please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Again,not LSD,your friend had a pre existing condition..
Sorry bout him...
All these years I've messed with large quantities and frequently,I've only known of one "casualty"..he robbed some family I was touring with...guy was not seen on lot for about 6 months or more..seen him and pretended I didn't know what was up..asked where he's been..he said he hit some DMT and never came back,went to a psych ward,and was now on papers..
What I know is,he was spun.purposely overdosed for fucking w FAM....
But,you come outta that soon enough...other hidden mental issues never fix themselves...
Again,not LSD,your friend had a pre existing condition..
Sorry bout him...
All these years I've messed with large quantities and frequently,I've only known of one "casualty"..he robbed some family I was touring with...guy was not seen on lot for about 6 months or more..seen him and pretended I didn't know what was up..asked where he's been..he said he hit some DMT and never came back,went to a psych ward,and was now on papers..
What I know is,he was spun.purposely overdosed for fucking w FAM....
But,you come outta that soon enough...other hidden mental issues never fix themselves...
Agreed, hence 'he knew and we knew he shouldnt'. Nothing but love for hallucinogens be it shrooms,LSD,DMT or being firmly wedged in the 'K' hole.
My k-holes get so deep,the grand canyon becomes a thimble...;-)
Mmmmm been there, when time becomes a loop. Soooo deep and without the ability to climb out (or move at all).
A mate brought a half litre of K from Goa which I cooked up. I introduced many friends to it.
I broke my toe trying to walk up stairs on K and cider once, classic!
My friend had a problem with it,so I don't bring it around too much..hell not quit asking even if you mention it!!
He Bought 4oz of chloride for his personal once. he's my best friend,and wouldn't sell me a gram,only gave me a few lines as a matter of fact...bad times for him. .
My damn fault for showing him licks in 96'
I made my girl a heart out of bho, which was actually tough cuz this stuff doesn't bend just snaps. I got laid about 2 dabs later and didn't have to fuck with some flower shop
Definitely shared some love with some folk there were flames, fractals herbs n love a lot of group connectdness got to that point, just that point it was one of my better group experiences I've had everyone was on the same wavelength nobody slipped it all channeled the same
I sat at home,pissed off,cleaned up,rewired my entertainment center,dabbed about a half a gram and went to sleep.
I'll celebrate in July.
Definitely shared some love with some folk there were flames, fractals herbs n love a lot of group connectdness got to that point, just that point it was one of my better group experiences I've had everyone was on the same wavelength nobody slipped it all channeled the same
All my 'FRIENDS' need this...instead they make plans to do so,then excuses when you call,or not pick up at all...faking the funk.
I've ran into the same thing rory ya get everuthing lines up and folk get scared or something....they get all excited and magically when the day comes there busy or cant make sweat off my back save more of these jewels for folk who really need it
I've ran into the same thing rory ya get everuthing lines up and folk get scared or something....they get all excited and magically when the day comes there busy or cant make sweat off my back save more of these jewels for folk who really need it
Nah,at the risk of sounding like a bitch,my tripping buddy stands me up every time! We make plans,time comes,and its the same excuse every time..he gets attacked by his volcano..lazy hippies.too stoned to get fucked up ..
Damn shame I got enough gear to spin out my city too...I'd be spun now,but a storm kept the kids home..
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A new wrap of banded obsidian and the creek me and my friends did our wrappin yesterday lots of good wine and herb

And rory Ya can always send the extras my way I always make sure the city I'm in is seeing fractals and needing to wear sun glasses during the day :)
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A new wrap of banded obsidian and the creek me and my friends did our wrappin yesterday lots of good wine and herb

And rory Ya can always send the extras my way I always make sure the city I'm in is seeing fractals and needing to wear sun glasses during the day :)
I got a few wraps,tourmaline,king turquoise,Egyptian opal and some jasper...IMG_20150217_223154.jpgSomeone pinky printed my yard...molly...EVERYWHERE.:-)