please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Nope. Ehrlich only tells you there's an indole derivative which is all of the tryptamines.

Thanks. That's what I found, but was hoping for some way. I have heard that there is a large amount of al-lad on the market being sold as L. Not a big deal I guess... but still. Tell the damn truth is all I want!
I would not complain if I got some Al-LAD as Lucy. I can see people misrepresenting it because few have heard of the non-LSD ergoloids but I can also see those who know actually paying a premium due to the novelty.
It's all over the internet right now yall. I haven't ordered any, but simple google can bring up a lot of places. I have heard that Some people in Asia are mass producing it, along with others similar like LSZ, and LSH I think it is. I've seen ones that I've never seen before as well, like "Lysergic acid 2-butyl amide" and "Lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide" <- on the first google result along with al-lad
I googled al lad and found a bunch of sketchy fake research chem sites. Is there a reliable site that won't steal?
Ya most of those sites are so bad... Send us cash to this address and we promise to send you rare and quality drugs. I bet those guys make a living doing that shit.