Please use proper English

Ignore.....the brainless.......ignore the wanna be.

The real problem is the mindless slob who can't use punctuation and makes one none stop ramble about 3 paragraphs long (?) with none!

Gives you a head ache at about the third (?) sentence.
Ignore.....the brainless.......ignore the wanna be.

The real problem is the mindless slob who can't use punctuation and makes one none stop ramble about 3 paragraphs long (?) with none!

Gives you a head ache at about the third (?) sentence.
Well this calls for a battle of flower what we all hear for are u ready pesent???
I can hardly stand reading some of the posts on here. Phrases such a "dat" and "yur" and "ima" etc, are so irritating to try to read and decipher. You know proper English so why not use it. Don't let me think that the $120,000 of public funds it took to babysit your ass for 18 years was wasted.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and let them know for sure.
Its da slang m8 if u r not intellegent enough to understand quiet common slang and shortened word then u need a newer education not all of us have a english degree and u r being bias
Me to you know they talking about me but I'll school these cats in the flower department Lolz n I don't need to spell to grow high tech flowers Lolz ill teach all these cats a lesson in quality flowers.. Growing class 101

Maybe a person that does not know how to spell can grow. For the ones that can spell and don't that shows that you will take a short cut for something that takes 30 seconds. 30 seconds and you expect that person will not cut corners on something that takes months to grow.
Maybe a person that does not know how to spell can grow. For the ones that can spell and don't that shows that you will take a short cut for something that takes 30 seconds. 30 seconds and you expect that person will not cut corners on something that takes months to grow.
Ive met guys who cant read or write and are extreamly smart ...this is not english class it a forum to talk about weed.its not a place to pick on ppl who do not use correct english when typing .. lets all chill out and smoke a joint and be less critical about trivial gramma. as long as ppl can share thoughts and knowledge...and also sometimes ppl dont get a great school or parents
Maybe a person that does not know how to spell can grow. For the ones that can spell and don't that shows that you will take a short cut for something that takes 30 seconds. 30 seconds and you expect that person will not cut corners on something that takes months to grow.
We all cut corners as long as the end result is the same.or maybe we should all turn our lights off all grow outside and all use cow shit for fertilizer maybe we shouldnt water our plant and should wait for rain
I can hardly stand reading some of the posts on here. Phrases such a "dat" and "yur" and "ima" etc, are so irritating to try to read and decipher. You know proper English so why not use it. Don't let me think that the $120,000 of public funds it took to babysit your ass for 18 years was wasted.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and let them know for sure.
Your on a MJ growing forum and asking for perfect English.
Abraham Lincolns quote seems to fit this post perfectly.
I can hardly stand reading some of the posts on here. Phrases such a "dat" and "yur" and "ima" etc, are so irritating to try to read and decipher. You know proper English so why not use it. Don't let me think that the $120,000 of public funds it took to babysit your ass for 18 years was wasted.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and let them know for sure.

However, fuck grammar. Who needs the second component to properly complete "proper Engrish". Poopstain on.
As there is a wide disparity of users abilities to communicate, let's just look at it like this...
This forum includes youngsters growing 'weed', as well as professional horticulturists and caretakers who take cannabusiness seriously.

If you don't care that the established members won't read your drivel, than rock on with your text message slang. If you want people who actually know things to take you seriously, you might want to approach them showing that you are capable of stringing a sentence together.
In defence of op and others I think what they are mostly saying is that people who are capable of writing well but choose not to wont be taken seriously. it doesn't bother me either way unless I really cant understand and then its a little annoying