Please use proper English

In defence of op and others I think what they are mostly saying is that people who are capable of writing well but choose not to wont be taken seriously. it doesn't bother me either way unless I really cant understand and then its a little annoying

Too me the irony, was that the OP's grammar was F'in horrible in a unconfined, incongruous manner, which clearly eliminated themselves from the criteria set forth, by themselves. LOL.
No. WE don't. I do not cut corners.

No one asked for perfection. Just put forth the effort. If you can not spend the extra few seconds to do it, your lazy.

Please explain how there are that many uneducated people. There is not. Lazy people maybe.
If you are truly uneducated I will take the time to help you.

What is lazy? Some people have a terrible definition of what "lazy" actually is.

Bill Gates was often said to look for the "laziest" person to hire, because they will find the most efficient way to get the job done, in the least amount of time. Potato, potado.
Maybe a person that does not know how to spell can grow. For the ones that can spell and don't that shows that you will take a short cut for something that takes 30 seconds. 30 seconds and you expect that person will not cut corners on something that takes months to grow.
Aroe ponics is hard to do I dare u there is no shortcuts when it comes to aroe
Semantics shmantics. I'm getting sick of typing everything out myself. Don't even get me started on all these morons throwing around information that they don't even understand which basically screws up the credibility of the guys using the information appropriately. :P So I ask, does it really matter? Here is something to take your mind off of it.
im not mad its okay the world images (25).jpgdna1.jpg is complex enough opionions realy dont mater actions mater more i would or i should just take the time to learn it correctly but it the last thing i realy want to sharpen is my spelling and punctuation i have no disire for that..politics are a mother fucker lolz
Theres a lot of folk saying its "lazy" not to spell right if you are able.
So, by the same thinking,its got to be "lazy" not to learn the new lingo
these youngsters use.
I joined facebook four years ago,as i cant get out much nowadays and it keeps me in touch.
I have a lot of younger mates,who nearly all used texting slang and i realised
if i wanted to keep in the loop,i would have to learn this shit.Or i could be "lazy"and say
fuck it,i cant be bothered with that.
I thought it would be snobbish of me not to try,so i persevered and i quite enjoy deciphering
their coded texts,haha.They are great lads and lasses and i thank them all for teaching me
that i am never too old,or stubborn to learn something that was alien to me initially.
Im 61 today and i dont give a shit about how people spell, or word things,im here to learn how to grow cannabis.