Calcium acetate when reducing Calcium Nitrate for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I use Jack's 3-2-1 system. My plants are approaching week #2 of flower and they are showing some signs of excessive Nitrogen, so I am reducing their recommendation of "Part B" (which is Calcium Nitrate). But, I don't want to take away too much of the Calcium component.

I have some very pure Calcium acetate that can be used to increase the Calcium without adding any extra Nitrogen. The recommendation is 1 tsp per gallon of water.

In the past, I have used good old Cal-Mag to maintain Calcium during this time, but the Jack's system incorporates Epsom salt, which might be too much Magnesium along with the Cal-Mag.

Would it be better to reduce the Epsom salt recommended by Jack's and then continue to use the Cal-Mag so as to avoid too much Magnesium? Or, should I try the Calcium acetate along with Jack's recommended amount of Epsom salt? Or, is either way fine?

One caveat is that I read that Calcium acetate can "interact" with phosphate....not really sure what that means, but it might just be that it has to be dissolved separately from the Part "A" of the Jack's system....which is 5-12-26....obviously containing phosphate. Can someone confirm that?