The Smiling Nationalist


Well-Known Member
Keep defending the stalker London.

Didn't know she did that too. I owe you an apology for that. Sincerely. I thought you were following the stalkers lead. I feel better about that and don't blame you for not caring what I think. Collateral damage.

I posted 3 different pictures in the "Picture of yourself" thread. One was a cute skinny girl, one was a cute chunky girl, one was a cute midget girl. None of them were really me. It was bait for the people who feel it's OK to degrade women. Funny how those who disagreed with me took the picture of the chunky girl and convinced themselves it was me. They did that simply so they could insult me. Even after announcing that it was a trap, they still continue to lie to themselves just so they can insult someone who isn't even me. It was a setup to expose those people as shallow. My experiment worked even better than I expected.


Well-Known Member
reporting multiple thread spam is keeping this forum a better place, not snitching.

sounds like you would have been on bignbushy's side and not reported your roommate's child pornography. because that's "snitching".

pedophile apologist.

You do an excellent job making this forum a better place. I can't imagine what it would be like without you. You should leave for a few months, just to prove this fact.


Well-Known Member
You do an excellent job making this forum a better place. I can't imagine what it would be like without you. You should leave for a few months, just to prove this fact.
ok all jokes pictures. Just how tall are you and how much do you weigh


Well-Known Member
you're pretty close to another rage quit, eh?
There would have to be a first one to be another snitch.

About all I've done here is put you on ignore for a month after you welched on a bet to leave for that month. Other than during my moves every 12 weeks for work, I've been here snitch liar.

Just curious, since you think I'm a racist, why didn't you invite me to the group you made to "catch racists"? Or did you invite me and I deleted it? I don't remember, can you remind me? You have info on all those who were invited, who joined, who quit, who rejoined, how many times....

You yell racist at 9 out of 10 posters you disagree with
You have stalked multiple men and posted any personal info about them on a site that promotes what it is still unfortunately an illegal activity and can ruin our lives with your maliciousness. Which would make your sickass happy.
You joined stormfront with a phony Red account to try to convince others it was him after he absolutely destroyed you in debates
I heard you use DEA Dude for a year, calling him a DEA agent on a pot forum
FDD thinks YOU are the one that snitched on him, your record shows it's most likely true.

This is your bed man, you made it, you have to lie in it.


Well-Known Member
I posted 3 different pictures in the "Picture of yourself" thread. One was a cute skinny girl, one was a cute chunky girl, one was a cute midget girl. None of them were really me. It was bait for the people who feel it's OK to degrade women. Funny how those who disagreed with me took the picture of the chunky girl and convinced themselves it was me. They did that simply so they could insult me. Even after announcing that it was a trap, they still continue to lie to themselves just so they can insult someone who isn't even me. It was a setup to expose those people as shallow. My experiment worked even better than I expected.
but you've been so nice about crying wolf for us.

why should we even want to believe anything about you?

experiment?..fuck you you piece of shit!

no one's going to ever be friends with you in political forum..find another.



Well-Known Member
I am NOT fat. I don't ever remember saying I was. I'm actually quite slim. People who say I am fat are lying.

Case closed.
When you put up a picture of a fat women claiming that is you. Top that with being rude, bigoted, and racist...what do you think will be the outcome ???
Did you think people were going to say " hey look at that slim nice person" ?
Hell no, we will call you fat racist unfit mother, because that is what you presented to us. Expecting something different is asinine.


Well-Known Member
When you put up a picture of a fat women claiming that is you. Top that with being rude, bigoted, and racist...what do you think will be the outcome ???
Did you think people were going to say " hey look at that slim nice person" ?
Hell no, we will call you fat racist unfit mother, because that is what you presented to us. Expecting something different is asinine.
How many fake photo's has UB put up over the years?? But somehow it is just fine for him but you wont let anyone else off the hook.

Who cares what SS looks like? Do you believe that the weight of a person is inversely proportional to the credibility of their opinion? Are you fat and projecting?? Why should you care?


Well-Known Member
When you put up a picture of a fat women claiming that is you. Top that with being rude, bigoted, and racist...what do you think will be the outcome ???
Did you think people were going to say " hey look at that slim nice person" ?
Hell no, we will call you fat racist unfit mother, because that is what you presented to us. Expecting something different is asinine.

Now that i have exposed myself you can no longer call me the names you so eagerly call me. If you do you are a liar.


Well-Known Member
but you've been so nice about crying wolf for us.

why should we even want to believe anything about you?

experiment?..fuck you you piece of shit!

no one's going to ever be friends with you in political forum..find another.


