Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

well, i believe, that my pH should be 6.5 and that is what it is. I just came back from work, checked the plants and it's getting worse every day. bottom leaves are completely yelow on some plants, on some there are brown and grey spots. Leaves higher up seems to be unafected on most of the plants but there is a few small spots on some of them an on the others there are spots of light green aroun vains. I have tried to give them little bit of trace mix with some Mn in it (1/4 of rec. dosage but it is gonna take time to show result.) But I think it should at lest stop spreading which it hasn't. I'll send pictures in a minute.
I am very nervous... And hopeles. I'ts like mile last crop, wher it was very simillar. I thought it was pH but by the time my meter arrived it was too late with them. And now again. And it isn't pH. And it isn't nute lock because I gave them fert only once before this happened and only 1/4 of dose. Please help anyone!
here are the pictures


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and this is the poor bastartd from my first try. It is about 4 weeks older than the small ones, but I still keep it in veg state. But what is realy frustrating is that I can't save the think. I flushed, kept it on ph'd water for 8 days thanstarted giving it low ammounts of ferts and no result. It doesn't grow anymore, even the new sprouts are yelow and it has a purple stems an very thin leaves. jus in case anyone has a idea. But my bigest concern are obviusly the new ones


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If this were my problem, I'd remove the affected foliage and not water until the soil was all but totally dry, THEN soak it and thoroughly drain it. I see you have a drip pan under your plant. Wet feet?
2 weeks shit there big! wish I didnt stunt mine lol they still wouldnt be that big if I didnt. But anyway yea I would chop those leafs and only give them water for there next to waterings also keep ph 6-6.4
well, not really. I do water about 2 times in 3 days but my cuppboard is fairly hot (about 28-30C) so they drink quite a lot. I allways water when first inch of soil is dry. But what I want to ask is, how one plant can afect the other one. especially when the problems are nute related (very likely)?
does anyone know, how often you should supply Epson salt and trace mix to plants, to keep them happy. If epson salt mix should be 1-2ml to 1 l and trace mix 0,25-1ml to 1L. And the same question about main veg fert. 2-4ml on 1l. (bottle says every watering, but that seems to be to harsh)
They could be using the energy from the lower leaves to build their root system if they don't have enough food in the soil. The one you showed in the veg state that's older have you been feeding it with anything? It looks nitrogen starved. Personally I don't worry so much about the lower leaves as they will be removed later or I'll use the lower branches for clones. I don't know anything about the soil your using. I use Fox Farm.
yep, in last couple of days. Thursday, sat and tuday 1/6 than 1/4 and 3/4 of rec ammount. After flush on 1.5. with ph'd watering for 8 days as you advised me.
with those lower leave you are right, but when it goes up unless I stop it, it will look like the older plant. Dont know. I just have to try one thing at time and see. That soil mix is peat moss, spaghnum peat, worm casting, perlite, pre mix ec 2.4, pH6.2-6-6 with ammount of added fert 2.5l on 50l soil. Well that is on bag.
it's still getting worse, on some higher leaves u can see yelow on tips. plus couple more patches of yelow/light green. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for them. could anyone answer me those questions I have asked before, please?

does anyone know, how often you should supply Epson salt and trace mix to plants, to keep them happy. If epson salt mix should be 1-2ml to 1 l and trace mix 0,25-1ml to 1L. And the same question about main veg fert. 2-4ml on 1l. (bottle says every watering, but that seems to be to harsh)
nitrogen deficency get a ppm pen and adjust to 400ppm of a good growing fertilizer like general hydro, or advanced or dutch master, if u plan on using organics its much tougher to correct the problem right away, they take longer to work but work for longer, also remove the yellow leaves and check for any signs of bugs or eggs but im 99 percent sure that its a nitrogen deficiency, if i was you id buy a ppm pen right away transplnt to bigger pot and adjust ph to 6.5ish once ur water is at 400 ppm and feed twice then water feed twice then water and so forth until the plant is a foot then change the ppm to 800. Good luck. And by feed twice i mean water one day with 400ppm water wait till its somewahat dry then water again a day or so later with 400ppm water and let dry and then plain water on the thrid time to flush out salts keep this routine going and ull grow super nice chron.
hmmm, sounds usefull. thanks mate. I'll get that pen. Also wouldyou know how often i should use those trace elements in water and how often I can use Epsom salt? Also you said you are 99 percent sure i am expiriencing deficit on my plants ( we talking about the younger ones right?). But some people reckon'd it can't be because at the age of 17 days, plants get enough nutes from soil. Is there any way, how can i find out how much nutes is actually in there?
they look better on pictures than in real life. I just took couple more photos to discuss progress. They did get worse agai. I know it looks almost same as before, but it is one set of branches higher this time because bottom leaves died completely. On sunday I gave them weak solution of trace mix mix in case the problem was mangan def, in 6.4 pH water. On monday evening I gave them Epson salt to boost magnesium and it looked like yelowing stoped. On wednesday just ph'd water and in 24 hours it has got worse again. Leaves which were just slightly affected are now more les completely yelow with green wains. I don't have any more brown spots mind you. NOW. Does anyone think it is really a N def? They 3 weeks old today. I know I was told that in my soil they won't need nutes for 3-4 weeks, but this is only thing i can think of. But I am worried about burning them obviously....


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uh fuck! so here is the update. No progress or improvement. The leaves are still yelowing quide rapidly. Newer growth is getting light green on the edges. I have cut off bottom 2 sets of leaves. I've been watering with 6.4 pH water and sume nutes since sunday last week. Sun-Trace mix, Mon-Epson salt, Wed- just water Saturday 1.8ml/1l of grow mix (8-2-6) Shall I carry on and ad some more N? anyone knows? please!


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The top part of your plant looks fine. The lower leaves could have been damaged from earlier problems and are slowly dieing. Keep your eyes on the new growth and the fan leaves that are not showing any signs at this time. Stay on the nutes and keep it simple. Use high N fert because it will be growing so quickly. As long as they didn't stress to much you shouldn't have to worry about any hermies. Keep us posted, you might be through the worst of it....
HUH! the shit happened again. same as in my first grow (which is still in veg ) there are clear signs of male balls on one of the plants. (last time it turned ot to be hermie) even in 24/7 lights. how come? Also I was suprised to read what you wrote. something about not worying about hermies if they didn't get stressed too much. What is that supposed to mean? Could you share your knowledge please? also, the new growth is not 100 percent. almost all leaves have a thin light green lining around them. (edges) any ideas? Thank's buddy...