I just use alcohol wipes. If I need the little bits stuck to my hand something went very wrong in the course of the grow!
lol dumb thats pure hash bro...if you dont save finger hash something is wrong in the course of your brainI just use alcohol wipes. If I need the little bits stuck to my hand something went very wrong in the course of the grow!
Im sorry, any pot head will tellyou finger hash is the most potent, pure hash you get your hands on. There are documentaries dedecated to it...lol never though I would have to defend finger hash....you must not like to get dirty or something...i dunno.. skin cells? hehe eeeeeehwwww gross ..its my skin
Different strokes for different folks. I love dry ice kief, I know others who hate it and won't smoke it.
Whoever started the myth that formaldehyde is pcp can fuck off.
I am always browsing google news specifically for psychedelic news (busts, research etc.) today I found a lil gem that makes me happy and I have been noticing this a lil bit in rap music (some folks I know really dig rap music, myself only certain artists...I can't handle it all the time) is rapping about DMT this is the second rapper I have heard mention DMT and I am stoked about it
anyways I hope the good folks in the dmster community keep opening eyes and turning people on
I figure through curiosity of the hiphop culture we will see the rise of lsd again..molly was 10 years ago..I seen hiphop kids being interested..then a ghetto intercity guy asked me for shrooms..the youth has realized coke is an expensive cup of coffee..and want more rewarding drugs..dmt,shrooms,lsd,..I even heard ketamine in raps..its on the rise..psychedelics ain't for grandpa anymore..lol