Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

Shocking a female plant; underwater it, get the ph way off, extream temps, ect. Will cause it to develope male pollen pods. The result is a plant with both male and female parts. It can pollenate itself and the rest of your crop if you don't get rid of it. I'd keep on the nitrogen and ph the water at 6-6.5 to keep your soil at 7.
ok. thanks
I just might find out the reason. Fuck, I hope I've got it. I just tested my pH with 3 meters. Electronic meter said 7.4, then I have 2 where you need to drop shit to water and it changes colour. One of them said 7 and one 6.2. And water is or should be 6.9. So here we come again. Bloody pH. Need to calibrate my meter and be slow on nutes. what is it? under 6.2 in soil N is getting locked out? so I've been measuring and adjusting solutions to 6.4 with my meter and it is probably showing 0.5-0.4 more than what it really is. if it was 6pH coul it cause my problems?
right, so quick update. On monday I watered with veg N nutes 2.5ml/1l with corect 6.4pH. Yesterday I gave them mix of Trace mix, Epson salt and NPK fert 3ml/1l. bottom leaves are dying rapidly at constant speed. Now the tips of new growth has a yelow colour. Also some leaves are showing light green lining aroun them plus on some of them veins are green as well. What the fuck is it? I allready have enough problems and now it's even more. I know that there is probably one solution for all, but I just can't find it. Shall I carry on with nutes or shall I flush? anyone can help please?


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Did you look through my thread? I posted 2 different links to plant diagnostic charts or sights. Here they are; International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table I still think the leaves that are showing are from earlier damage. I'd stay on the nutes giving every other feeding. Do you have pea gravel in the bottem of the pots? The tops look healthy to me. If you've got time look through my thread it will show you what mine went through and how long it took them to pull through it. What kind of water are you using?
those threads were one of the first thinks I read when my problems ocured, even before you satrted helping me. They very good and very thorough and also easy to apply. BUT. more you read, more you get confused. I almost feel like I've got half of the problems discriped. Like those yelow tips. Nute burn as table says. Than I've got yelow bottom leaves. NPK and Mg def. So it is not easy. From those photos I posted it might look like it's still same, but those yelow leaves on the bottom are leaves which were fine on the photos from monday,or whenever I posted the last ones. Regarding water, I have swaped tap water to mineral drinking water which is 6.9 pH. That was yesterday. I've done so, because I honestly don't know where the hell I can buy destilled water in London. What do you think about those light green edges? Iron def? But then I gave them Trace mix with iron 2 times in last 12 days. I am really hopeless...:cry:
the problem is in photos. The colours are not that good. It's not that I am oveworried. Those plants in real doesn't look helthy at all. Seriosly sick bastards they are..... AAAAArgh!
Did you let the tap water dechlorinate for a few days before you gave it to them? I always let mine set out for 3-5 days so the chlorine evaperated. The ph being off can cause a bunch of different things at once, but once it's fixed things improve quickly. I started to use rain water when i put them in flower and never looked back. If you haven't looked through my thread look, you don't have to read it just look through it. My plants showed several problems at once and I was confused as shit also. But once I repotted and flushed I was fine. The ebsom salts your giving them are you doing that more than once or have you been doing it for a while. Sometimes when you try to adjust for a problem you over compensate and bring on something else. I don't know about the composition of your soil and if it's healthy for plants or not but if your getting consistant problems with all your plants even the vegging one it may be something to look into. Post a thread in some of the other sections or PM FDD or shamegame, someone with a med card that's been doing this for years. Keep us posted...
Right. That tap water, I left it sitting for a day or so, bu now I decided to use Bottled water. With the Epsom salt, I gave it to them twice, in last 12 days. Thats all. Is it enough? My soil is peat moss, spaghnum peat, worm casting,perlite, EC 2.4,pH 6.2-6.6. ammount of added fert to 50l is 2.5l. I'll go through your thread again, see if I can pick something up. And could you please tell me what PM FDD stands for and also what or who shamegame and med card is pls?
In the states there are certian states in which pot is legal medicine. 2 of the people that have these cards and can grow it legally and have been for several years are FDD2BLK and Shamegame. They have extensive knowledge and usually are willing to share it with people who really need it. Here are the links to their threads and PM stands for personal message. I'll send you one, it will show up in the upper right of the top of the screen under where it says welcome mr. homola.
here are some new pics...


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im not sure about pot growing cause this is my first year but i have worked in greenhouses and have a veggy garden and that looks like over fertilization. wash your soil out man ..
wow! what a dilema. I've gave them straight water this morning, but next watering I carry on with nutes. Shall I give them nutes svery time or just every second time? and how often would you supply trace mix with all the other secondary nutes. Once a week? I don't want to offend anyone by not folowing their advice, I appreciate anyones opinion, but FDD has got like fucking thousands of post so because there are two completely diferent ideas and I need to folow one of them, he is my choice, but thans to all of you. Regarding heat, there is an issue. I admit that...
100mm on them one 125 strong one out with filter. thanks for the info btw...

it's just small cupboard that is the problem. but you have to use what you've got..