Please help

Some of the leaves on my plants are yellowing/ browning on the edges, one has what looks like a bronze rust on it, and my og kush doesnt seem to want to grow. Im doing a bubbleponic setup, the temps in the room is about 75. They are in 5 gallon buckets, im using botanicare grow, and cal mag, it says to use 1 tsp per gallon for seedlings, i used 4 tsp in the buckets, and 3 tsp of the cal mag. Waiting on my ph tester to come in the mail. I thought it might be nutrient burn so i took out a couple scoops of water from the buckets and added fresh water to them to lower the solution. Also the stems are purple, and only the new growth is green, but im not sure how long it stays green for, dunno if that is a problem though. I have 3 querkle, 1 og kush and 2 odyssey.



Active Member
couple questions how hot is the water in your buckets and do you have an air pump, pumping air into the bucket? The ph could be a prob if your ph is too or or low (not sure which but I think its to high) can lock out all your nutes including mag/cal and n-p-k. I say get a ph tester asap even if its 1 of those $10 test strips or change out your solution all together. Most likely its ph problem but it also looks like your plants aren't getting enough air to the roots. If your water temps are between 62-70F and you have an air pump with an air stone or perferated air line in your bucket of water you should be good
Yes im running a bubble ponic setup,the water is 2-3 inches below the net pots, each bucket has 2 air stones. My air pump is 45 liters per minute, or 2700 liters per hour, so plenty of air to the roots(i think). havent checked the water temp yet. I guess ill go to he hydro store and pick up a ph tester kit til mine comes in. its about 75 inside the room right now.
Thanks, ill check in tomorrow see if that did the job.
checked my ph level yesterday, everything seems to be fine, i checked the water im using, and the water in the buckets, they all checked out. Maybe too much nutes?


Active Member
If its to much nutes your plants would be a dark forest green. To me it looks more like you have a micro nutrient deficiency. Do you use any micro nutes, something that supplements your main n-p-k besides just mag and cal. they plant needs a bunch of trace elements and if they get low the plant won't take up nutes. This kind of problem happens alot in hydro/aero/bubble-ponics because the soil naturally has those trace elements in abundance. If you use RO water or purified water, you'll definitely need something to supplement for those trace elements. Im not really familiar with botanicare so check the labels and see if you don't see zinc, manganese, or any other trace elements in the formula I'd go buy something that does I use dutchmasters MAX and it does wonders. Solved a bunch of tiny problems when I found out that most N-P-K nutes didn't have enough trace elements. I think that botanicare sells something similar. You could also try changing the water and adding a little more nutes and mag/cal it really looks like a mag/n-p-k deficiency to me I just don't think they are considered seedlings anymore and they are just not getting enough to eat
ill try and do that, but my new growth has been slow and the leaves kept getting burnt. im using 4 4' fluros (daylight) for each plant and those do not get hot at all, so it not that. i checked the ph and everything seems to be fine. im using glacier water from the water dispenser. yesterday i flushed all the roots and refilled all the buckets with 1 tsp of grow and 1 tsp of cal/mag to start off. i waited around for a couple hours and things started to look a little better, my og wasnt as yellowish green and the roots on all of them were looking nice and clean white. ill check for those other nutes like u said, hopefully it is something simple like that because ive had the plants for 2 weeks now and not too much new growth has occured yet.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I also recently started using the Dutch Masters Max for Veg & Bloom. I was noticing some good results after just a couple applications.


Active Member
ill try and do that, but my new growth has been slow and the leaves kept getting burnt. im using 4 4' fluros (daylight) for each plant and those do not get hot at all, so it not that. i checked the ph and everything seems to be fine. im using glacier water from the water dispenser. yesterday i flushed all the roots and refilled all the buckets with 1 tsp of grow and 1 tsp of cal/mag to start off. i waited around for a couple hours and things started to look a little better, my og wasnt as yellowish green and the roots on all of them were looking nice and clean white. ill check for those other nutes like u said, hopefully it is something simple like that because ive had the plants for 2 weeks now and not too much new growth has occured yet.
Thats good. Did you get them as cuttings? The only reason I ask cause if they are rooted clones then you'd definitely need to mix the water for veg and not seedlings. aslo if you are low on mag or calcium I cant remember which but that will cause the edges of the leaves to look burned, and you'll get spots that look kinda like theres dirt on the leaf but its just a dead spot in the leaf. If your getting the ph/ppm combo tester I would suggest have a ppm of at least 1200 ppm and up to 1600ppm depending on the strain. All and all your doing good and try on to worry so much the plants can handle more than you think. Just keep reading and learning and everything will just click one day and you'll think back and laugh at this situation. I still laugh at my first grow I did some stupid shit and everything ended up ok