please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Nor-thern lights num-ber 5!!
4 way organic,
Tri king kush,
2 bagseeds
And a skunk#1 crossed with blue-ber-ry!!!
Was too high to do 10 thru 6
Oh theres no weed like home grown for the holidays.
For no matter how far out you blaze
When you pine for a bong rip of some purple haze
For the holidays you cant beat home grown weed
The side effect list at the end is priceless.
Anyone ever take acid on a train before? I am considering taking a day trip on a train and taking LSD. Seems like a good idea except for the being cramped in a seat ...
Train trips sound spun!!
I spun out a kid on a greyhound when I was young for a meal at mc.d's..I had spent all my $ on L and didn't calculate living costs for 4 days..dude was freakin on the bus at like 2 a.m...ik hadda calm him down..weird times..I hate mc donalds btw..but for 2 bucks I got!
Generally I like it except on the really awful day when I didn't have my wallet and the store wouldn't sell to me I was fucking pissed.

LoL, Im 30 and I always got carded too. I switched to a vape a few months ago, so no more getting carded for cigs. I went out to dinner with my parents last week at a restaurant I've been to probably 30 times and got carded for a glass of wine. Then I had to argue b/c I had a beard in my license pic, and right now I dont.
I still get carded for pg 13 movies. Ok not really.

Sometimes the person carding me will ask me my b-day. I'm guessing that's because they think it's a fake ID lol
LoL, Im 30 and I always got carded too. I switched to a vape a few months ago, so no more getting carded for cigs. I went out to dinner with my parents last week at a restaurant I've been to probably 30 times and got carded for a glass of wine. Then I had to argue b/c I had a beard in my license pic, and right now I dont.

that kind of stuff is ridiculous. i have people give me shit sometimes over glasses/no glasses in my id pic - seriously you cant tell its me just with or without the glasses? for only cigarettes? some people.
Fuck dude. I go to this "Neighborhood Walmart" down the street from my house like 2 times a day. (cuz I always forget shit). THis lady stands out there with the Christmas bell and the money bucket. She rings the bell at your face then accusingly says "Merry Christmas!" as you walk by. Like a sneering 'Merry Christmas Fuck Face, put some money in!"
LOL ...

Ya, day train trip seem like a great idea! What if it is crowded though? I may end up having to sit next to oh well that will be interesting
I laughed my ass off on shrooms at a friend..he was accosted by a bum while trippin on the orange line in manhattan..we were on the way to nj to see tool..the bum was drinking country club malt liquor out of a can with a shit!..weird times!