm trolling. It is my intent to get you to continue to reply to me. If I mean nothing to you then just walk away. You can't though. I got you on the hook.
This is one out of 142 results that come up when I search the sheskunk account with the term "trolling". You suck at this @UncleBuck


Well-Known Member
This is one out of 142 results that come up when I search the sheskunk account with the term "trolling". You suck at this @UncleBuck

here you are denying that it was you.

Is she trying to insinuate that I'm FDD as well? Is that what the "from jail" comment was? My oh my. That's priceless.
shall i go ahead and post the private messages of you begging not to tell, then having a meltdown when i did?



Well-Known Member
You got skunked 3 years ago and you're still not over it. I love it. I never imagined it would be this good.
"you got skunked"

you say that as if sheskunk turned people against me, rather than against you. you went from the most respected member here to a complete pariah thanks to sheskunk.

so of course we don't wanna stop talking about it.

dumb fuck.


Well-Known Member
shall i go ahead and post the private messages of you begging not to tell, then having a meltdown when i did?

I've been saving the depraved thing's PMs for 'future usage'.....I've already got a new printer in mind. ;)

It's actually a bit shocking (disheartening?) that he/she/it hasn't been banned by this point. Pity on the admin's part, maybe?