You seem butthurt over the fact you fell for it. Sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
You seem butthurt over the fact you fell for it. Sorry about that.
not at all..girls don't get butt hurt and i enjoy ass play.

you showed forum members what a dick you are and it's "just a joke".

jokes on you thinking anyone would still want to associate with an ass clown after your little so-called experiment.

personally, i was pretty surprised you were allowed internet access from jail.

perhaps an apology thread to the forum would be in's easier to take your lumps sooner rather than later.

just saying:wink:


Well-Known Member
not at all..girls don't get butt hurt and i enjoy ass play.

you showed forum members what a dick you are and it's "just a joke".

jokes on you thinking anyone would still want to associate with an ass clown after your little so-called experiment.

personally, i was pretty surprised you were allowed internet access from jail.

perhaps an apology thread to the forum would be in's easier to take your lumps sooner rather than later.

just saying:wink:
I never said it was a "joke".

"From jail". What are you going on about now?


Well-Known Member
How many fake photo's has UB put up over the years?? But somehow it is just fine for him but you wont let anyone else off the hook.

Who cares what SS looks like? Do you believe that the weight of a person is inversely proportional to the credibility of their opinion? Are you fat and projecting?? Why should you care?
You know who's fat? Hillary is fat. Have you seen her ankles? Neither has intone else. Therefore anything the fat bitch says is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
There would have to be a first one to be another snitch.

About all I've done here is put you on ignore for a month after you welched on a bet to leave for that month. Other than during my moves every 12 weeks for work, I've been here snitch liar.

Just curious, since you think I'm a racist, why didn't you invite me to the group you made to "catch racists"? Or did you invite me and I deleted it? I don't remember, can you remind me? You have info on all those who were invited, who joined, who quit, who rejoined, how many times....

You yell racist at 9 out of 10 posters you disagree with
You have stalked multiple men and posted any personal info about them on a site that promotes what it is still unfortunately an illegal activity and can ruin our lives with your maliciousness. Which would make your sickass happy.
You joined stormfront with a phony Red account to try to convince others it was him after he absolutely destroyed you in debates
I heard you use DEA Dude for a year, calling him a DEA agent on a pot forum
FDD thinks YOU are the one that snitched on him, your record shows it's most likely true.

This is your bed man, you made it, you have to lie in it.
how so? let's see the proof.

fdd was snagged by fbi for a federal offense..mailing weed across state lines.

actually, i'd wager it was someone in his (close) circle who didn't like the competition or jealous of his success.

perhaps even someone needing to make a deal gave him up?

think about it, losers..


Well-Known Member
I posted 3 different pictures in the "Picture of yourself" thread. One was a cute skinny girl, one was a cute chunky girl, one was a cute midget girl. None of them were really me. It was bait for the people who feel it's OK to degrade women. Funny how those who disagreed with me took the picture of the chunky girl and convinced themselves it was me. They did that simply so they could insult me. Even after announcing that it was a trap, they still continue to lie to themselves just so they can insult someone who isn't even me. It was a setup to expose those people as shallow. My experiment worked even better than I expected.
don't try to spin this about you being a victim.

personally, knowing what i know about you..i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't respond to my posts.

you disgust me.


Well-Known Member
how so? let's see the proof.

fdd was snagged by fbi for a federal offense..mailing weed across state lines.

actually, i'd wager it was someone in his (close) circle who didn't like the competition or jealous of his success.

perhaps even someone needing to make a deal gave him up?

think about it, losers..
FDD thought it was Buck. Buck puts personal info about people here up and brags about it. He brags about running to mods and crying. The consensus here is that buck did it.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Maybe if he stopped accusing people of untrue shit he wouldn't be a target.


Well-Known Member
don't try to spin this about you being a victim.

personally, knowing what i know about you..i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't respond to my posts.

you disgust me.

You amuse me. Thank you for that.

What you know = I'm a wife and a mother of 2. I used to live on a farm but moved when I met my husband. I now live in the city. I'm not fat. I will never post pictures of myself here, that would just be stupid. I have never been to jail.

Anything else you think you know is simply not true. I have come clean because my point has been made. People love to attack others, all they need is a reason. You are doing it right now.


Well-Known Member
FDD thought it was Buck. Buck puts personal info about people here up and brags about it. He brags about running to mods and crying. The consensus here is that buck did it.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Maybe if he stopped accusing people of untrue shit he wouldn't be a target.

Is she trying to insinuate that I'm FDD as well? Is that what the "from jail" comment was? My oh my. That's priceless.